
[REJECTED] Not getting valor points after scenarios

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Post Posted: 22-10-2016, 07:30:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz link:
Bug description: After finishing the daily scenario, I queue for specific scenarios. The specific scenarios are supposed to give 25 valor points as a reward. I have gotten these 25 points before. I used to get them successfully yesterday. This morning I didn't get them anymore.

I even asked other players and they did get their 25 valor points from the scenario.
Tried in 2 lvl 90 characters and none got the reward. Other daily rewards do work.

According to wow gamepedia, I would be getting the points. Just like I did before.

First daily normal mode scenario: 50 Valor Points
Additional daily normal scenarios: 25 Valor Points"


Here I queue for the daily, I do get 50 valor points correctly

Here I queue for specific scenario. I have 1460 valor points.

Here is proof that I finished the specific scenario and didn't get points. Still have 1460.

Here is another player confirming that he indeed got the 25 valor points (just like I used to get until today).

I made a ticket and the GM said I shouldn't be getting any points at all.
So why was I getting all those points before? Why is that player also getting 25 valor points for completing the scenario?

Here is another player in this very forum recommending to farm scenarios to get valor points.
"you can make valor points cap with scenarios, they're easy and shorter than dungeons, but from dungeons you get 40 valor and from scenarios 25 valor"

So that player is suggesting something that also was on retail as shown by gamepedia and was working correctly on my account until yesterday and now isn't.

The GM says I shouldn't be getting points but everything points to the opposite with other players ALSO getting 25 valor points per completed specific scenario.

What's going on? Is there a satisfactory explanation for this? Why was it working before and now isn't? if it's a bug, why is everyone freely using it?

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