
[REZOLVAT] Complaint - administrator Fast

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 24-10-2016, 01:10:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I was with nickname "only bots use periapt of health" and this administrator change my nickname - twice!
First - "only" , second time - "good"...
I played many times with this nickname in the past few years and i've never had problems!
I even played with nicknames like - Can you play without periapt?! ; Periapt is 15 HP - not 100 ; With BM and ELF is too easy! ; Blood mage + periapt = noob! and more and more...
I won a contest "Concurs Top 15" with those nicknames!

This is the only one that can distort that offends someone - Blood mage + periapt = noob!
Not only did not play longer with him, it but i think it is not appropriate to be considered offensive!
There are millions of players with nicknames like - Noobs killer ; You are all LamZ (very good and famous player!) ; Amazing BOT and more and more and more...
This is quite normal things of the game/games!
In any case words like Noob ; BOT ; LamZ - they can not be regarded as offensive or swearing - this is absolutely ridiculous!

Administrator Fast has always shown special and differential (in the bad sense) treatment towards me!
Dozens of times i have seen him change the team-balance as he wants!
Once even permanently moved my teammate - to play against me - in this case I played AGAINST THREE, almost all the map time...
In that time i was still administrator and asked him what he was doing - he just laughed in spectator position!

Absolutely categorically declare (after a lot of conversations with him) that this is a very confused and complexed kid with many problems - and categorically declare that I will bear the consequences of these words, but this is the truth!!!

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 24-10-2016, 01:30:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

tot timpul intra pe server si jigneste pe toata lumea pentru el toti sunt noobi ca joaca ba cu blood ba cu periapt ba cu mask si eu ma stiu cu ce + ca joaca cu 100 de nick-uri are sancta pe eu stiu ce loc din top15 a jucat cu murphy a jucat cu blood+periapt=noob si asa mai departe si sa fiu sincer m-am simtit jignit si i-am schimbat numele sa isi puna ceva mai decent nu ceva care jigneste playerii, inteleg ca nu are altceva de facut pe acasa si sta toata ziua 25/24 pe cs si joaca ba aici ba pe alte servere cum a mai spus dar sa joace cu eu stiu cate nick-uri si sa ii spuna fiecarui player in parte ca e noob ca joaca cu aia si ca joaca cu aia nu inteleg care e problema lui cu ce joaca altii oricum voi luati o decizie.multumesc

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 24-10-2016, 08:51:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Adevarul este ca regulamentul spune clar fara nick ofensatoare,si acesta este..practic face pe toti ce-i care joaca cu periapt "booti" si nu e ok,personal m-ai facut pe mine boot ca nu stiu sa joc doar cu blod si periapt da te-am lasat in pace asta a fost decizia mea,dar daca fast a decis si a crut sa-ti schimbe sa-ti para bine ca doar atat ,pentru asta se da si ban ceva minute...daca ti-i l-a schimbat il lasi schimbat si gata sau iti pui altceva fara sa aibe cuvinte ofensatoare nu e caz de reclamatie,cum au mai facut si altii.

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Post Posted: 24-10-2016, 09:40:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Sa mai spun si eu ca domnul murphy de cand a luat down mereu comenteazã aiurea si in ce nu il priveste. Eu l- am lãsat ca pe el dar nu e frumos .
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Post Posted: 24-10-2016, 12:54:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

zssszsssz wrote:
I was with nickname "only bots use periapt of health" and this administrator change my nickname - twice!
First - "only" , second time - "good"...
I played many times with this nickname in the past few years and i've never had problems!
I even played with nicknames like - Can you play without periapt?! ; Periapt is 15 HP - not 100 ; With BM and ELF is too easy! ; Blood mage + periapt = noob! and more and more...
I won a contest "Concurs Top 15" with those nicknames!

This is the only one that can distort that offends someone - Blood mage + periapt = noob!
Not only did not play longer with him, it but i think it is not appropriate to be considered offensive!
There are millions of players with nicknames like - Noobs killer ; You are all LamZ (very good and famous player!) ; Amazing BOT and more and more and more...
This is quite normal things of the game/games!
In any case words like Noob ; BOT ; LamZ - they can not be regarded as offensive or swearing - this is absolutely ridiculous!

Administrator Fast has always shown special and differential (in the bad sense) treatment towards me!
Dozens of times i have seen him change the team-balance as he wants!
Once even permanently moved my teammate - to play against me - in this case I played AGAINST THREE, almost all the map time...
In that time i was still administrator and asked him what he was doing - he just laughed in spectator position!

Absolutely categorically declare (after a lot of conversations with him) that this is a very confused and complexed kid with many problems - and categorically declare that I will bear the consequences of these words, but this is the truth!!!

Stop using offensive nicknames. You will end with a ban. Play like a normal player with a normal nickname = no troubles.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 24-10-2016, 16:18:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

El_Nino, for good or bad we live in the free world!
As i said - "I played many times with this nickname in the past few years and i've never had problems!"
In the gaming world these words are absolutely normal - only this server has dozens of players with such nicknames...

The only offensive thing here is behavior of Fast!
In any normal server such behavior is punished - to affect the balance if only to entertain, and a kind of screw up a player you do not like...
More than ten minutes puts me in a position to play against three - and laughing like crazy...
Absolutely unacceptable!!!
The truth is that he pisses it is weaker player than me, but this is absolutely normal!!!
Each game has strong and weak players...

I'm not a hacker, I'm not a climber, not insult and swear at other players - I have some problems ONLY with this administrator...
Sometimes i have problems with you too, but that is because i have long expressed my opinion about your ability to catch hackers - and this is absolutely normal!
As i said - "for good or bad we live in the free world!" - Everyone is entitled to an opinion!!!

I will give an example from a few days ago when we played 5-6 players on snow and two of them were hackers...
You need more than ten minutes for ban evident aim hacker, not even ban the other (wall hacker) - he left...
On top of that, you gag me and said - "I thought it was a false alarm" - muhaahahahahahhaah!!!
I told you that, I will make a complaint, and you began to apologize me - how many times a day they are misleading you...

You will not make honor if you do not confirm to this case or lie!

If you write only in Romanian language, and if you continue not to hold cultural and polite with people who behave in this way with you - i do not think I monitor and respond to this topic!

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 24-10-2016, 17:14:55 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

just don't continue with'r nick is offensive and that's all! Take Nino advice or will end up with a ban!

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Post Posted: 24-10-2016, 22:53:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

El_Nino wrote:

Stop using offensive nicknames. You will end with a ban. Play like a normal player with a normal nickname = no troubles.

i'm using aswell health so that mean that i'm a noob?
Don't try to piss me with this type of things if you want to play more on this server.
if you don't like to be an admin,then just be a simple player.

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