
[Mage][All Specs] - Invocation Talent + alter time pvp set bonus

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Author Message1858

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Post Posted: 16-08-2016, 23:02:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hi! I know that I shouldn't post two bugs in the same topic but they happen all the time together so the problem is related to both of them.

WoW Freakz spell link: -Invocation:
-Alter Time:
-4 set pvp bonus:

Bug description: From the begining of the patch, I couldn't figure out what is causing this bug. Sometimes I thought it's gone, but it happens randomly in arenas and it's very annoying especially on a mage/rogue comp. It's preety hard to catch it on a screenshot, but somehow I did on an arena today. In the picture below you can see that i just finished to cast a full evocation ( the buff is on), I have the invocation talent but I get a 2 min cooldown on the evocation. Also, you can see that Alter Time has still 1 minute left until is up and more than a half of it's duration is already gone, which means that the cooldown on the Alter is actually 3 minutes, instead of 90 seconds (with the pvp set bonus up).


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