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[Instabil Emotional]

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Post Posted: 11-01-2017, 16:57:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Tutorial War3FT for CS 1.6 Respawn.Freakz.Ro

When you join the server you will be asked to choose a race using keys between 1 and 9:


To have acces to these special caracteristics you will have to gain XP
You can gain XP by
1. Killing an enemy player
2. For Head-shosts / knife-kills you will receive bonus XP

Each character has some abillities similar to the ones in the game Warcraft 3 The Frozen Throne
To have all abillities of a character you have to gain level 10.

Thresholds for Levels are :

* Level 1 = 1050 XP
* Level 2 = 2100XP
* Level 3 = 4200XP
* Level 4 = 8400 XP
* Level 5 = 16800 XP
* Level 6 = 33600XP
* Level 7 = 67200XP
* Level 8 = 13440 XP
* Level 9 = 268800 XP
* Level 10 = 537600XP

Further i will try to describe every race and what can it do. I mention that the races have three skills and an ultimate evolutionary
and heroes have in addition a skill that is acquired on the first floor. Skills through evolutionary means that you climb the skill depending
on the XP gained. Each skill has 3 levels + ULTIMATE ULTIMATE can be only after one is at level 3 skills and race / hero is at level 6 minimum.

Chances evolutionary skills and strength increase with increasing level of their abilities as Level 3 will have more chances to work and output:


Skill 1 = Vampiric Aura: You get life back points for each attack that hits the opponent;
Skill 2 = Unholy Aura: We give a bonus of speed, speed will not matter depending on the weapon you have, you run the same with the Sniper and knife;
Skill 3 = Levitation: it gives posbilitatea to skip louder;
Suicide Bomber = Ultimate: When you die you will explode killing nearby players without immunity ultimate, ultimate software activates automatically
but can be manually;


Skill 1 = Invisibility: We do partially visible thus harder to spot, for a better result, the state is recom comes with knife in hand;
Skill 2 = Devotion Aura: I give a bonus life at the beginning of each round, a maximum of 145 HP;
Skill 3 = Bash: When you pull into an opponent shot him paralyzed for a second;
Ultimate = Teleport: Allows you teleported where targets;


Skill 1 = Critical Strike: Enables his opponent more unhealthy than a normal attack;
Skill 2 = Critical Grenade: Grenades will hurt your opponent / country, more than a normal attack;
Skill 3 = Equipment Reincarnation: You can assemble the equipment you recover you when you died you were endowed;
Ultimate = Chain Lightning Lightning, making an arc between you and your opponents nearby;


Skill 1 = Evasion: You have the chance to stay away from bullets and avoid attacks's opponents;
Skill 2 = Thorns Aura: opponents who pull in you will make an attack onglinda taking them and their points of life;
Skill 3 = Trueshot Aura: You get points of life opponent in addition to a normal attack successfully executed;
Ultimate = Entangle Roots: Allows immobilize an opponent for 10 seconds;


Skill 1 = Phoenix: You have the chance to resurrect first teammate who dies;
Skill 2 = Banish: You have the chance to teleport opponent to shoot you from behind or laterally in an astral prison for a few seconds;
Skill 3 = Siphon Mana: Steal for each attack successfully executed a percentage of the money opponent;
Ultimate = Immolate: incinerator opponent, if there is little point in life will slowly but surely die;
ABILITY = RESISTANT SKIN: You reject a percentage of points of life that you take for each successful attack;


Skill 1 = Healing Wave: You can heal your wounds and both of teammates nearby;
Skill 2 = Hex: You can disable opponents abilities, and also to slow them down;
Skill 3 = Serpent Ward: You receive every round "snakes" guardian form of lightning,
which can be planted where you want and they can take the life I touch the opponent;
Ultimate = Big Bad Voodoo : You can be invincible for two seconds;
Ability = Unstable Concotion: When you have a chance to attack the opponent so unhealthy that pulls you and its nearby teammates;


Skill 1 = Fan Of Knives: You have the chance to become a "Mole" (You will begin round opponent disguised under their clothing);
Skill 2 = Blink: You have the chance to disable sites ultimate opponents;
Skill 3 = Shadow Strike: You have the chance to throw knives opponents poisoned in every attack executed successfully;
Ultimate = Vengeance: You will be reincarnated under 50 life points automatically or you can manually enable the ultimate site that allows teleportation basis;
Ability = Hardened Skin: You reject a percentage of points of life that you take for an attack type magic;


