
Am primit ban aiurea

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Author Message1472

[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 08-10-2010 01:40)
Joined: 28 Feb 2010
Posts: 9, Topics: 4
Location: Moldova, Republic of

Reputation: 120.5
Votes: 4

Post Posted: 28-02-2010, 21:08:14 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

am primit ban de la adminul Fight To Win... motivele pt ca cineva pe nume InQontroL m-a facut prost... dar nu in mod direct... i-am scris inapoi folosind acelasi cuvant dar nefacandu-l prost pe el ci folosind doar cuvantul... apoi operatorul Fight To Win mi-a dat LIama... mi-am schimbat numele la loc... am incercat sa scriu ceva si nu mergea aparand mereu Orgule... dar nu injuram... incercam doar sa explic ce s-a intamplat... am dat reconnect... dupa care operatorul Fight To Win mi-a dat ban... de ce se fac discriminari in sensul ca daca acel InQontrol cunoaste adminii i se da dreptate fara a avea in fond?... de ce nu te lasa sa explici si primesti direct ban? am citit topicurile si din cate stiu trebuie sa las dovezi... acest lucru s-a intamplat in data de 28.02.2010 la ora 20:30... am taiat eu tot ce nu va interesa si am pastrat doar ce trebuia si anume:

*DEAD* InQontroL : numa pro is la ct..

*DEAD* involuntar. : daca sunt numai *****i de ce nu te muti la tero? sa fi in largul tau

Command: Fight To Win used command admin_llama involuntar.

involuntar. : Ooorgle!

The server operator has added you to banned list
Added to banned list
You have been banned from this server.

iar aici aveti tot ce scria in consola asta ca sa nu creada cineva ca am modificat textul...

Server # 137
Requesting tempdecal.wad from server
P U F F Y connected
Denni$ killed bufu_07 with ak47
Bosket killed Denni$ with m4a1
P U F F Y is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
PoKer connected
Ray^ killed ssaBr3n with ak47
Maryka is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
PoKer is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
Jess killed Bosket with ak47
*** GigiSavarina69 killed Ray^ with a headshot from m4a1 ***
] name involuntar.
*DEAD* PoKer : re 2 al

MiTzA killed GigiSavarina69 with awp
Your name will be changed after your next respawn.
elevator_n killed MiTzA with m4a1
*DEAD* Bosket : nici nu mai stiam in care sa trag

bad.boy killed elevator_n with m4a1
Time remaining on map: 31 minutes
* Privileges set
*DEAD* PoKer : timeleft

* P U F F Y changed name to involuntar.
involuntar. : re

InQontroL killed haiducu with awp
GigiSavarina69 (RADIO): Need backup.
*** John_Doe killed Bosket with a headshot from m4a1 ***
] sensitivity 2
cookie : de la puffy la involuntar e o cale lunga -

*** Jess killed PoKer with a headshot from ak47 ***
Slip! killed InQontroL with ak47
Slip! killed petar with ak47
*** Jess killed Dyl with a headshot from ak47 ***
bad.boy killed ssaBr3n with m4a1
*** cookie killed bufu_07 with a headshot from ak47 ***
GigiSavarina69 killed Jess with deagle
Bosket dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
Bosket has left the game
Slip! killed GigiSavarina69 with ak47
"public_slots_free" changed to "0"
son-gogu dropped
*DEAD* Bosket : bafta all si hai STEAuA
cookie killed Jolly with ak47
ssaBr3n dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
ssaBr3n has left the game
elevator_n killed DiavolSfant with awp
"public_slots_free" changed to "0"
son-gogu connected
Sinbad. : Hai cfr ! -

involuntar. killed cookie with usp
ssaBr3n connected
son-gogu is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
ssaBr3n is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
elevator_n killed bad.boy with awp
ovaaaa killed Sinbad. with galil
*DEAD* GigiSavarina69 : pe ce e meciu
ovaaaa killed involuntar. with galil
Ray^ killed Maryka with m4a1
musly is joining the Terrorist force
Fight To Win is joining the Terrorist force
Sucky killed joe>ptg with m4a1
elevator_n killed ovaaaa with awp
*DEAD* Sinbad. : kanal F

Slip! killed elevator_n with ak47
*DEAD* InQontroL : pe apa sambetei..

