
Protection Warrior strong dps?
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 13-03-2017, 20:43:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I just played protection for the first time today, and got pretty amazed by its dps, in comparison with arms, prot being pretty godlike lol (lv70 currently).
I'm happy to be a pretty effective tank in pve and pvp, but I dont know why its dps its considered very bad compared to arms in endgame, since at low level it does colossal dmg.
I also LOVE its rotation, seems pretty fluid to me.
I want someone with much knowledge regarding warriors tell me what dps does prot have (i would be interested in pve and pvp also, random bgs and arenas).
If it does at least 90% of Arms dps endgane, dude, I'm sold to it.
Thank you very much!

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Post Posted: 14-03-2017, 00:17:12 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

At pvp you can troll 1v1 if you know how to play it, i just saw long time ago a prot. war. who trolled all the melee in duels (i dont remember about the casters).
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 14-03-2017, 10:07:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I wonder what stats to go for a Damage / Tank hybrid (with a little more dps), for both PvP and PvE.
I tought of going Parry>Crit>Mastery as my stat priority, since Riposte gets me more crit for damage from parry.
What do you think?

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Post Posted: 14-03-2017, 12:23:48 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

If you are going for damage your top priority will be to get you hit and expertise capped. Afterwards you can go for some str/crit/mastery. Parry isn't your best choice, you will get plenty parry from str.
Anyway if you wanna make good DPS in PvE you should go for Fury, imo.

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  Battletag: postrow.ID_BATTLE_NET}  decrepitwarrior 
Post Posted: 20-03-2017, 03:04:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Expertise does not work on this server, you don't really need a huge cap...just something around 3/3 would sort the trouble out however, choosing your dps class it's up to you. For example ,if you don't have much gear you should go for Arms, it should take you on the road to BiS better than Fury...then you can decide what to do after. Both specs are viable for DPS, depends how well you play them. Anyways believe me Protection does huge amounts of AoE dmg in raids, as it did before on the former expansions.

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[Papa Bless]

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Post Posted: 20-03-2017, 10:05:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Protection deals huge damage leveling up, because of shield slam mostly. It has some insane numbers, but they die out while you reach max level. Protection warrior is probably the best dps from all the tank specs. On retail, in some fights, even in SoO, it is rank 1 dps.
You will want to go with arms for gearing up, up to ilvl 535-540, then switch to fury, because now you will have enough crit from items to make it work.
So, in short, it doesn't do damage even close to a dps spec, especially in fights where you are OT/MT, and will lose vengeance (attack power) while switching, the only place that it shines is when you have multiple targets attacking you, and just you. (ex: wind lord in heart of fear)

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 20-03-2017, 19:39:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

saturnfever wrote:
Protection deals huge damage leveling up, because of shield slam mostly. It has some insane numbers, but they die out while you reach max level. Protection warrior is probably the best dps from all the tank specs. On retail, in some fights, even in SoO, it is rank 1 dps.
You will want to go with arms for gearing up, up to ilvl 535-540, then switch to fury, because now you will have enough crit from items to make it work.
So, in short, it doesn't do damage even close to a dps spec, especially in fights where you are OT/MT, and will lose vengeance (attack power) while switching, the only place that it shines is when you have multiple targets attacking you, and just you. (ex: wind lord in heart of fear)

The only thing you are right about is prot domateing some fight's in Soo, the rest is just wrong.

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[Papa Bless]

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Post Posted: 20-03-2017, 20:00:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

MeizNab wrote:
saturnfever wrote:
Protection deals huge damage leveling up, because of shield slam mostly. It has some insane numbers, but they die out while you reach max level. Protection warrior is probably the best dps from all the tank specs. On retail, in some fights, even in SoO, it is rank 1 dps.
You will want to go with arms for gearing up, up to ilvl 535-540, then switch to fury, because now you will have enough crit from items to make it work.
So, in short, it doesn't do damage even close to a dps spec, especially in fights where you are OT/MT, and will lose vengeance (attack power) while switching, the only place that it shines is when you have multiple targets attacking you, and just you. (ex: wind lord in heart of fear)

The only thing you are right about is prot domateing some fight's in Soo, the rest is just wrong.

