
[REJECTED] [Demon Hunter][Havoc] Chaos Strike

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 16-07-2017, 12:46:30 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz spell link:
Bug description: Damage too low

Based on (wowhead link) , the damage should be: 257601,1908 ( total of 2 hits )

based on the formula provided by wowhead i did the math:
*for this i use the minimum damage of the weapon #1 + maximum damage of the weapon #2 to determinate a medium damage
1. 2787 ( minimum weapon damage ) + 5177 ( maximum weapon damage ) +6628 ( attack power from agility ) = 14592 attack power

** i'm calculating each swing of chaos strike as well as the swings combined, so, based on the wowhead formula and my understandings of it, it should be like this:

{[((first swing: 305% * 14592 attack power ) + 14592 (attack power)) + 15% (damage increase from trait)] + 29% Mastery (damage increase)} + {[((second swing: 485% * 14592 ) + 14592 (attack power )) * 15% (dmg increase from trait)] + 29% Mastery (damage increase)} = 109318,5216 (first swing) + 148282,6692 (second swing) = 257601,1908 Total MEDIUM damage of the Chaos Strike

+ 14592 attack power applies on every hit ( each chaos strike swing is considered a hit )
+ 15% chaos strike damage applies on every swing ( 1st swing its called #2 Chaos Strike ; 2nd swing is called #3 Chaos Strike . as wowhead shows *Effect 2 and Effect 3*)
+ 29% mastery that applies on every chaos damage ( on each chaos strike swing in our case )

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Post Posted: 16-07-2017, 12:49:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

You are wrong. Second is 485%/2 because it's an offhand attack. The spell deals EXACTLY as much as it states on the tooltip.

Update @ 16-07-2017, 13:49:19

Using your calculations the damage should be 109318 + 74141 = 183459. All off-hand spells/attacks suffer a 50% damage reduction penalty.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 16-07-2017, 12:49:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

where does it say that the second swing is divided by 2 , makes no sense

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[Very Important Person]

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Post Posted: 16-07-2017, 12:55:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Shall I bring you proof from retail? Give me 2 minutes.

Update @ 16-07-2017, 13:55:50

Also, it states on the tooltip. Check the damage what's written on the tooltip. The game automatically calculates it with the 50% penalty.


As you can see the damage from the two instances are almost equal, due to the fact that it does 305% + 242.5% damage (the second one is a bit lower in both screens). If they would do 305% + 485% you'd see that the second damage is significantly higher, which is not the case. Keep this in mind for future reports. Everything done with off-hand weapons suffers a 50% damage penalty.

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