
[FIXED] [Monk] [Brewmaster] [Passive] Gift of the Ox

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 29-06-2017, 13:03:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz spell link:
Bug description: spawn rate of those healing orbs is too low
Orb should spawn when I take 100% of my HP (without stagger/absorb, but with armor/damage reduction)

Q: Is the Brewmaster Gift of the Ox proc chance based on the amount of damage the player takes? It appears so given the "inconsistency" of the proc.

A: It's no longer a random chance, under the hood. When you are hit, it increments a counter by (DamageTakenBeforeAbsorbsOrStagger / MaxHealth). It now drops an orb whenever that reaches 1.0, and decrements it by 1.0. The tooltip still says ‘chance’, to keep it understandable.

Q: - Is the damage calculated pre-mitigation/absorb, or is it basically "amount of health lost"? (e.g., if you had a -50% damage taken effect, and a 50k absorb shield, then took a 200k hit, what would be the final value of Damage?)

A: Damage is the full damage of the hit, before absorbs, before Stagger. HealthPercentAfterDamage is with stagger taken into account, but not other absorbs. Mitigation does reduce Damage. In your example, Damage would be 100k.

from (wowhead link)


I took 44 mil damage total during the whole run (MoS +5) and only spawned 9 orbs (I tend to use them so it's no like I missed 50 of them)

tanked some mobs for a while, only 4 orbs with 18 mil damage taken.

video of that :


For some reason it worked as expected in my class hall tanking dummies

edit : also they should spawn to on my right side until there is a wall, then it spawn underneath me.
Currently they tend to spawn randomly/behind me (I'll test this more)

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Post Posted: 03-07-2017, 23:12:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I have experienced this too.. Whenever I am soloing mobs in the open world doing world quests or whatever I tend to spawn the orbs pretty frequently as it should. Although, I have the problem that I don't spawn anything when I'm doing dungeons/raids. Did Emerald Nightmare Heroic the other day, and took a ton of damage from some of the bosses. But didn't spawn a single orb, so pretty hard for my healers to keep up -
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Post Posted: 05-07-2017, 23:05:14 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I am aware of that wowhead post, if you want me I will seriously screenshot the code part. It is implemented EXACTLY like that. You might not see an orb spawning, because it spawns right under you and you instantly pick it up, but it spawns exactly like how it is described on wowhead.
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 05-07-2017, 23:38:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Does the counter for the orb spawn reset when I leave combat? Just one thought.

Anyways, could I ask for the screenshot?
Because this:
might be suffering from the same bug. It works now, but not 100%, sometimes I still don't get an orb when I pass the 35% HP threshold,
so I'd like to look into a bit before I start to spam you/forum with posts.

Ty, Darkiee

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Post Posted: 06-07-2017, 03:31:18 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

You keep the counter out of combat too, because the variable is tied to the passive.

Open your combat log, enable heal logging, and check the log when you drop below 35%. You will see that Gift of the Ox heals you. even if you don't see the orb, because it puts it too close to you so you take it up instantly.

I am really sorry, I am actually not allowed to release any screenshot from the script, but I've been testing this spell for quite a while, and I assure you it does work.

Now the fact that in dungeons it may misbehave I can accept. There are an awful lot of spells that do not work properly in dungeons. Will check it.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 06-07-2017, 11:52:48 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ok, nevermind I understand.

My next idea is that it might be the code that handles the spawn of the orbs fails to find a place to spawn the orb, or something like that.

Filmed this today: (it's more about the Obstinate Determination)

1st try:

I get none orb whatsoever

2nd try:

I got 2 orbs normally, then 3 from Obstinate Determination, 4th time it fails

(videos still uploading atm, will be done in 30 min after posting this)

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 15-07-2017, 18:58:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Quicksand wrote:

Now the fact that in dungeons it may misbehave I can accept. There are an awful lot of spells that do not work properly in dungeons. Will check it.


In most dungeons, Healing Spheres aren't spawning at all. Not even the Greater Healing Spheres from Overflow. You could get into Violet Hold and tank the first round of mobs, you'll notice quickly that there are no Healing Spheres around you while you are taking damage.

However, even if you pull a ton of trash and even tank a boss at the same time, only one or two Healing Spheres will spawn during the entire fight, no matter how much damage you are taking or from how many targets, their spawn chance is extremely extremely low.

Brewmasters are by far the weakest & worst tanks on this server, they are too squishy because of this bug.

@Evydence, could you take a look, please?

Thank you:)

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Post Posted: 28-07-2017, 12:50:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Quicksand wrote:
You keep the counter out of combat too, because the variable is tied to the passive.

Open your combat log, enable heal logging, and check the log when you drop below 35%. You will see that Gift of the Ox heals you. even if you don't see the orb, because it puts it too close to you so you take it up instantly.

I am really sorry, I am actually not allowed to release any screenshot from the script, but I've been testing this spell for quite a while, and I assure you it does work.

Now the fact that in dungeons it may misbehave I can accept. There are an awful lot of spells that do not work properly in dungeons. Will check it.

Sir, have a look at this:
i'm not telling is not working, but is not working properly. Actually i think obstinate determination doesn't work at all. All the orbs i get are from taking damage, none from that trait. Because it's too RNG. i keep healing my self at 35+ then i keep taking damage. it's 50/50. it shoudn't be 50/50. it should be 100%!

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Post Posted: 29-07-2017, 18:20:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Quicksand, sorry for activating your voicemail, I've seen that you have fixed multiple Windwalker bugs but other players that play Brewmaster in PvE can't even survive without this fix. You really need to fix this bug, people can't really play brewmaster, almost no one will take a brewmaster in their raid / mythic. In Mythic+ you can't even tank more than 4-5 mobs because you are always almost dead even with a healer behind your back.
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Post Posted: 29-07-2017, 18:21:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I believe I told exactly you that stop bumping each and every topic, as I'm going through all of them and hopefully fixing all of them.
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Post Posted: 29-07-2017, 18:23:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I know. Thing is, i thought that you are fixing them ''class after class'' and after i've seen that you finished with the others ( like DK, Druid ), that's why i posted. I mainly thought that you maybe jumped over it.
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Post Posted: 29-07-2017, 18:26:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

this is only one of the problems. having no dodge without mastery is another reason that brewmasters suck at tanking.
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Post Posted: 29-07-2017, 18:51:20 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Seriously, noone reported it that none of the tank specs get parry/dodge from Str/Agi? It has been 6 months since open beta, jesus. I just realized it

Update @ 29-07-2017, 19:51:20

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Post Posted: 04-08-2017, 23:22:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

one month into pls fix this and he nerfs shadow priest.
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Post Posted: 11-08-2017, 00:08:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

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