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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 07-08-2019 13:41)
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Post Posted: 24-06-2017, 11:32:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Reckless is and international guild recruitting dedicated players that would want to clear mythics and future raids, we also invite low level players for leveling period.

Personal Information:

Briefly describe yourself (including age):

Character Information:

Tell us your main name:

What's your item level in PvE gear? -

Do you have any alts?If you do,name them. -

Game Experience:

In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked? :

What was your role/rank in those guild(s)? :

How you play your class:

Explain us your main spec rotation in all situation (During pull, aoe situation and execute phase):

Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using:

Which addons are you using? :


Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy or boss. Open recount/skada so we can see all spells you have used. Stop at 10 million damage. (Type - if you are not applying as a Dps role).


Discord is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule?

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 17-07-2017 17:51)
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Post Posted: 24-06-2017, 13:13:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Supmark wrote:
Reckless is and international guild recruitting dedicated players that would want to clear mythics and future raids, we also invite low level players for leveling period.

Personal Information:

Briefly describe yourself (including age): 30

Character Information:

Tell us your main name: Nefthar

What's your item level in PvE gear? - 839 ilvl

Do you have any alts?If you do,name them. - Fire mage - Amgulak 101 lvl

Game Experience:

In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked? : Sunlight - It s a small comunity of czech / slovak mates with not so special activity for a guild runs that i m looking for to get achievments and reliable to do myth and +.

What was your role/rank in those guild(s)? : I have guild dungeon / raid leader.

How you play your class:

Explain us your main spec rotation in all situation (During pull, aoe situation and execute phase): It s very specific on each boss and each ability that boss contain to that people can t prove in right place and time enough. I m starting pull with talent spell Jade Serpent Statue that helps me boost same soothing mist as i do during but lower healing stat on tank. I m putting it on range area to cover all characters. Immediatelly after pull i m holding renewing mist and effuse on tank. Than if boss / elites have abilites that splash dmg to party and they are nearly 50% + - i m covering the most wounded guy at first with Essence font that has another hot after to cointinuing with Vivify jumping tha target of the smallest % hp, the best to choose for the guys after casting with vivify to holding heal sooth mist from statue in time of get the heal up. At the critital passages mainly on tank, but sometimes it is need also for dps guys i m doing life coccon with Sheilung Gift (it s depend on stack) with Revival on big party dmg that i can t immediatelly cover of action situate by boss or elites. So in quick at all i m healing 2 wound guys with vivify changing them as the party wound need, for a one guy i m carrying on with Effuse.

Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using: 1. Intellect 2. Haste=Mastery 3. Versatility 4. Critical, I choose haste than critical for upcoming raid content and mythic + as i was reading recommendation for all of Mistweaver monk. My actual stat are - intelect - 25,652, critical - 20%, haste 13%, mastery 295%, verstauk 3%. I couldn t get every part of recommended items for upcoming content, so still on farm. I have more trinkets with versatil 840+, but i m not sure that is the best way to gear them.

Which addons are you using? : DBM, Omni CC, Recount


Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy or boss. Open recount/skada so we can see all spells you have used. Stop at 10 million damage. (Type - if you are not applying as a Dps role).


Discord is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule?
Sure, i m in at all adds and apps. -

So i hope that you will be in as I am. Hope you soon as much as possible and thanks for regards.

You can see me in game.

Have a nice day.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 24-06-2017, 14:41:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nefthar - Accepted! whisper officer ingame. For next applications don't quote just copy fragment from Personal till Requirements.

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 27-06-2017 13:15)
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Post Posted: 24-06-2017, 15:53:22 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Personal Information:

Briefly describe yourself (including age): 17

Character Information:

Tell us your main name: Orcblazeit

What's your item level in PvE gear? - 747

Do you have any alts?If you do,name them. - have them , but none are lvl 110

Game Experience:

In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked? : I have been in riders on the storm in freakz cata ,also in reckless and I havent left or been kicked

What was your role/rank in those guild(s)? : Mostly DPS,fire mage

How you play your class:

Explain us your main spec rotation in all situation (During pull, aoe situation and execute phase):
First of all I cast fireball, use mirror image or the rune , use the meteor strike and use my macro with actives and combustion , use 1 fireball, fireblast and the jsut rotate beetwen pyroblast-fire blase ,pyroblast-pheonix flame till combustin runs out , then i just use fireball and for heating up , use fireblast or flames and use pyroblast
In AoE situations i spam the pheonx flames , dragons breath , meteor and use flamestrike at heating up
If the boss casts a lot of spells on ground i would run around , use scorch and fireblast ,flames and so on , waintg for the instant pyroblast

Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using: intellect-> crit -> haste/mastery (depends on the boss) ->versatility intellect 19 521, crit 26% , haste 8%, mastery 11%

Which addons are you using? : DBM, recount


Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy or boss. Open recount/skada so we can see all spells you have used. Stop at 10 million damage. (Type - if you are not applying as a Dps role).


Discord is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule?

