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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 05-08-2016, 19:52:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Nume IRL: Florin
2. Vârstă: 16
3. Cât timp ai la dispoziție pentru WOW (pe zi, pe săptămână, aproximativ.) ? aproape zilnic seara
4. Clasa: Druid
5. Main Spec/OFF spec: Guardian/Feral
6. Screenshot cu Interfața:
7. De ce ai ales specul pe care joci acum? Deoarece mi se pare un spec ce exceleaza in PvE in acest moment datorita sustain-ului imens
8. Spune-ne cum crezi că trebuie să îți joci spec-ul(talente, rotație, importanța gear, gemming, importanța unor stats în fața altora, etc): Hit cap>expertise cap>critical strike>haste rating>mastery rating. talentele considerate puternice de mine impreuna cu o rotatie simpla si adecvata.
9. Povestește-ne despre experiența ta în raiduri de când ai început să joci WOW și până acum(Vanilla, TBC, WOTLK, Cataclysm, MoP și eventual WoD): am inceput a juca in wotlk, cand faceam Lord Marrowgar o data pe saptamana, ninjam tot si dadeam leave.(nu aveam nici cea mai mica cunostinta despre wow si tankam pe warrior cu agility.). in catcalysm am evoluat vizibil, participand la raiduri heroice precum Bastion of twilight, blackwing descent si dragon soul pe un rogue combat la alianta.
10. Foste Guilde(prin ce guilde ai mai fost, cum au fost ele, de ce ai decis să le părăsești, etc.): Invincible, din cauza lipsei de seriozitate si organizare
11. Detalii PC: Processor AMD A10-7850K APU with Radeon(TM) R7 Graphics
Video Card AMD Radeon R7 200 Series
RAM 8.0 GB
Operating System Microsoft Windows 8.1 Professional Edition (build 9600), 64-bit
12. De ce dorești să te alături guildei noastre? Din cauza experientelor placute din 4.3.4 la raiduri
13. Spune-ne câte ceva despre tine, ca și persoană(dacă ești student, lucrezi, cum îți petreci timpul liber, hobby-uri, etc.): Sunt un elev de liceu, si hobby-urile mele principale sunt jocurile video si fitness-ul
14. Alte mențiuni(pe care le consideri importante): Nu.

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Post Posted: 08-08-2016, 14:15:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

JegosuZew wrote:
1. Nume IRL: Florin

Respins - nu ma rog de nimeni

Electric Warlock Acid Witch
Legion Guide - Destruction Warlock in PVE
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-08-2016, 20:59:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Nume IRL: Victor
2. Vârstã: 16
3. Cât timp ai la dispoziție pentru WOW (pe zi, pe sãptãmânã, aproximativ.) ? 5-6 zile pe saptamana
4. Clasa: Rogue
5. Main Spec/OFF spec: Combat
6. Screenshot cu Interfața:
7. De ce ai ales specul pe care joci acum? Joc acest spec de cand m-am apucat pe freakz, mi-a placut asa ca am continuat.
8. Spune-ne cum crezi cã trebuie sã îți joci spec-ul(talente, rotație, importanța gear, gemming, importanța unor stats în fața altora, etc): Exp-Hit cap > haste > mastery > crit, talentele care le am acum le consider bune.
9. Povestește-ne despre experiența ta în raiduri de când ai început sã joci WOW și pânã acum(Vanilla, TBC, WOTLK, Cataclysm, MoP și eventual WoD): pe freakz joc din 2011 insa raiding am inceput din cataclysm
10. Foste Guilde(prin ce guilde ai mai fost, cum au fost ele, de ce ai decis sã le pãrãsești, etc.): ubiquity,Crusaders le-am parasit din cauza inactivitatii guild masterilor
11. Detalii PC: 80fps constant 25n raids
12. De ce dorești sã te alãturi guildei noastre? Consider guilda una buna cu player activi si interes in raiding.
13. Spune-ne câte ceva despre tine, ca și persoanã(dacã ești student, lucrezi, cum îți petreci timpul liber, hobby-uri, etc.): sunt elev la liceu, nu lucrez, hobby PC
14. Alte mențiuni(pe care le consideri importante): -
15. Screenshot Recount 35 Mil. DMG Done(doar DPS) - PvE training dummy din Durotar, self-buffed only.