thank you for enlightening us about who is "domateing" and which facts are correct and which aren't. You either didn't play warrior at all or didn't read my post.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 21-03-2017, 05:26:18 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

saturnfever wrote:
MeizNab wrote:
saturnfever wrote:
Protection deals huge damage leveling up, because of shield slam mostly. It has some insane numbers, but they die out while you reach max level. Protection warrior is probably the best dps from all the tank specs. On retail, in some fights, even in SoO, it is rank 1 dps.
You will want to go with arms for gearing up, up to ilvl 535-540, then switch to fury, because now you will have enough crit from items to make it work.
So, in short, it doesn't do damage even close to a dps spec, especially in fights where you are OT/MT, and will lose vengeance (attack power) while switching, the only place that it shines is when you have multiple targets attacking you, and just you. (ex: wind lord in heart of fear)

The only thing you are right about is prot domateing some fight's in Soo, the rest is just wrong.

thank you for enlightening us about who is "domateing" and which facts are correct and which aren't. You either didn't play warrior at all or didn't read my post.
You're welcome.

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[Papa Bless]

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Post Posted: 21-03-2017, 08:28:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Thank you for bringing more proof that what I said was correct. What was I wrong about?

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 21-03-2017, 10:19:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

You should see some videos from freakz with good raids...then think again. Some encounters will finish even before you make vengance enough to dps. And it's most important to be able to solo tank then to dps.
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 21-03-2017, 10:55:05 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

saturnfever wrote:

So, in short, it doesn't do damage even close to a dps spec, especially in fights where you are OT/MT, and will lose vengeance (attack power) while switching, the only place that it shines is when you have multiple targets attacking you, and just you. (ex: wind lord in heart of fear)

First of all in order to play prot you need to get the items for the crit build, the second fact is that vengeance doesnt matter at all (since it's still not working 100%), it's true prot shines on fights like spoils, paragons,thok etc where there are multiple targets hiting you.
Second of all tanks are the best mele dps on mop even monk tank was pretty good with the crit build ofc"fury was good during progresion when ppl were low gear same as with prot pally (you can watch method videos and see treckie top dpsing on some fights)
@dius doesnt matter how fast the encounter ends you should be able to sit around 400-500 k vengeance when the decay kicks in.

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[Papa Bless]

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Post Posted: 21-03-2017, 15:33:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I was trying to help him out with a short answer for his question.
Q. What dps does a protection warrior have in PvP?
A. In PvP it is not worth it at all. It's not the same as during Wotlk days when you could have gear and gems with armor penetration and just destroy your opponents in the arena/bg. Also vengeance does NOT work in bg/arenas.

Q. What dps does a protection warrior have in PvE?
A. In PvE, in random dungeons, it is VERY good. You can easily pull aggro on multiple mobs, even with low gear (450 ilvl), having a very good and rage-free ability, for easily getting AOE agrro and also dealing a large amount of damage at the same time with deep wounds (thunderclap). The more the fight lasts, while having multiple targets hitting you, the more damage you will do, up to a certain point, of course. It depends on the fight, basically.

In raids, if you are tanking with another player (which basically all the bosses require that) and switch between who tanks the boss (this will cause you to lose attack power), if there are extra mobs that spawn during the fight, the people that are in raid with you, the people that are in your guild, your strategy, these are all factors to take into account.
So, again, as my first post says: NO, it does not do damage even close to a dps, arms or fury, whatever you prefer. So don't listen to fairytales about "putting gear with critical strike"; "getting 100 mobs to attack you"; "get jesus christ to bless you"; getting the stars to align. I've raided extensively with my guild, with tanks that have higher ilvl than me (575 and up), and no matter the spec or the fight, they don't get over 150k dps, at best, most times it's not even that high, while a dps spec deals at least twice that damage, depending from class to class and from spec to spec. Realistically speaking, you will not do nearly as much damage as a dps. In fact, things are looking the other way around. I, for example, am tanking as Fury in rdf, and some lower tier raids (hof, mv, toes, ToT included), and completing the task faster then if I were a tank.

Stop posting about fairytales and dream scenarios that wet your pants. If protection did more damage than fury/arms, we would all be tanks, because how awesome its' dps is, right?
Have a nice time tanking, it's very enjoyable as a warrior and your dps will certainly shine, when put in the right circumstances.

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  Battletag: postrow.ID_BATTLE_NET}  decrepitwarrior 
Post Posted: 21-03-2017, 16:18:28 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 21-03-2017, 18:42:26 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

prot pvp
So you obviously don't know how vengeance is supposed to work, also your guild tank's are shit.
PS i was pulling 90 mil on iron jug 25 hc before the debuff vengeance fixes.

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