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 24-06-2017, 15:54:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Orcblazeit - Accepted whisper officer in game.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 25-06-2017, 01:12:48 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Personal Information:

Briefly describe yourself (including age): 21

Character Information:

Tell us your main name: Ironfist

What's your item level in PvE gear? - 832

Do you have any alts?If you do,name them. - Nope

Game Experience:

In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked? : Nope

What was your role/rank in those guild(s)? :

How you play your class:

Explain us your main spec rotation in all situation (During pull, aoe situation and execute phase): To be honest i can't explain the situations due the lack of my english skills but i understand them you can test me in game if you want.

Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using: Mastery >> Critical Strike >> Haste

Which addons are you using? : Nugcombo bar , Thousand jabs and DBM


Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy or boss. Open recount/skada so we can see all spells you have used. Stop at 10 million damage. (Type - if you are not applying as a Dps role).


Discord is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule? Yes i will

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 07-08-2019 13:41)
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Post Posted: 25-06-2017, 02:13:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ironfist - Accepted whisper officer in game!

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 27-06-2017 15:06)
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Post Posted: 27-06-2017, 15:42:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Personal Information:

Briefly describe yourself (including age): 18

Character Information:

Tell us your main name: Rawrxd

What's your item level in PvE gear? - 801 ilvl

Do you have any alts?If you do,name them. - Vengance Demon Hunter - Jerry 104 lvl

Game Experience:

In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked? : First time playing WoW so I wasn't in any guilds so far, this is my first

How you play your class:

Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using: 1. Agility 2. Haste=Mastery 3. Crit 4. Versitality. My stats are: Agility-19,503, Crit-16%, Haste-15%, Mastery-11%, Versitality-1%
My rotation. First I throw my caltrops and explosive trap, then use my raptor strike to stack wotm, cast my flanking strike then mongoose bit, cast lacerate and raptor strike so my wotm doesnt dissapear cast aspect of the eagle,spitting cobra, murder of crows and flanking strike then cast Fury of the eagle if I have 5 or 6 stacks of mongoose fury on the enemy

Which addons are you using? : DBM, WeakAuras2, Recount


Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy or boss. Open recount/skada so we can see all spells you have used. Stop at 10 million damage. (Type - if you are not applying as a Dps role).


Discord is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule? Yes

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 27-06-2017, 16:08:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Rawrxd - Accepted!

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 05-07-2017, 18:53:21 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Personal Information:

Briefly describe yourself (including age): 17, I talk a lot, but i know when to stop/shut up.( i think)

Character Information:

Tell us your main name: ilovepotatoe, Main affli(835 ilvl ) 30 traits (400k/546k AP) (everything that is related to dps increase, the remaining one are garbage)>destro(822 artifact ilvl)>Demonology(832 ilvl) . But mainly affliction since i've played it the most+ is far superior than others, considering the mobility it's offering.

What's your item level in PvE gear? - 850, but playing with lower stats trinkets because the bis ones(stat+ proc) don't proc atm, witch means 848.

Do you have any alts?If you do,name them. - Warrior lvl 12 Banedor planning on leveling it up.

Game Experience:

In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked? :The Warforged , Left =Personal issues.

What was your role/rank in those guild(s)? : Rdps Raider/Hc raider (3rd highest including officers/gm)

How you play your class:

Explain us your main spec rotation in all situation (During pull, aoe situation and execute phase): Pull = Applying agony >Corruption>Racial(besrerkering)> 2x Ua's>Reap Souls(Artifact ability)>Casting 1full duration drain soul + 1/4 Drain soul(as long as UA's are up)
Reapplying Agony(only since i use "absolute corrpution" for a permanent corruption on target since casted(extremely helpful in m+ and 4+adds since i don't waste too many global cds).
Still trying/testing/studying about last tear since in 7.1.5 soul effigy is not generating as much shards at should be, so im trying to avoid that)
Aoe situations Soul effigy /minute + maintaining Agony on as many targets as possible at full stacks + Spamming seed of corruption and abusing the "soul flame" trait.
Execution phase, nothing changed from the pull phase, but instead of casting only 2x Ua's Keeping the number of shards as low as i can, using them on Ua's to assure max possible dps.

Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using: Highest priority Mastery>Crit>Haste>intelect >Versatility, looking for items that have MAstery + one of crit/haste. (trying to mantain a balance between those, aiming for More crit than haste)

Atm: 18% crit (5.100) 10% haste (3.770) 109%mastery (10.8k)

Which addons are you using? : Dbm is the only pve related. Rest are basic skada/bagnon etc.


Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy or boss. Open recount/skada so we can see all spells you have used. Stop at 10 million damage. (Type - if you are not applying as a Dps role).

Since i don't know if there is any functional dummy (the one in class hall is bugged). Here are 2 random screenshots in dungeons (IF a 10 milion dps is extremely important let me know and i'll update asap)
Blackrockhold +5 Mid fight.
Maw of souls + 2 @50 mil.


Discord is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule?

Of course - .

