
Multiboxing allowed? and if need some major help
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 21-06-2017, 21:04:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hallo, I just downloaded legoin and wanted to multibox on there.
Now I coundt find anywhere if it`s alowed or not. If not please let a GM responed or give a valid link - because allot of people dislike it.

anyway if it`s alowed, then I got a use problem.... now with the FREAKZ wow legion launcher, u can only launch the game from ur wow directery.
And when I am using ISboxer and try to run the file to start the game, I get the error that its not in the game directery. (I think ISboxer launches the game from somewere else)
I dont know how to fix this problem because I am very unformiliar with it. but if anyone knows it , please tell me then... hehe...!
(I already tried installing isboxer in the wow directery but that didnt work, same error)

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Post Posted: 22-06-2017, 10:20:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Multiboxing is allowed only in Open World, but in the deciment of not making other player's gameplay laggy etc.

So, as long as you don't lag intentionally other people out and don't use it in PvE/PvP content (raids/dungeons/bg's), all is good.


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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 30-06-2017, 14:33:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hi, I'm also interested in multiboxing on this server, and while I'm glad to see you allow it, I'm not sure I entirely understand in what way you allow it.
You say Open World is fine, but PvE and PvP content isn't, but if PvE and PvP content isn't allowed, it's basically forbidden entirely, isn't it?
Questing is a part of PvE, and especially with PvE Worldbosses and other things located in the Open World, those would belong to "Open World" but are also PvE content.

So I'm really confused as to what's allowed and what isn't.
Especially the dungeons part is kind of confusing, because what bothers most players is PvP multiboxing and multiboxers running around in the Open World. The one thing people are the least likely to take offense is dungeons, because multiboxing in dungeons is much, much more difficult, doesn't affect or bother other players, and is incredibly challenging to the point that high level dungeons are only clearable by very very well-equipped and highly experienced multiboxers - if at all.

And since I'm kind of into multiboxing because I want some greater challenge, not "easymode" leveling, the no-dungeons part is a big turn off for me. :(

So I'd be very grateful if you could clarify what exactly is allowed, because the "no PvE and PvP restriction" would basically mean that the only thing a multiboxer can do is run around, not kill mobs, not do quests, not defend himself against attacking players, etc.

@Djilles 01
I haven't yet downloaded the Freakz client, but if the wow.exe is renamed in any way, that's your issue. Rename the wow.exe into the normal "wow.exe" and ISBoxer will recognize it.
Oh, and you don't need to have ISBoxer in the wow folder. It can launch it from anywhere. But the wow.exe needs to be the wow.exe. -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 30-06-2017, 15:08:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I havn`t multiboxed because of this issue, because of the Freakz launcher, but I`ll surely try this when I am home. But basicly I need to rename the Freakz launcher to Wow.exe ?
(You can only play the game when you launch the game from the original directory, so when I try to launch the wow Freakz launcher from ISboxer, I get the error it isnt launched from the game directory).

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 30-06-2017, 15:23:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Like I said, I haven't yet downloaded the client, so I don't know the file structure.
But the previous Wow server I used had 2 exe files:
WoWSomeRandomPServerName - 32.exe
WoWSomeRandomPServerName - 64.exe

First you don't want to use the "64.exe" but the "32" bit version. It works better for multiboxing. (Where you have to reduce your graphic options somewhat anyway, especially Anti-Aliasing and others. I had 10 FPS on full on 5 characters, when I removed Antialiasing and set everything else to just high I was at 60 FPS.
Secondly you want to rename the "WoWSomeRandomPServerName - 32.exe" into just "wow.exe".

Otherwise ISboxer can't recognize the WoW.exe and will give the closest default error it can find, which is that it isn't launched from the game directory.
So yeah, just renaming it should work, unless Freakz uses not an exe, but a launcher that links to the exe. In that case you want to use not the launcher but just the exe.
(E.g. some games have a 10 kbit big launcher that's just a "window" that then links to a 20mb exe file. So long as Freakz uses the exe as launcher, this is guaranteed to work)

