
"To anyone wondering about the "Sigil" loot"

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Post Posted: 16-04-2016, 07:41:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

This info is for those who choose to remain ignorant and uninformed about the Sigil's dropping from Mgv, HoF, Toes Raid Bosses;

As you all most likely saw...
the "soon to be released content" are *Raid Finder (LFR) & Personal Loot & Bonus Roll*

The Personal Loot system states that:

Personal loot is the default for world bosses, Raid Finder and Warlords of Draenor Dungeon Finder groups. It is also available to raid leaders as an option for non-Raid Finder raids. Under personal loot, players do not directly roll on items; instead, the server chooses a number of players (based on group size) and awards them a random item for their spec. Mounts can also be won via this method from bosses that drop them. A window will appear telling all players what items dropped, and who received them. Gear awarded in this manner is not tradeable.

The Bonus Roll system, also introduced in Mists of Pandaria, uses this loot type as well. Players in possession of a specific token, such as a [Mogu Rune of Fate], when they kill a boss in the associated raid will be given a chance to spend the token for another try at loot from that boss. This can be done on any difficulty as well as on world bosses. The chance of obtaining loot from a boss drop is currently theorized to be approximately 15% (equivalent to an average of 3.75 items from a 25-player kill), but this has not been confirmed.

Finally, all legendary quest item drops, ( [Sigil of Power], [Sigil of Wisdom], [Secrets of the Empire], [Titan Runestone]) are treated as personal loot as well, with the added caveat that players are only eligible to loot a quest item the first time they beat a boss encounter each week. Thus, if the player defeats an encounter in Raid Finder mode, the game will not roll for any subsequent victories, either in repeat Raid Finder kills or in Normal/Heroic modes.


-You're welcome -



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