
aseara ora 1 fix nebunie din nou pe server

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Author Message1143

[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 09-09-2010 21:37)
Joined: 31 Jan 2010
Posts: 30, Topics: 5
Location: bucuresti

Reputation: 87.6
Votes: 4

Post Posted: 25-03-2010, 01:09:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Gagec_Jr dropped
bobe : da
Mox is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
MuTuLiCa dropped
MuTuLiCa has left the game
*** bobe killed ::VeLeA:: with a headshot from ak47 ***
*DEAD* ais : n`a iesit ma jegosu asta

*DEAD* ais : naveti nici unu id la admini ?

*DEAD* eu_I_pe_tine : -

[] Pastrati limbajul decent. In caz contrar veti primi Llama/Gag/Ban.
N dropped
N has left the game
*SPEC* Slip! : nu e sus nici Fearless ((

zarkawi killed ais with awp
*** bobe killed ::VeLeA:: with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** bobe killed AnG3lO with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** bobe killed Cos de reciclare with a headshot from ak47 ***
Mox killed nyckam_XAKA with m4a1
zarkawi : lasa ma omu sa joace
2p3u dropped
2p3u has left the game
*** ^AvioanE^ killed zarkawi with a headshot from ak47 ***
Gagec_Jr connected
::VeLeA:: : bobe
Mox killed ^AvioanE^ with m4a1
nyckam_XAKA dropped
nyckam_XAKA has left the game
Gagec_Jr is joining the Terrorist force
^AvioanE^ : lol
bobe killed self with worldspawn
*** empty killed eu_I_pe_tine with a headshot from m4a1 ***
::VeLeA:: : ce cod ai?
Player dropped
*SPEC* Slip! : ce cod sa aiba ,speed wall si aim

*DEAD* AnG3lO : bobe sa o *** pe maa in cur si in pasarica

Mox killed eu_I_pe_tine with grenade
*SPEC* ^AvioanE^ : gata ma

Mox killed Cos de reciclare with m4a1
*** AnG3lO killed Mox with a headshot from ak47 ***
*DEAD* ais : nickam esti ratat ma - cat iti ia sa treci prin usa aia -

Player connected
*** ::VeLeA:: killed zarkawi with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** bobe killed AnG3lO with a headshot from usp ***
Player is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
::VeLeA:: : hai pe iei
GunsN_Roses killed ais with usp
bobe killed ::VeLeA:: with m4a1
* empty changed name to D3KO
AnG3lO dropped
AnG3lO has left the game
Danciudrn dropped
Danciudrn has left the game
Requesting tempdecal.wad from server
sosorigo connected
[] Nominalizati o harta scriind pe chat numele complet al acesteia.
sosorigo is joining the Terrorist force
*DEAD* AnG3lO : stai asa

(1)Player connected
*SPEC* Slip! : dar tot nu inteleg dece nu se bag spectatori

Player dropped
Player has left the game
(1)Player is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
*DEAD* zarkawi : si a bagat si velea cod -

*** bobe killed Gagec_Jr with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*DEAD* eu_I_pe_tine : ba de unde poa mea vedetzi ma???? kkmasi pe dodurile voastre

AnG3lO connected
(1)Player dropped
(1)Player has left the game
AnG3lO is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
*DEAD* zarkawi : bobe intra ma pe mess

ais dropped
ais has left the game
*DEAD* ::VeLeA:: : pai tot nu il afectez

*** bobe killed Cos de reciclare with a headshot from ak47 ***
AnG3lO : aha
::VeLeA:: killed AnG3lO with ak47
AnG3lO : Ash chyteris, adminai jeigu esate, ishbaninkite mane! anticheat plugin for amxmodx!
SphinCS connected
Mox killed eu_I_pe_tine with m4a1
::VeLeA:: killed Mox with ak47
*** bobe killed Gagec_Jr with a headshot from ak47 ***
] stopdemo
::VeLeA:: killed bobe with ak47
SphinCS is joining the Terrorist force
bobe dropped
bobe has left the game
*SPEC* Slip! : ma tam pitule ,esti mai pr ost ca un copil de 2 ani