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Post Posted: 09-08-2016, 21:48:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ekyso wrote:
1. Nume IRL: Victor

Respins - nu recrutam rogues

Electric Warlock Acid Witch
Legion Guide - Destruction Warlock in PVE
Legion Guide - Restoration Shaman in PVE

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Post Posted: 12-08-2016, 10:52:16 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

norbert.pls wrote:

Electric Warlock Acid Witch
Legion Guide - Destruction Warlock in PVE
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 15-08-2016, 22:50:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Name IRL: Jake
3. How much time do you have for WOW (per day / week; approximately) ? Weektime Monday-Friday
2. Age: 23
4. Class: Monk
5. Main Spec/OFF spec: MS:WW OS:MW(gearing)
6. Screenshot of your Interface:
7. Why did you choose to play the class you are playing now? I found it funny to play
8. According to you, how do you think you have to play your spec(talents, rotation, type of gear, gemming, the importance of a stat, compared to another, etc): Talent tree: Tiger's lust-chi wave-chi brew-leg sweep-dampem harm-xuen. Jab to build chi ,blackout kick to spend chi. tiger palm uptain all the time because of the buff and rising sunkick because of the buff on target. energizing brew when you burst and as soon as come back off CD you use it again because it gives you energy regeneration, chi wave for dps burst and expel harm if you are below 30% of HP. Chi brew to gives chi and tigereye brew. Tigereye brew after 10 stack or more because it gives you damage and after that xuen for better burst at the start or in the middle of the dps. type of gear agility. gemming: Red:Agility, Yellow:haste,crit Blue: Agi+crit Meta:Agility+crit. Stat: Hit/expertise>Agility>Crit>haste>mastery
9. Tell us about your raiding experience so far(Vanilla, TBC, WOTLK, Cataclysm, MoP and eventually WoD): Wotlk since 2011 and Cataclysm for 2 years, MoP: since 2014
10. Previous guilds(what other guilds have you been a member of, what were they like, why did you decide to leave? etc.): /
11. PC Details: Intelcore i5 4460 haswell
Nvidia geforce 960
8GB ram
12. Why do you wish to join our guild? Because i want the progress in PVE and because as i was speaking with your members they were nice.
13. Describe yourself in a few words(if you're a student, are you working, how do you sspend your free time, hobbies, etc.): Student,Sport. And i like to spend my time with girlfriend.
14. Other details you think would be of major importance:
15. Screenshot Recount 35 Mil. DMG Done(DPS only) - PvE training dummy from Durotar, self-buffed only.

Update @ 15-08-2016, 23:50:11

i missclicked on
5. Screenshot Recount 35 Mil. DMG Done(DPS only) - PvE training dummy from Durotar, self-buffed only.

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Post Posted: 15-08-2016, 23:00:52 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

yoker1 wrote:
1. Name IRL: Jake


Electric Warlock Acid Witch
Legion Guide - Destruction Warlock in PVE
Legion Guide - Restoration Shaman in PVE

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[Bench Enthusiast]

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Post Posted: 23-08-2016, 18:21:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Nume IRL: Stefan
2. Vârstã: 18
3. Cât timp ai la dispoziție pentru WOW (pe zi, pe sãptãmânã, aproximativ.) ?
Momentan sunt in vacanta pana in Octombrie deci pot fi activ aproape zilnic. Din toamna incep studiile la facultate deci probabil voi fi activ de 3-4 ori pe saptamana.
4. Clasa: Shaman
5. Main Spec/OFF spec: Main elemental/Off restoration
6. Screenshot cu Interfața:
7. De ce ai ales specul pe care joci acum?
Joc pe shaman inca din cataclysm. In patchul anterior jucam restoration dar pentru MOP am vrut sa aleg un dps asa ca acum joc elemental.
8. Spune-ne cum crezi cã trebuie sã îți joci spec-ul(talente, rotație, importanța gear, gemming, importanța unor stats în fața altora, etc):
15- Nature's Guardian
30- Earthgrab/Windwalk Totem
45- Folosesc toate 3 talentele in functie de encounter dar prefer Totemic Persistence pentru ca ma ajuta cu partea de healing (elemental e un fel de clasa hibrid)
60- Echo of the Elements
75- Ancestral Guidance (din nou intervine partea de hibrid a clasei... dps=heal)
90-Elemental Blast

