
[rezolvat]Zombie XP

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 08-01-2017 17:38)
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Post Posted: 01-01-2017, 04:53:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Salut, am nevoie de ajutor in privinta cu pluginul zombie_xp
As vrea sa va rog sa adaugati in zombie_xp aceste nivele
Si daca sunteti draguti sa imi explicati si ce ati facut ca pe viitor sa nu mai repet greseala respectiva
Scuze ca cer prea mult, dar serverul il voi hosta curanda si am aceasta problema
Multumesc anticipat si un An Nou fericit

// Boomer <--- LVL 1
new const zclass1_name[] = { "Boomer Zombie" }
new const zclass1_info[] = { "Explodes After Death" }
new const zclass1_model[] = { "zboomer" }
new const zclass1_clawmodel[] = { "v_knife_zombie.mdl" }
const zclass1_health = 2600
const zclass1_speed = 250
const Float:zclass1_gravity = 1.25
const Float:zclass1_knockback = 1.95

// Chinese <--- LVL 2
new const zclass2_name[] = { "Chinese Zombie" }
new const zclass2_info[] = { "Leap" }
new const zclass2_model[] = { "ykh_server_zombie2" }
new const zclass2_clawmodel[] = { "models/zombie_knife.mdl" }
const zclass2_health = 3200
const zclass2_speed = 265
const Float:zclass2_gravity = 0.5
const Float:zclass2_knockback = 3.0

// Gas Zombie Atributes <--- LVL 3
new const zclass3_name[] = { "Gas Zombie" } // name
new const zclass3_info[] = { "Can creat smoke screen" } // description
new const zclass3_model[] = { "gas" } // model
new const zclass3_clawmodel[] = { "v_knife_zombie.mdl" } // claw model
const zclass3_health = 3700 // health
const zclass3_speed = 256 // speed
const Float:zclass3_gravity = 1.0 // gravity
const Float:zclass3_knockback = 1.5 // knockback

// Zombie Atributes <--- LVL 4
new const zclass4_name[] = { "Flame Zombie" } // name
new const zclass4_info[] = { "Health- Speed+ Gravity-" } // description
new const zclass4_model[] = { "zombie_source" } // model
new const zclass4_clawmodel[] = { "v_knife_zombie.mdl" } // claw model
const zclass4_health = 3600 // health
const zclass4_speed = 330 // speed
const Float:zclass4_gravity = 1.0 // gravity
const Float:zclass4_knockback = 1.0 // knockback

// Heavy Tank Zombie Attributes <--- LVL 5
new const zclass5_name[] = { "Heavy Tank Zombie" }
new const zclass5_info[] = { "HP+++ Knockback-- Speed-" }
new const zclass5_model[] = { "zombie_strong" }
new const zclass5_clawmodel[] = { "v_knife_zombie.mdl" }
const zclass5_health = 5000
const zclass5_speed = 210
const Float:zclass5_gravity = 1.0
const Float:zclass5_knockback = 0.4

// Reflect Zombie <--- LVL 6
new const zclass6_name[] = { "Camouflage Zombie" } // name
new const zclass6_info[] = { "Human Form - Normal" } // description
new const zclass6_model[] = { "arctic", "guerilla", "leet", "terror", "gign", "gsg9", "sas", "urban" } // model
new const zclass6_clawmodel[] = { "v_knife_zombie.mdl" } // claw model
const zclass6_health = 3000 // health
const zclass6_speed = 265 // speed
const Float:zclass6_gravity = 1.0 // gravity
const Float:zclass6_knockback = 1.0 // knockback

// Crow Zombie Atributes <--- LVL 7
new const zclass7_name[] = { "Crow Zombie" } // name
new const zclass7_info[] = { "Can Fly" } // description
new const zclass7_model[] = { "crow" } // model
new const zclass7_clawmodel[] = { "v_knife_zombie.mdl" } // claw model
const zclass7_health = 3200 // health
const zclass7_speed = 255 // speed
const Float:zclass7_gravity = 0.6 // gravity
const Float:zclass7_knockback = 2.0 // knockback

