
[FIXED] Random NPC Bugs
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Post Posted: 03-07-2017, 07:58:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Heirlooms have the wrong prices.

Currently, Heirlooms are way overpriced. There was no decrease or increase in item cost of looms at all. There were changes in 7.2.5 but currently, we are 7.1.5 and the prices are wrong.


Proof of no changes to looms this patch.

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Post Posted: 03-07-2017, 20:49:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

phil777 wrote:
First level of Jin'tha Alor (after the first stairs) has no trolls, add some Vilebranch Headhunters ( and Witch Doctors ( for the quest that requires them, as there's only 2 witch doctors currently spawned whereas there should be a few more according to wowhead: . (Also, one of the Witch Doctors is over at the Altar of Zul? What the heck, remove him)

Ongo'longo ( is double-spawned, you can remove one of them.
Qiaga the Keeper ( also double-spawned.

There's quite a lot of Desiccated Magus ( and Desiccated Spearman ( in Andorhal, sometimes they're both on top of each other. Coupled with all the mobs that aren't phased, it's rather hard to quest in this subzone without getting slowed by the Magus and then aggro everything around.


Update @ 03-07-2017, 21:26:44

phil777 wrote:
Demetria ( was removed during Cataclysm but is still active here.

Rohan The Assassin ( is incorrectly spawned. Move him in the bell tower of the abbey nearby (look at picture in his link if you need hints).

Huntsman Leopold ( is also incorrectly placed. He should be on the walls, on top of the barracks, not inside them as he currently is. (again, check his link's image to see where he should be)

Now, this ain't necessary, but I think players would enjoy not having to go back and forth to Vex'tul ( for his last 2 quests. I propose you spawn a version of him on top of the Zul'Mashar altar, near the bonfire, because that's where you need to turn in anyway.


Update @ 03-07-2017, 21:49:04

phil777 wrote:
Nyxondra ( ain't spawned in Badlands. She's required for a quest near Rhea in the Lethlor Ravine.

phil777 wrote:
Wayward fire elemental ( is double-spawned.

Update @ 02-07-2017, 20:18:52

Thunder Bluff citizen was only active during the events preceding the Cataclysm and should no* longer be in-game (, not to mention, but they look like humans in-game. X) Proof:

Update @ 02-07-2017, 20:21:49

Southsea Taskmaster ( double-spawned.


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Post Posted: 03-07-2017, 21:47:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Remaining NPC's will be verified and fixed since reports were made since PTR and some of them are still not appealing issues. For now, open individual bugs for each bugged encountered NPC so the fixes will be easier to make and monitor.


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