
[REJECTED] Several leveling bugs

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Post Posted: 17-11-2016, 13:29:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hello. I'm new here. Posting some bugs that I'm encountering while leveling.
I do see "Don't post multiple bugs in same topic, each bug has its own topic" , but I don't want to spam 10 topics, plus some of the listed bugs are minor or hard to classify. Let me know if I should have posted them 1 by 1 .

- The Violet Hold is not available via dungeon finder even when you are actually standing in the instance with pre-quest taken.

- Svala Sorrowgrave in UG Pinnacle says her lines, but does not become attackable at all . Been there 2 times on normal, dunno about heroic. The doors behind here are open though, which lets us encounter enother bug:

- When Skadi encounter in the same inst starts, his drake stays and cannot be brought down with harpoon launchers. It is attackable, but killing it does not accomplish anything — boss continues to yell from far above indefinitely.

- Although freakzDB suggests otherwise, Anub'arak actually does not drop Anub'arak's Broken Husk for Death to the Traitor King (dunno which one) — at least for ally and normal difficulty. Been there 2-3 times.

- Apparently, RDF can random you to an unavailable instance like Old Hillsbrad Foothills normal (likely because of prequest in Black Morass) , which results in party members ( at least whose who didn't do the quest, like leveling guys ) not being ported and neccesity to quit/votekick and re-queue.

- Obedient Hound NPCs (probably middle one) spawned by Houndmaster Braun in Scarlet Halls has somewhat incorrect level, so it oneshots people at their 30ish level

- Armsmaster Harlan 's adds ( again, don't know which one ) in the same inst do the same thing .

Minor, cosmetic bugs:

- NPC dialogues in Death's Challenge DK starting quest are actually said by the player character , not the challenged NPC .

- There are protodrakes riding protodrakes in Utgarde Keep instead of normal Vrykuls riding protodrakes .

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Post Posted: 13-02-2017, 16:31:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

create separate bug reports for each issue

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