
Legion Fishing Guide 1-800

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Post Posted: 25-03-2017, 06:07:26 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

While leveling fishing was quite annoying with some of the legacy expansions, it is quite easy to level it up in Legion!

Firstly we obviously need to learn fishing which can be done at any capital city. Once you learned the profession please make sure that you equip a fishing pole.
Once all of the above are done we are all set to fish!

~~Hey, how do I fish?
- It's easy! All you have to do is find the fishing icon within your spellbook "P" and put it anywhere on your action bars. Afterwards pick up a spot, stand in front of your water pool and press the fishing button. A lure will appear in the water and you have to right click it once it splashes. Fish -> Loot -> Repeat -

NB: You wan't to start fishing in Draenor's open waters at first!
~~But why?
- You simply want to get Fishing Guide to Draenor which will be the first fish you will catch if you fish in Draenor's open waters as it will set your fishing skill to 700 so you won't have to visit your trainer at 75, 150, 225 and so on.

~~Where to fish now?
- Once you have draenor's fishing guide you should continue leveling your fishing on the Broken Isle.
While fishing in Legion zones you have a slim chance to catch rare bites such as Frost worm which gives you a chance to catch one of Legion's rare fishes such as Coldriver Carp. Using the above fish will increase your fishing skill by 5 points upto a maximum of 800!
NB: You want to save those to the point where your fishing skill is higher as it will be much harder to level it then!

Important fishing dailies for faster leveling
Pre-requirements: Level 94, Garrison Level 2

Initial quest for Alliance characters: Looking for Help which can be started at Ron Ashton.
Initial quest for Horde characters: Looking for Help which can be started at Ron Ashton.

After you completed the quest chain, you can get daily quests at your Fishing Shack. These daily quests give +15 fishing skill each day.

Basically that's it. If you have further questions about fishing, catching rare fishes, fishing spots or anything else, I would be more then happy to answer your questions!

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