Hit/Spirit>mastery>haste>crit (int main stat)
prefer one hand+ off-hand dar momentan am un 2 hand mace si e destul de ok
gems: -red: int+mast
-blue: spirit+mast
-yellow: mast
-meta: mast+minor speed increase

burst: bl>stormlash>flameshock>fire elemental> elemental blast> lava burst > ascendance> lavaburst ( pana dispare ascendance)

rotatie: flameshock si searing totem up tot timpul, elemental blast si lava burst cand nu sunt pe cd, lightning bolt filler spell si earthshock cand nu trebuie reinprospatat flameshock si am 5-7 stackuri de fulmination

situational: wind shear/hex pt intrerupt , spirit walker's grace si macro cu stopcasting si ghost wolf la nevoie si healing stream totem + healing tide totem + ancestral guidance - cd-uri de heal

aoe: spam chain lighting (+ ascendance daca e nevoie) si earthquake+magma totem daca sunt peste 7 mobi
9. Povestește-ne despre experiența ta în raiduri de când ai început sã joci WOW și pânã acum(Vanilla, TBC, WOTLK, Cataclysm, MoP și eventual WoD):
Am inceput sa joc wow in WOTLK dar am prins doar ultimele 2 luni de expansion pe freakz.
Am continuat pe Cataclysm dar am jucat in mare parte pvp.
In MoP am jucat doar pve si am facut progres in hof,toes si tot (cand au bagat Iron Quon m-am oprit pentru ca aveam de invatat pentru BAC si admiterea la facultate).
10. Foste Guilde(prin ce guilde ai mai fost, cum au fost ele, de ce ai decis sã le pãrãsești, etc.):
In MoP am fost doar in guilda Evolution , alaturi de care am participat la raiduri de progres normal/hc. Am fost dat afara din guild pentru ca nu am mai fost activ(aveam bac-ul).
11. Detalii PC:
Laptop Lenovo G 50-70
intel core i3-4030U 1.90 GHz

12. De ce dorești sã te alãturi guildei noastre?
Caut un guild dedicat raiding alaturi de care sa particip la raiduri de progres in SoO.
13. Spune-ne câte ceva despre tine, ca și persoanã(dacã ești student, lucrezi, cum îți petreci timpul liber, hobby-uri, etc.):
Tocmai am terminat liceul si din toamna incep studiile la facultatea de informatica din Iasi. Hobby- camping/hiking.
14. Alte mențiuni(pe care le consideri importante):
15. Screenshot Recount 35 Mil. DMG Done(doar DPS) - PvE training dummy din Durotar, self-buffed only.

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Post Posted: 23-08-2016, 18:29:52 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

neuronul wrote:
1. Nume IRL: Stefan


Electric Warlock Acid Witch
Legion Guide - Destruction Warlock in PVE
Legion Guide - Restoration Shaman in PVE