// Zombie parametres <--- LVL 8
new const zclass8_name[] = { "Vampire Zombie" } // name
new const zclass8_info[] = { "Gain health with each hit" } // description
new const zclass8_model[] = { "zombie_source" } // player model
new const zclass8_clawmodel[] = { "v_knife_zombie.mdl" } // claw model
const zclass8_health = 7000 // health
const zclass8_speed = 400 // speed
const Float:zclass8_gravity = 0.7 // gravity
const Float:zclass8_knockback = 1.5 // knockback

// Spider <--- LVL 9
new const zclass9_name[] = { "Spider Zombie" }
new const zclass9_info[] = { "Can jump off walls" }
new const zclass9_model[] = { "spider" }
new const zclass9_clawmodel[] = { "v_crab.mdl" }
const zclass9_health = 8200
const zclass9_speed = 580
const Float:zclass9_gravity = 0.75
const Float:zclass9_knockback = 1.5

// Smoker <--- LVL 10
new const zclass10_name[] = { "Smoker" }
new const zclass10_info[] = { "Can drag players" }
new const zclass10_model[] = { "zombie_smoker" }
new const zclass10_clawmodel[] = { "v_knife_zombie.mdl" }
const zclass10_health = 9200
const zclass10_speed = 420
const Float:zclass10_gravity = 1.0
const Float:zclass10_knockback = 1.0

// Witch <--- LVL 11
new const zclass11_name[] = { "Witch" }
new const zclass11_info[] = { "(Paralyze & 2x More Damage)" }
new const zclass11_model[] = { "zm_witch" }
new const zclass11_clawmodel[] = { "v_knife_witch.mdl" }
const zclass11_health = 9600
const zclass11_speed = 460
const Float:zclass11_gravity = 0.9
const Float:zclass11_knockback = 0.9

// Zombie Attributes <--- LVL 12
new const zclass12_name[] = { "Zombie Cerberus Dog"}
new const zclass12_info[] = { "You have a fury" }
new const zclass12_model[] = { "Cerberus_frk_14" }
new const zclass12_clawmodel[] = { "v_doghands.mdl" }
const zclass12_health = 11500
const zclass12_speed = 465
const Float:zclass12_gravity = 0.8
const Float:zclass12_knockback = 0.5

// Predator <--- LVL 13
new const zclass13_name[] = "Predator" // Ten
new const zclass13_info[] = "G Invisible (10Sec/30Again)" // Thong Tin
new const zclass13_model[] = "predator1"// Player Model
new const zclass13_clawmodel[] = "v_predator_knf2.mdl" // Hand Model
new const invisible_sound[] = "zombie_plague/zombi_pressure_female.wav"
const zclass13_health = 15000 // Mau
const zclass13_speed = 530 // Toc Do
const Float:zclass13_gravity = 0.7 // Trong Luc
const Float:zclass13_knockback = 1.3 // Do Day Lui

Banii fac banii sa se invarta deci ii vreau.
D-aia sparg oriunde ma duc, apoi plec, ciao.
E vestul salbatic, si eu sunt salbatic,
Si banii sunt scopul, sunt scopul cel antic
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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 08-01-2017 17:38)
Joined: 17 Jul 2013
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Post Posted: 01-01-2017, 11:24:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Doresc sa precizez ca doresc doar SMA-ul acestui plugin, si sa imi explice cinvea ce trebuie sa mai fac dupa

Banii fac banii sa se invarta deci ii vreau.
D-aia sparg oriunde ma duc, apoi plec, ciao.
E vestul salbatic, si eu sunt salbatic,
Si banii sunt scopul, sunt scopul cel antic
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(since 12-03-2020 22:13)
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Post Posted: 04-01-2017, 19:27:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Sunt clase pe care le gasesti pe net si doar le adaugi , in unele cazuri mici modificari pentru a merge cu ZombieXp .Ti-am dat link de unde sa iei mai multe clase.

Retired from Amxmodx

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Status: Offline
(since 09-07-2020 08:13)
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Post Posted: 13-01-2017, 14:56:05 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Pentru a face o clasa pentru zombiexp, deschizi sursa (sma) la clasa de zombie si faci urmatoarele modificari.

Modifici linia asta: zp_register_zombie_class(name, info, model, clawmodel, health, speed, gravity, knockback)

si in loc de zp_ pui zv_ si dupa knockback adaugi level - knockback, level)

Pe urma pentru humani:

const hclass_level = 6 // level required to use

iar pentru zm

const zclass_level = 6 (6 reprezinta nivelul, pui cenivel sa fie)

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