*DEAD* Sinbad. : Pro[st] tv

Ray^ : ba n

Ray^ : u

Sinbad. : stiu ma .. pe antena 100

*** Maryka killed John_Doe with a headshot from deagle ***
Maryka killed Sucky with knife
*** Fight To Win killed Dyl with a headshot from glock18 ***
Fight To Win killed involuntar. with glock18
son-gogu killed cookie with deagle
*** Maryka killed Ray^ with a headshot from m4a1 ***
aluna killed Maryka with ak47
DiavolSfant killed ssaBr3n with ak47
Fight To Win killed Sinbad. with glock18
InQontroL killed MiTzA with m4a1
PoKer killed Fight To Win with deagle
*DEAD* John_Doe : spate orbetilor

Maryka dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
Maryka has left the game
"public_slots_free" changed to "0"
*** InQontroL killed DiavolSfant with a headshot from m4a1 ***
outlaw connected
*** musly killed Jolly with a headshot from ak47 ***
John_Doe is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
outlaw is joining the Terrorist force
InQontroL killed Jess with m4a1
Slip! killed PoKer with awp
GigiSavarina69 killed bad.boy with mp5navy
GigiSavarina69 killed Slip! with deagle
Denni$ killed GigiSavarina69 with m4a1
elevator_n killed Denni$ with awp
musly killed son-gogu with ak47
*** InQontroL killed aluna with a headshot from m4a1 ***
InQontroL killed Doru.OK with m4a1
musly killed petar with ak47
bufu_07 killed musly with ak47
ovaaaa killed InQontroL with m4a1
*DEAD* Ray^ : lsay haiducu

"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
haiducu has left the game
"public_slots_free" changed to "0"
ovaaaa killed elevator_n with m4a1
Maximus connected
Command: Fight To Win used command admin_kick haiducu
MiTzA is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
Maximus is joining the Terrorist force
ovaaaa killed joe>ptg with m4a1
*** ovaaaa killed bufu_07 with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*DEAD*(Counter-Terrorist) joe>ptg : la noi in baza

] sensitivity 1.4
*DEAD* InQontroL : cum tragi ba ..

*DEAD* aluna : gg ovaaa

ovaaaa : ce ma

*** son-gogu killed Fight To Win with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Jess killed MiTzA with ak47
InQontroL : nu tu

Slip! killed John_Doe with g3sg1
John_Doe dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
John_Doe has left the game
"public_slots_free" changed to "0"
cookie killed bufu_07 with ak47
*** son-gogu killed Maximus with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Sucky killed Jolly with grenade
bad.boy killed elevator_n with ak47
ssaBr3n killed cookie with grenade
Maximus dropped
Maximus has left the game
joe>ptg killed Jess with famas
Bec connected
Sim0nika connected
Jess dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
Jess has left the game
Bec is joining the Terrorist force
ovaaaa killed joe>ptg with m4a1
Slip! killed ssaBr3n with g3sg1
*** PoKer killed Doru.OK with a headshot from ak47 ***
Slip! killed Sinbad. with g3sg1
Sim0nika is joining the Terrorist force
*** GigiSavarina69 killed aluna with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Fight To Win dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "2"
Fight To Win has left the game
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
GigiSavarina69 killed bad.boy with m4a1
Dyl killed Slip! with mp5navy
Sucky killed Dyl with sg552
Fight To Win connected
Fight To Win is joining the Terrorist force
*** PoKer killed Denni$ with a headshot from ak47 ***
"public_slots_free" changed to "0"
AlpHA lam omorat pe dropped
involuntar. killed musly with awp
AlpHA lam omorat pe connected
*** PoKer killed ovaaaa with a headshot from ak47 ***
AlpHA lam omorat pe is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
GigiSavarina69 killed outlaw with m4a1
Sucky killed GigiSavarina69 with sg552
AlpHA lam omorat pe dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
AlpHA lam omorat pe has left the game
InQontroL killed Ray^ with m4a1
"public_slots_free" changed to "0"
InQontroL killed Sucky with m4a1
*** DiavolSfant killed PoKer with a headshot from m4a1 ***
bineamvenit connected
bineamvenit is joining the Terrorist force
DiavolSfant killed InQontroL with m4a1
DiavolSfant killed involuntar. with m4a1
cookie dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
cookie has left the game
*DEAD* Sinbad. : 1 HP ... good:D
DiavolSfant killed petar with m4a1
*DEAD* GigiSavarina69 : petar

"public_slots_free" changed to "0"
BmbSxY dropped
*DEAD* InQontroL : numa pro is la ct..