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 05-05-2019 07:22)
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Post Posted: 05-07-2017, 19:44:24 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Personal Information:

Briefly describe yourself (including age): 21, I don't talk too much. Only when needed

Character Information: Myles, Resto Shaman, 30 traits, 843 ilvl

Tell us your main name: Myles

What's your item level in PvE gear? - 843

Do you have any alts?If you do,name them. - no

Game Experience: I raided during MoP also, and i killed 11/11 SoO hc

In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked? : The Warforged, Left, Personal Stuff

What was your role/rank in those guild(s)? : Raider

How you play your class: Careful so no one dies while I heal

Explain us your main spec rotation in all situation (During pull, aoe situation and execute phase):

Pull: Unleash Elements + Riptide on tank, Healing Stream Totem

Fight: Rotate Riptide on tanks, Put Healing Stream Totem as often as possible
AoE: Unleash Elements + Chain Heal, Healing Rain on 5+ people
Single Target: Healing Wave, Healing Surge on emergencies

Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using: Mastery > Crit > Haste > Versatility. Mastery because it increases the power of my heals, Crit extra heal and mana regen, haste casting faster + GCD

Which addons are you using? : For PvE I use BigWigs and GTFO


Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy or boss. Open recount/skada so we can see all spells you have used. Stop at 10 million damage. (Type - if you are not applying as a Dps role). -


Discord is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule? Yes

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 23-07-2019 11:59)
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Post Posted: 05-07-2017, 20:24:59 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Personal Information:

Briefly describe yourself (including age): Hi my name is Raul , i’m from romania , i’m 18 years old right now and next year is my last year in highschool , after that i’ll go to med school

Character Information:

Tell us your main name: Olimpico

What's your item level in PvE gear? – Protection paladin 851/840(switching trinkets) (legs legendary) ak-17 , 32 traits in ms

Do you have any alts?If you do,name them. - Frost mage- Petcufizic 830ilvl ak-18

Game Experience:

In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked? : i was playing MOP with the warforged for 1 month then switched to legion also with warforged and today i am leaving with some guys because we can’t do what we want here, meaning high mythyc+ and future raids and i see no future for this guild if the guys i was talking about leave.

What was your role/rank in those guild(s)? : In legion i don’t really know but i helped all of the guild members with gearing , carried so many guys in mythyc dungeon and even tried to create a raid from guild members because we just stood there doing nothing on reset day but leader got scared of my iniative and from that point we started to fight.

How you play your class:

Explain us your main spec rotation in all situation (During pull, aoe situation and execute phase):
Pull: Using buffs like seraphim (only sometime) and doing normal rotation with 1 use SOTR to not be capped, in aoe priotizing avenger’s shield over judgement , using defensive mainly proactive and keeping an eye open to the raid/dungeon for blessings , lay of hands and hand of light

Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using:
For dps is : haste>Crit>Mastery>vers
For surv : haste>mastery>vers>crit
Either way i keep a balance between crit mastery and haste , the average is at 22% for all

Which addons are you using? : DBM/Wings , tell me when for tracking all of my spells cd’s and buffs , GTFO


Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy or boss. Open recount/skada so we can see all spells you have used. Stop at 10 million damage. (Type - if you are not applying as a Dps role).
I know i am not dps , but i want to share with everybody the protection paladin damage when played correctly on dps stats:


Discord is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule?
Of course.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 05-07-2017, 20:45:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Olimpico, Ilovepotatoe, Myles - Accepted ! Whisper officer ingame.

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 09-07-2017 15:51)
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Post Posted: 09-07-2017, 15:58:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Personal Information:

Briefly describe yourself (including age): Hello there my name is Carl, I'm a Swedish student on my second year in high school.

Character Information:

Tell us your main name: Totemplop Resto main with Enhancement as OS

What's your item level in PvE gear? - 851 Resto 843 Enhancement

Do you have any alts?If you do,name them. - Natureplop, Resto druid 817 ilvl

Game Experience:

In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked? : I recently left Ten Inches Unbuffed, the Gm and the main officers played less but 1 officer started to give out ranks and invitations to old Forgotten heroes members. Which in my ideal of the guild and therefore I left it.
What was your role/rank in those guild(s)? : I was a "core" healer that could switch to Dps if it was needed. I have 3/4 HC EN cleared. Have not killed Dragons yet.

How you play your class:

Explain us your main spec rotation in all situation (During pull, aoe situation and execute phase):
On pull I cast my riptide on the tank or tanks depending on which fight, then I cast healing rain on the largest group of people for the maximum amount of healing. Then depending on how the damage is split I do certain abilities, if there is a lot of hard hitting AoE I would use chain heal spam and healing stream totem while still caring about the mana. If its more singetarget damage instead of chain heal it would be more casting of Healing Surge for the fast healing to the target.

Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using:
1. Intellect 2. Mastery 3. Critical strike and 4. Haste/Versatility

Which addons are you using? :


Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy or boss. Open recount/skada so we can see all spells you have used. Stop at 10 million damage. (Type - if you are not applying as a Dps role).

My dps on my OS
C:\\Users\\Deidara Blue\\Desktop\\WTF\\Screenshot_9.png


Discord is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule? Always, but I can not always talk on discord tho if that is okej.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-07-2017, 17:28:52 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Totemplol - Accepted!.

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