Gagec_Jr dropped
Gagec_Jr has left the game
[] Serverul a trecut pe modul AMXX. Noile comenzi le puteti afla pe forum.
*** ::VeLeA:: killed D3KO with a headshot from ak47 ***
] viewdemo bobe velea si zarkawi trei tovarasi odata au disperat to serveru au iesit jumate ...ce sa mai joci -

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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 09-09-2010 21:37)
Joined: 31 Jan 2010
Posts: 30, Topics: 5
Location: bucuresti

Reputation: 87.6
Votes: 4

Post Posted: 25-03-2010, 01:39:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

a venit sphincs a rezolvat problema a iesit si la unu 36 cand toata lumea era voioasa ce crede-ti ca s-a intamplat -) a intrat DMV sa ne arate ce poate -** D.M.V killed ::VeLeA:: with a headshot from m249 ***
*** D.M.V killed S1n with a headshot from m249 ***
*** D.M.V killed radu.c with a headshot from m249 ***
*** D.M.V killed Ssho with a headshot from m249 ***
wass??? : re
BiO (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*** D.M.V killed kid with a headshot from m249 ***
::VeLeA:: : zi ma bag aim?
BiO (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*SPEC* bonsai : `

(Spectator) N : Bonsai

bufu_07 killed kid with aug
*** D.M.V killed Alecs with a headshot from m249 ***
BiO (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
] record dmv
recording to dmv.dem.
*SPEC* V3r|D3|P4rIs : baga ma aim si ma asigur sa iei si tu ban atunci

D.M.V killed S1n with m249
*** D.M.V killed Ssho with a headshot from m249 ***
*** D.M.V killed radu.c with a headshot from m249 ***
kid dropped
[] Folositi comanda amx_page mesaj in consola daca aveti de reclamat un codat.
kid has left the game
D.M.V killed ::VeLeA:: with m249
Blue : bagativa toti spectatori
BiO (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
*SPEC* V3r|D3|P4rIs : cf alice?

radu.c dropped
radu.c has left the game
*SPEC* N : bonsai

The following maps are no longer nominated: de_nuke_rarea
Ssho dropped
Ssho has left the game
D.M.V killed ::VeLeA:: with m249
*SPEC* V3r|D3|P4rIs : asa devreme la cs?

*** Blue killed S1n with a headshot from ak47 ***
*SPEC* N : nu ai poti da kick

*SPEC* V3r|D3|P4rIs : -

wass??? : dmv are cod frate
wass??? is joining the Counter-Terrorist force (auto)
Pato is joining the Counter-Terrorist force (auto)
BiO (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
LooB dropped
*DEAD* ::VeLeA:: : va rog iesiti si lasatima pe mine si mortu ala

*DEAD* ::VeLeA:: : va rog iesiti si lasatima pe mine si mortu ala

*DEAD* ::VeLeA:: : va rog iesiti si lasatima pe mine si mortu ala

LooB dropped
D.M.V killed wass??? with m249
*** Pato killed Blue with a headshot from ak47 ***
*** D.M.V killed S1n with a headshot from m249 ***
*** D.M.V killed Pato with a headshot from m249 ***
*** D.M.V killed ::VeLeA:: with a headshot from m249 ***
LooB connected
BiO dropped
BiO has left the game
LooB is joining the Counter-Terrorist force
LooB is joining the Terrorist force (auto)
*DEAD* ::VeLeA:: : va rog iesiti si lasatima pe mine si mortu ala

::VeLeA:: : va rog iesiti si lasatima pe mine si mortu ala
BiO (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
Blue (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
D.M.V killed S1n with m249
D.M.V killed ::VeLeA:: with m249
*** wass??? killed bufu_07 with a headshot from m4a1 ***
D.M.V killed wass??? with m249
::VeLeA:: : va rog iesiti si lasatima pe mine si mortu ala
D.M.V killed Pato with m249
::VeLeA:: : va rog iesiti si lasatima pe mine si mortu a

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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 09-09-2010 21:37)
Joined: 31 Jan 2010
Posts: 30, Topics: 5
Location: bucuresti