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 14-01-2017, 23:41:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Name IRL: Tony
2. Age: 16
3. How much time do you have for WOW (per day / week; approximately) ? From Monday to Thursday around 4 hours, Friday and Saturday all day if I don't do anything else, Sunday around 3 hours.
4. Class: Death Knight
5. Main Spec/OFF spec: Frost/Blood
6. Screenshot of your Interface:
7. Why did you choose to play the class you are playing now? It is my favourite class lorewise and gameplay. I think it is strong in this expansion and fun to play
8. According to you, how do you think you have to play your spec(talents, rotation, type of gear, gemming, the importance of a stat, compared to another, etc): My talents provide me quite some CC and survivability with spells like Death Syphon and Purgatory. For rotation - At pull I start with ranged spells like Outcast and Howling Blast until I reach the NPC. For single target I use Plague Strike, Howling Blast, Obliterate, Frost Strike(in this order so I get the diseases on). At end phase I add in Soul Reaper when the target is under 35%. At trash battles for AoE I spam Howling Blast since it does the most AoE dmg but when on CD I use Death and Decay and Blood Boil. For bursting I use Empower Rune Weapon CD and spam Obliterate and Frost Strike, also use all my potions and buffs like Potion of Mogu Power, Pillor of Frost, Horn of Winter. Also I forgot about another spell. That is Unholy Blight also use it in AoE to spread diseases to all the NPCs. Gear I think is pretty obvious - plate with strenght and DPS stats. For gems I use Reverberating Primal Diamond for meta, Piercing Wild Jade for blue slots, Inscribed Vermilion Onyx for red slots and Smooth Sun's Radiance for yellow slots. The stat priority is Strength>Hit and Expertise until 7.5% which I am above so I reforge them into>Haste>Crit>Mastery.
9. Tell us about your raiding experience so far(Vanilla, TBC, WOTLK, Cataclysm, MoP and eventually WoD): I have played Cata and MoP in freakz. On Cata I was a pvp player. In MoP I have cleared ToeS, MSV, HoF on normal. ToT normal up to primordius(including). SoO LFR up to Nazgrim, Normal and Flex only Immersius.
10. Previous guilds(what other guilds have you been a member of, what were they like, why did you decide to leave? etc.): I have been in Midwinter got kicked for inactivity. Then I have been in The IX Legion(both guilds on alliance) but left because of not enough pve. Then I joined The Cold Knights but 2 weeks later the leaders joined Midwinter and yeah the guild died. Then I joined Nightmare on Elfstreet and did 2 raids with them then I switched to Horde. Since then I haven't yet been in a good and active PvE guild but in a lot of random guilds 25 level so I have mass ress spell.
11. PC Details: AMD FX-4350 Quad-Core Processor 4.20 GHz, 8 GB RAM, amd radeon r7 200
12. Why do you wish to join our guild? I am looking for a PvE guild that raids every day and the people are active. I've heard from many people that yours provides that.
13. Describe yourself in a few words(if you're a student, are you working, how do you sspend your free time, hobbies, etc.): I am in 10th grade, other than gaming I do graffiti and I am dedicated to it so in my free time I sketch or I play WoW.
14. Other details you think would be of major importance:
15. Screenshot Recount 35 Mil. DMG Done(DPS only) - PvE training dummy from Durotar, self-buffed only.

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Post Posted: 15-01-2017, 04:19:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Xtwy wrote:
1. Name IRL: Tony

rejected - as much as I appreciate taking your time to complete the application form, I'm afraid we will not be able to provide you with a raiding spot due to the following reasons:

1. We currently have 2 active DK's in the guild
2. Your role (melle dps) is on the bottom of our recruitment criteria
3. Our demands PvE-wise are significantly higher than your current experience and dps output show

Thanks again and good luck finding a guild.

Electric Warlock Acid Witch
Legion Guide - Destruction Warlock in PVE
Legion Guide - Restoration Shaman in PVE

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 20-03-2017, 17:45:12 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Nume IRL: Gabriel
2. Vârstă: 23
3. Cât timp ai la dispoziție pentru WOW (pe zi, pe săptămână, aproximativ.) De luni pana vineri dupa ora 17:30 (uneori chiar si de la servici). in weekend oricand
4. Clasa: Shaman
5. Main Spec/OFF spec: Elemental -> Resto (mentiune- vreu sa trec enha pe viitor)
6. Screenshot cu Interfața: vezi la punctul 15
7. De ce ai ales specul pe care joci acum? For fun (joc wow de pe vanila 1.12.1 si joc orice clasa ^^)
8. Spune-ne cum crezi că trebuie să îți joci spec-ul(talente, rotație, importanța gear, gemming, importanța unor stats în fața altora, etc): Elemental shamy = UTILITY. Ca si elemental avand in vedere ca n`ai mare chestie de facut imi place sa fiu folositor si pe partea de heal, in situatii mai critice (Ancestral Guidance, Healing Stream, Healing Tide si cateodata chiar si Healing Rain pot face diferenta). Momentan cel mai bine merge full mastery -> haste.