BmbSxY connected
BmbSxY is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
elevator_n : bine ca esti tu bun

InQontroL : lasama ba

bufu_07 killed musly with m4a1
bineamvenit killed bufu_07 with galil
Denni$ killed son-gogu with ak47
involuntar. : mda...

InQontroL : 0 cu 7

Fight To Win killed InQontroL with deagle
Fight To Win killed MiTzA with deagle
bad.boy killed petar with deagle
Sinbad. : te cearta astia inq -

*** Slip! killed GigiSavarina69 with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** joe>ptg killed Sucky with a headshot from m4a1 ***
bufu_07 dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
bufu_07 has left the game
elevator_n : asata este

Slip! killed Sinbad. with grenade
Fight To Win killed BmbSxY with deagle
elevator_n : e cu noi

ssaBr3n killed Fight To Win with m4a1
"public_slots_free" changed to "0"
Slip! killed ssaBr3n with m4a1
petar dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
petar has left the game
elevator_n : spin

DiavolSfant killed Dyl with m4a1
Doru.OK killed joe>ptg with ak47
"public_slots_free" changed to "0"
Takony in the game dropped
involuntar. killed bad.boy with m4a1
involuntar. killed Ray^ with m4a1
*** aluna killed involuntar. with a headshot from ak47 ***
*DEAD* InQontroL : uitel pe altu
haiducu connected
Denni$ killed PoKer with ak47
haiducu is joining the Terrorist force
DiavolSfant killed elevator_n with m4a1
*DEAD* InQontroL : duten .... cum sa te bagi ba omule in fata mea cand ai ditamai spatiu ba jucatoruuuu vietiiiii mitza

*DEAD* Ray^ : trageti baaa Dhoamne

Takony in the game connected
Ray^ is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
Takony in the game is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
Jolly killed bineamvenit with m4a1
*DEAD* Fight To Win : poate t place

Jolly killed Denni$ with m4a1
*DEAD* GigiSavarina69 : tu te-ai bagat in spatiul lui

Jolly killed Bec with m4a1
*DEAD* elevator_n : na-i cu cine

The server administrator is running this command for you:
say "daca sunt numai *****i de ce nu te muti la tero? sa fi in largul tau".
*DEAD* involuntar. : daca sunt numai *****i de ce nu te muti la tero? sa fi in largul tau

Jolly killed Sim0nika with m4a1
The server administrator is running this command for you:
name Llama.
The server administrator is running this command for you:
name Llama.
* Privileges set
Jolly killed Slip! with m4a1
*DEAD* InQontroL : dal ba frate din toate colturile vine el in fata mea ...

Command: Fight To Win used command admin_llama involuntar.
] name involuntar.
The server administrator is running this command for you:
name Llama.
* Privileges set
The server administrator is running this command for you:
name Llama.
* Privileges set
*DEAD* Slip! : bomba ma

*DEAD* elevator_n : trage de timp jolly

Jolly killed Doru.OK with m4a1
] name involuntar.
The server administrator is running this command for you:
name Llama.
* Privileges set
The server administrator is running this command for you:
name Llama.
* Privileges set
*DEAD* elevator_n : -)

] name involuntar.
The server administrator is running this command for you:
name Llama.
* Privileges set
*DEAD* elevator_n : trage cu echipa

The server administrator is running this command for you:
name Llama.
* Privileges set
*DEAD* haiducu : bmbbbbbb

"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
Takony in the game has left the game
"public_slots_free" changed to "0"
*DEAD* musly : slap team

alexd dropped
*DEAD* Slip! : dap

elevator_n : gg jolly

alexd connected
BmbSxY killed self with worldspawn
(Counter-Terrorist) Jolly : -

name involuntar.
Ray^ killed haiducu with m4a1
Command: Fight To Win used command admin_kick Takony in the game
bineamvenit dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
bineamvenit has left the game
"public_slots_free" changed to "0"
bineamvenit connected
son-gogu (RADIO): Team, fall back!
bad.boy killed Ray^ with deagle
ssaBr3n killed ovaaaa with m4a1
bineamvenit is joining the Terrorist force
son-gogu killed Slip! with grenade
*** MiTzA killed outlaw with a headshot from mp5navy ***
*** Sim0nika killed MiTzA with a headshot from galil ***
InQontroL killed bad.boy with m4a1
PoKer killed aluna with awp
The server administrator is running this command for you:
say Ooorgle!.
*** InQontroL killed Sucky with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Fight To Win killed Sinbad. with galil
PoKer killed DiavolSfant with awp
involuntar. : Ooorgle!