Skill 1 = Impale: You have the chance to throw at opponents tall;
Skill 2 = Spiked Carapace: opponents who pull in you will make an attack onglinda taking them and their points of life, you will also receive a bonus to armor;
Skill 3 = Carrion Beetles: Beetles hero have the chance to attack the enemy;
Ultimate = Locust Swarm: You send a swarm of locusts enemies by taking them significant points in life;
Ability = Orb of Annihilation: You get extra points of life opponent, for every attack executed successfully;


Skill 1 = Random;
Skill 2 = Random;
Skill 3 = Random;
Ultimate = Random;
Ability = Random;

Next i will explain where you can buy artifacts menus (items). Their prices vary depending on the importance of each and you can buy a maximum of 2.
The artifacts are divided into two menus with corresponding numbers 1-9 and you can access a me down to explain what to do:

Shopmenu 1:

1. Ankh of Reincarnation - If you die recover equipment in the next round;
2. Boots of Speed - You can run faster;
3. Claws of Attack - You get extra points of life opponent, for every attack executed successfully;
4. Cloak of Shadows - will be partially visible, for a better result, the state is recom comes with knife in hand;
5. Mask of Death - You will receive back points of life for every attack which hits the opponent;
6. Necklace of Immunity - You will be immune to the ultimate sites opponents;
7. Orb of Frost - Slow down when I Aim the opponents;
8. Periapt of Health - will give a bonus to points of life;
9. Tome of Experience - automatically give you experience points, you can buy him if you need experience;

Shopmenu 2:

1. Scroll of Respawning - You will be reincarnated after you die;
2. Mole Protectant - Respinnge a percentage of attacks opponents who mole;
3. Helm of Excellence - Are you immune to bullets received in the head;
4. Amulet of the Cat - can not be heard when you run away or climb stairs;
5. Sock of the Feater - You will be able to jump higher;
6. Flaming Gloves of warmth - You will receive a certain number of seconds a grenade offensive;
7. Ring of Regeneration - rings that give life 1 point every 2 seconds, you can take a maximum of 5 (type rings to receive 5 rings);
8. Chameleon - View disguised as clothing opponent;
9. Mole - You will begin the round in opponent's base and disguised under their clothing.

Orders to buy artifacts directly without entering the menu ( Just type in chat the short namefor each artifact) :

ankh = Ankh of Reincarnation
amulet = Amulet of the Cat
boots = Boots of Speed
claws = Claws of Attack
cloak = Cloak of Shadows
chameleon = Chameleon
frost = Orb of Frost
gloves = Flaming Gloves of Warmth
health = Periapt of Health
helm = Helm of Excellence
mask = Mask of Death
mole = Mole
necklace = Necklace of Immunity
rings = Ring of Regeneration
socks = Sock of the Feater
scroll = Scroll of Respawning

Next i will explain chat commands. Slash in front of them is not mandatory to perform them:

/Ability - Will use the ability (only serpent wards - shadow hunter race);
/Changerace - will change the race;
/Itemsinfo - Shows the first menu list of artifacts and what each;
/Itemsinfo2 - Shows list of artifacts from the second menu and what each;
/Level - Display level, current skills and race sites;
/Levitation - Enable and deazactiveaza skills related to gravity;
/Ms or /movespeed - Displays current speed movement;
/Playerskills - Displaying what breed you have and at what level are the other players;
/Selectskill - Allows selecting skill-sized race track;
/Shopmenu - Paste menu first artifacts (shopmenu 1);
/Shopmenu2 - Paste second menu with artifacts (shopmenu 2);
/Skillsinfo - Displaying what each skill of the breed selected;
/War3help - Displays a menu of help with how War3FT works;
/War3menu - Display War3FT menu where you can select the commands and more.

BIND commands that can be certain keys:

To save time, convenience and speed in temples game, you Binda some of commands to execute them just by pressing a single key. Commands may be Binders are ultimate sites, changerace site, shopmenu sites and the ability to breed shadow hunter - Serpent ward. Bind them can console commands through the following procedure:

- Bind "key" desired ultimate
- Bind "key" desired Ability
- Bind "key" desired shopmenu
- Bind "key" desired shopmenu2
- Bind "key" desired changerace

Details you can find out during the game by using war3menu command, but only in English.

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[Veni Vidi Vici]

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(since 09-10-2018 20:27)
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Post Posted: 11-01-2017, 17:57:24 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Asta putea gasi si pe net "strainii" dar OK, fie

Maybe you should train as hard as you hate
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