
What comes after Legion? (future expansion)

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Post Posted: 18-07-2017, 13:18:14 [Valuable post] | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Feel free to debate and bring some proofs, quotes, videos. I will reward reputation for those who bring some real explanations on their suppositions (make me believe you).

Myself I really believe that we go next for N'Zoth.

I will just related this to Shadow's Priest Artifact quotes:

The God of the Deep writhes in his prison, breaking free ever so slowly. You should hurry and defeat this fallen titan... there are greater battles yet to fight.

Where Fallen Titan = Sargeras and The God of the Deep is N'zoth (as we know from Bran he is 1 of the 2 remaining active, somewhere and alive Old Gods).

It is ironic that the weakest of us may be the ultimate victor. C'thun, Yogg-Saron, Y'shaarj and well... the only one would remain to consume the world that was always meant to be...

From Warcraft Lore we know that N'Zoth was the "less powerful" one and related to the first quote, we know that he is the last one remaining alive.

Almost completely gone, as if it never existed. But the Rift is so deep and vast, and somewhere down there is stirs. Something has changed, the last prison weakens. We must prepare.

After defeating Xavius in Emerald Nightmare for the first time you have to drop a reward quest for getting some AP to Cenarius. Across his lake there is a cave. Go inside if you are a Shadow Priets. Stay in Shadow Form and you can here that quote from your lovely weapon.

Speculation: Blizzard changed the map before 7.1 of Broken Shore, removing "Thal'Dranath" (a big island in the South-East). Check this 2 links: 1 -> First Map and 2 -> The Old Gods. If you are a Shadow Priets and you follow the purple / mana rifts on Broken Shore and you turn all the volumes down, all beside Ambiance, you can hear the whispers of N'Zoth. All across The Broken Shore. Then this quote comes and seals my supposition:

The Legion burrows deep here... If they burrow deeper, they may not like what they find.

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Post Posted: 18-07-2017, 17:31:31 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hmm,i think the next expansion will revolve around Kul Tiras(More info on the island here:Link)
From what we know this will be a likely be the next expansion.(new armor sets indicate that this might be true,Link from hirumandex)
Jaina has gone missing since the alliance decided to join forces with the Horde so they could defend from the Burning Legion and bring an end to the Legion.
The warning:

The aftermath:

Since she despises the Horde so much that she is willing to leave the faith of the world in others hands means that her next destination will be her homeland,Kul Tiras.
(bottom left)

My presumption is that after all she has been put through,there might be a chance we will see the Retribution of the Proudmoore either as a patch of the expansion or as the entire expansion.
It was hinted to us enough times that she wants to dismantle the horde,

and I don't think this will be looked over so easily.
How much will Jaina hold up all the hatred for the horde until she will burst?
Or hasn't she already???(vsauce sound)
Some of the speculation Krucial(old Hellscream) has pointed out in this Video Link,although he is not entirely sure if it is either Jaina or Sylvannas.
From his digging into the lore he found this quote from Varimathras
Varimathras wrote:

This also suggests that the shattered mask (Sylvannas) will end up betraying the alliance and furthermore increase the possibility of Jaina already setting the stage of her revenge,rallying the people of her homeland to lay siege to the horde.

Well this is my take on the future expansion,wanted to keep it brief so there won't be too much to read.
What do you think?

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Post Posted: 25-07-2017, 01:34:59 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

The next expansion south seas
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