Fight To Win killed Dyl with galil
Sim0nika killed joe>ptg with m4a1
Fight To Win killed InQontroL with galil
musly killed son-gogu with ak47
Fight To Win killed PoKer with galil
*DEAD* InQontroL : cum se duc ma gloantele...
Fight To Win killed Jolly with galil
elevator_n killed Fight To Win with m4a1
Denni$ killed GigiSavarina69 with ak47
ssaBr3n killed Doru.OK with m4a1
Doru.OK dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
Doru.OK has left the game
involuntar. killed Denni$ with m4a1
Sim0nika killed elevator_n with m4a1
involuntar. killed Bec with m4a1
*** musly killed involuntar. with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** Sim0nika killed ssaBr3n with a headshot from m4a1 ***
] name involuntar.
*DEAD* ssaBr3n : --

"public_slots_free" changed to "0"
Sim0nika : haah
eNd dropped
*** Slip! killed GigiSavarina69 with a headshot from ak47 ***
ssaBr3n : mda...-

eNd connected
The server administrator is running this command for you:
say Brawwrr!.
eNd is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
GigiSavarina69 dropped
"public_slots_free" changed to "1"
GigiSavarina69 has left the game
"public_slots_free" changed to "0"
] connect
Connecting to ...
Connection accepted by
************** NOTICE >>>>>>>>>>>>
** This server is set to allow an admin to run commands on your client. **
************** NOTICE <<<<<<<<<<<<
* Privileges set

Server # 137
involuntar. connected
bad.boy : simo da ce poza ai la av --

involuntar. is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
toXic#a1m is joining the Terrorist force
*** MiTzA killed haiducu with a headshot from mp5navy ***
bineamvenit killed MiTzA with ak47
The server operator has added you to banned list
Added to banned list
You have been banned from this server.

You have been banned from this server.

You have been banned from this server.

You have been banned from this server.

You have been banned from this server.

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[Light-Emitting Diode]

Status: Offline
(since 21-04-2018 22:24)
Joined: 03 Jun 2009
Posts: 267, Topics: 38
Location: Italy

Reputation: 256.2
Votes: 7

Post Posted: 28-02-2010, 21:11:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Daca citeai regulamentul vedeai ca daca dai retry dupa llama/gag primesti ban -
Oricum cred ca e pe timp,asteapta sa expire.... si pe viitor ai grija -

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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 08-10-2010 01:40)
Joined: 28 Feb 2010
Posts: 9, Topics: 4
Location: Moldova, Republic of

Reputation: 120.5
Votes: 4

Post Posted: 28-02-2010, 21:13:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

ms frumos pt sfat... sunt foarte multe servere pe care pot intra... nu vreau ca acel admin sa pateasca ceva... nu sunt razbunator... dar nu-mi plac nedreptatile... ms
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Status: Offline
(since 27-09-2017 19:00)
Joined: 23 Dec 2006
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Votes: 98

Post Posted: 01-03-2010, 00:30:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

nu au fost nedreptate, a procedat corect, nu raspunzi unei injuraturi cu alta injuratura, atentionezi un admin daca ai fost insultat, nu ai voie sa dai reconnect dupa llama/gag se da ban pe timp.

Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education
dr. Martin Luther King jr.
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Status: Offline
(since 23-06-2013 20:52)
Joined: 11 Aug 2009
Posts: 443, Topics: 10
Location: It makes no difference to me

Reputation: 299.5
Votes: 7

Post Posted: 01-03-2010, 02:13:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

ai gresit ti'am dat llama ai dat retry in regulament scrie clar retry dupa llama ban

She had a style,of her own,respectful and pure. I was sick in the head for her, and there wasn't a cure..
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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 01-07-2010 15:23)
Joined: 22 Jan 2010
Posts: 133, Topics: 17
Location: []6%^&&*s$!@$^&&*[]

Reputation: 67.4
Votes: 7

Post Posted: 01-03-2010, 12:24:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Admin_page in consola,+ mesajul in care explicai ca te-a injurat/jicnit.

bunica ta e barbat <3 ?!

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Status: Offline
(since 21-03-2012 13:51)
Joined: 13 Feb 2008
Posts: 794, Topics: 15
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Reputation: 223.7
Votes: 6

Post Posted: 01-03-2010, 12:43:14 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

pai tu ai luat llama si inqontrol nu a luat pentru ca daca te uiti atent el a zis
"numa PRO is la ct" nu prosti
tu ai zis prosti.
totusi nu se da llama pentru "pro"

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