EDIT: Just began the download and took a look at the file structure. It seems that there is a launcher referencing the wow.exe.
Try to start the game not via the launcher but the wow.exe and see if you can launch the game without ISboxer that way. If so, reference that normal wow.exe in ISBoxer, not the launcher.
If the launcher is mandatory to use, things get a bit tricky, and I'll have to see what can be done when I've downloaded the client myself to test things out.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 01-07-2017, 06:22:24 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hi id like to know too if multiboxing is allowed in dungeon and raids? seen 2 different answeres for 2 different gm's in 2 different threads so is it allowed or not?. In my case i'm "only" going to multibox 2 chars 1 higher to boost the lower level char and when they reach same level eventually i'll use a healer to heal my other char with. Only for quests and dungeons and raids. not interested in pvp what so ever so are not going to do any pvp in any form. if i get pvp tagged by mistake which can happen if you use aoe and a player from oppsite faction or possibly npc gets in the way i will abort and hs or whatever to get rid of pvp. unless it's part of a quest where you need to attack pvp'ed npc in which case i won't attack pvp'ed player altthough i'm sure they'll kill me as i'll try to run away.
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Post Posted: 01-07-2017, 13:32:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Dual log to boost your char is not prohibited


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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 01-07-2017, 17:10:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Well, after all my tests I can only come up with one conclusion:

ISBoxer and Wow Freakz are incompatible. And there's nothing to be done but to move on. Sigh. And I'd thought I'd finally found a server to play on. Seems like I have to wait until there's finally a 7.1.5 Server that allows Multiboxing *and* Multiboxing Software.

The long and short of it is this:
Wow Freakz requires the starting of wow through its launcher.
ISBoxer issues with the *.exe name can be bypassed, but ultimately ISBoxer has to launch every instance of Wow Freakz by individually executing the specified "*.exe" which is the launcher.
Either the Wow Freakz launcher somewhere inside has a code line that terminates or prevents wow from being started if loaded through a different program or ISBoxer cannot handle the process of ->Launcher -> Launcher Program -> Launched WoW, because it never processes from Launcher Program to launched WoW.
The result is that ISBoxer cannot launch Wow through the launcher, the game cannot be launched without the launcher or you get kicked, so ISBoxer players can't play on this server.

It's a pity, but that's how it is.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 03-07-2017, 08:29:26 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I already asumed such thing with ISboxer, although there is a option in ISboxer for you to launch the client and while ISboxer will take it over. Its called: Dynamic Launch Mode. I havnt tested it out yet caues I already moved to an other wow server, but if it could work, it`d be a big game changer..!

(Link: -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 03-07-2017, 13:44:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I forgot about Dynamic Launch, I will post after I try it for a bit and let you guys know if it does work -
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 03-07-2017, 14:09:31 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

multiboxing should not be allowed

this crap ruins the economy

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 03-07-2017, 14:56:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

So far I'm not getting much luck, getting the same error as you still have to launch the game from the InnerSpace menu. At least from what I noticed so far. :/
I just doesn't seem to hook into the game if you just launch the game. Will do some testing on live wow.

EDIT: As I suspected, you still need to launch using InnerSpace which causes the error of the wow-64.exe apparently not being in the same directory.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 03-07-2017, 16:39:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Troll65800 wrote:
So far I'm not getting much luck, getting the same error as you still have to launch the game from the InnerSpace menu. At least from what I noticed so far. :/
I just doesn't seem to hook into the game if you just launch the game. Will do some testing on live wow.

EDIT: As I suspected, you still need to launch using InnerSpace which causes the error of the wow-64.exe apparently not being in the same directory.

Haven't yet gotten around to doing any testing, but have you made sure to activate Dynamic Launch Mode in your character set and export it to Inner Space?
On the website it says:
Note: If your game windows launch on their own, you've not enabled Dynamic Launch Mode in your Character Set (and Exported to Inner Space afterward)

So it shouldn't launch automatically.

As for the launching itself, my guess is that you might be able to link the Dynamic Launch to the wow-64.exe, while starting each instance seperately and manually via the launcher_freakz.exe

But yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if this doesn't work either. The curse of 7.1.5 and multiboxing. :/

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 03-07-2017, 16:47:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

kuraiken wrote:

As for the launching itself, my guess is that you might be able to link the Dynamic Launch to the wow-64.exe, while starting each instance seperately and manually via the launcher_freakz.exe

If there to do this then yeah it would be possible. But so far from what I'm able to see from launching instances on Inner Space is that it virtualises them within itself. But if we can get it to hook into a running process then that'd be pretty much perfect.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 03-07-2017, 21:03:30 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@Kuraiken, If this doesn't end up working you'd have to go through the bigger process of setting everything up using AutoHotkey (The only program I know for this type of stuff since I mostly use ISBoxer XD) more than likely.
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