Reputation: 87.6
Votes: 4

Post Posted: 25-03-2010, 01:42:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

scuze de dublu post dar nu mai imi permite spatiul sa le pun pe toate in unul singur velea iar el zmeu am si demo facute pentru ei -
am inacercat sa vad demou-rile dar din pacate nush ce se intampla cu ele
Playing demo from dmv.dem.
WARNING! Server::ParseBad: illegal server message.
WARNING! Server::ProcessMessage: packet read overflow.
WARNING! DemoFile::ReadDemoPacket: message length > MAX_POSSIBLE_MSG
Demo file completely loaded

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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 09-09-2010 21:37)
Joined: 31 Jan 2010
Posts: 30, Topics: 5
Location: bucuresti

Reputation: 87.6
Votes: 4

Post Posted: 25-03-2010, 02:06:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

bun sa continuam ora 1:52 stai ca trag caterinca caterinca dar nervii mei sunt la pamant de la unu l-a 2 am sta sa-mi mananc creieriisi sa ma enervez in loc sa am FUN cum e lozinca . zid

*** Stai K Trag killed Bloo with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** Stai K Trag killed ::VeLeA:: with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** Stai K Trag killed wass??? with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*** Stai K Trag killed chuchu with a headshot from m4a1 ***
*SPEC* -eL-Moartea-1 : are doar wall

*SPEC* Slip! : na mam dus sa ma culc
*SPEC* Slip! : NB all
*SPEC* Gru|a : are silent aim .. ma jucatorule
Stai K Trag killed Bloo with m4a1
Stai K Trag killed ::VeLeA:: with m4a1
*** Stai K Trag killed Alecs with a headshot from m4a1 ***
puIU^ killed chuchu with m4a1
*** wass??? killed Stai K Trag with a headshot from aug ***
*** puIU^ killed (100) with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Mox killed wass??? with m4a1
Slip! dropped
Slip! has left the game
*SPEC* Slip! : mai nevedem
*DEAD* wass??? : *****
*SPEC* Gru|a : uacum ma crezi
Stai K Trag (RADIO): Fire in the hole!
Mox killed Alecs with m4a1
Gru|a dropped
Gru|a has left the game
Alecs dropped
Alecs has left the game
*** Stai K Trag killed Bloo with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Stai K Trag killed wass??? with m4a1
*SPEC* Slip! : NB
Stai K Trag killed ::VeLeA:: with m4a1
profylerr connected
*** Stai K Trag killed (100) with a headshot from m4a1 ***
Bloo dropped
Bloo has left the game
*** Blue killed chuchu with a headshot from ak47 ***
profylerr is joining the Terrorist force
*DEAD* wass??? : na si uite asa de la unu la doua sa golit tot serveru pentru ca asa au vrut 3 copii .nu-mi trebuia decat kick nimic mai mult nu se poate frate se inatimpla seara de seara zic asta de o luna nu aude nimeni zice toata lumea ca asa e regula. regula e regula nu zice nimeni nici eu nu merg pe contrasens dar dak in fata mea e o groapa mare o incalc sa-mi salvez cauciucurile nu?vreau doar comanda kick sau un numar de telelfon al unui admin sa-l trezesc dak imi strica cineva distractia .sau nu vreau nici o comnada dar sa fie nene un admin de noapte...-

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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 20-11-2014 12:56)
Joined: 26 Apr 2007
Posts: 454, Topics: 30
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Post Posted: 25-03-2010, 02:38:58 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

bonsai wrote:
sau un numar de telelfon al unui admin sa-l trezesc dak imi strica cineva distractiae...-

Tu vb serios? -
Pe Mox, Stai K Trag, :VeLeA:: si altii care aveau fux de pe alte servere si care faceau reclama i-am rezolvat eu... iar pe D.M.V o sa-l baneze un owner cat de curand.

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Status: Offline
(since 21-03-2012 13:51)
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Post Posted: 25-03-2010, 14:18:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

eu am dat ban la diverse ip-uri printre care si lui eu_i_ ala sau ceva de genul...

cand am intrat eu toti erau cuminti si faceau p inocentii. fara coduri. am urmarit cativa indivizi care inainte cica aveau, am dat banuri pentru limbaj. unele chiar permanente ca au injurat serverul si m-au scos din sarite.
o sa ma uit in loguri cand ajung aksa sa caut ip-ul lui dmv.

scuze dar nam putut sta mai mult asseara ca muream de somn

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