9. Povestește-ne despre experiența ta în raiduri de când ai început să joci WOW și până acum(Vanilla, TBC, WOTLK, Cataclysm, MoP și eventual WoD): Scriptul trebuie respectat! "restul e can-can".
10. Foste Guilde(prin ce guilde ai mai fost, cum au fost ele, de ce ai decis să le părăsești, etc.): cele mai recente -> Unstoppable(am plecat pe oficial) -> The Warforged (am luat o pauza de wow)
11. Detalii PC: Procesor i5-6402P, 2,8GHz, 16g RAM, Amd Radeon Vapor-X 4GB 256bit.
12. De ce dorești să te alături guildei noastre? Pentru ca e activa, e veche si as vrea sa fac parte din acest grup.
13. Spune-ne câte ceva despre tine, ca și persoană(dacă ești student, lucrezi, cum îți petreci timpul liber, hobby-uri, etc.): Locuiesc in Sighisoara, jud. Mures, am terminat liceul sportiv, lucrez de 3 ani ca proiectant / desenator la o firma particulara de arhitectura, sunt pasionat de videogames de cand ma stiu, imi plac sporturile extreme (ieri m`am intors din Alpi din Franta - snowboarding), o rup si pe "teava" deocamdata doar prin Romania (bike downhil & enduro).
14. Alte mențiuni(pe care le consideri importante): In toate guildele unde am jucat serios am ajuns "sus" dar sunt satul de coordonat si prefer doar SA JOC WOW cu playeri care JOACA!
15. Screenshot Recount 35 Mil. DMG Done(doar DPS) - PvE training dummy din Durotar, self-buffed.

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Post Posted: 21-03-2017, 11:40:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Abracadavrer wrote:
1. Nume IRL: Gabriel

Acceptat - da-mi un whisper ingame

Electric Warlock Acid Witch
Legion Guide - Destruction Warlock in PVE
Legion Guide - Restoration Shaman in PVE

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 06-04-2017, 20:37:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Nume IRL: Andrei
2. Vârstã: 23
3. Cât timp ai la dispoziție pentru WOW (pe zi, pe sãptãmânã, aproximativ.): Indeajuns pentru raiduri
4. Clasa: Warlock
5. Main Spec/OFF spec: Afli/Destro
6. Screenshot cu Interfața:
7. De ce ai ales specul pe care joci acum?
Affliction is high skill high reward.
8. Spune-ne cum crezi cã trebuie sã îți joci spec-ul(talente, rotație, importanța gear, gemming, importanța unor stats în fața altora, etc):
Hit 5100, Spell Power si Haste is the new sexy( sau cel putin pe freakz). Am incercat full mastery full haste diferenta de dps dupa cateva teste e minora la ilvl meu (550), tind sa cred ca se va observa odata ce ma apropii de top gear.
9. Povestește-ne despre experiența ta în raiduri de când ai început sã joci WOW și pânã acum(Vanilla, TBC, WOTLK, Cataclysm, MoP și eventual WoD):
Am jucat WOTLK pe freakz 1 AN+ am facut tot ce se putea face si mai mult(ICC25h full, Ruby Sanctum, Naxrxamas etc.).
10. Foste Guilde(prin ce guilde ai mai fost, cum au fost ele, de ce ai decis sã le pãrãsești, etc.):
Cum ziceam pe durata WOTLK am fost in Deathwish am facut primul LK 25h cu guilda, baietii mai vechi posibil sa isi aminteasca de mine, jucam Warlock Gnome numit Pam.
Pe MOP AM Facut Soo normal full fara Thok.
11. Detalii PC: Acer Aspire 7750G I5 2gb Radeon. am fps decent la raidurile de 25.
12. De ce dorești sã te alãturi guildei noastre?
Pentru ca am mai fost in ea si stiu ca e o guilda serioasa cu care inca mai am amintiri.
13. Spune-ne câte ceva despre tine, ca și persoanã(dacã ești student, lucrezi, cum îți petreci timpul liber, hobby-uri, etc.):
Lucrez iar in timpul liber se imparte intre gatit, laptop si arte martiale.
14. Alte mențiuni(pe care le consideri importante):
15. Screenshot Recount 35 Mil. DMG Done(doar DPS) - PvE training dummy din Durotar, self-buffed.

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Post Posted: 01-05-2017, 22:29:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Recruitment is now closed.

Electric Warlock Acid Witch
Legion Guide - Destruction Warlock in PVE
Legion Guide - Restoration Shaman in PVE

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