
Reduce Vote Points for transmog items
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 24-07-2017, 01:15:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I think that 50+ VPs for transmog gear is a lot since we have access to only 4 votesites.Reducing it will make people want to get more transmog which means to vote more often.
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Post Posted: 24-07-2017, 09:56:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Exquisitor wrote:
since we have access to only 4 votesites

What do you mean ? You still get 5 vote points for voting on 4 sites.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 24-07-2017, 10:16:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

It doesnt matter,we need 15 days of votinh for just 1 item (some of them),its way to much
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Post Posted: 24-07-2017, 10:31:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Yea, is too much, there are items with 90 VP...

You should get lower req for transmog
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Post Posted: 24-07-2017, 15:16:30 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Too much according to what? According to "i want more free items" ?

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 24-07-2017, 15:20:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Uhm yes kind of,like everybody else.Items with lower ilvls like 200 requires 25 VPs is literally ridiculous and hilarious.Certain items require 90 vps.Seriously lol...
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Post Posted: 25-07-2017, 06:48:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I disagree , if the VP would be reduced for items , players won't vote anymore

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 25-07-2017, 08:36:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

90 is only for WoD endgame HC/mythic items which is fair considering the ways to obtain those items are currently unavailable and/or not soloable. Now consider this - those items usually come with unique spell effects (fire, water, green stuff, moving parts etc.) and most of those effects aren't present on any other item out there troughout all the expansions which is usually the reason why they're so sought after. It just wouldn't be fair to put those items and their unique effects in the same price bracket as, say the generic spiky Wotlk shoulders that literally drop off every other northrend mob or instance and at the same time it won't make sense dropping those generic northrend shoulders to a lower bracket with, say vanilla items.

think about it this way : making those 90 VP items cheap would mean making all the cheaper (50/35/25 etc.) items even cheaper and eventually everyone who doesn't want the endgame WoD mythic items would just not bother voting for cheap items that'd take faster to run to the instance and get and that'll reduce the overall number of votes

Prices are perfectly fair imo

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 25-07-2017, 18:20:30 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ok,then im freaking expecting to have cosmetic items such as laughing skulls (Rep doesnt work) added for 90 vps not some random crap.
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Post Posted: 02-08-2017, 19:29:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

PowerPhlo wrote:
What do you mean ? You still get 5 vote points for voting on 4 sites.

You serious dude?
If you're saying this, then it means you have no love for transmogs.
Because every transmog lover is going to change his/her trans every 2/3 days at the very least.
Now what can you do with 5 vote points each day? If it was for a whole set...yeah it would be nice -
but currently... you can't even buy a goddamn wrist with it.
I'm not saying to reduce the prices so we can buy whole sets with just one day but really 2 or 3 days for a wrist or a waist is a little bit too much.
It should be one day for each main set.
so a whole set = one week. (Legs/Shoulders/Head/Hand/Chest/Waist)

And don't worry, you won't run out of transmogs because there at least 100 transmog items in each slot
So it will take 100 weeks for us to get all of'em ( excluding backs which are waaay more than that)

Update @ 02-08-2017, 20:25:52

Shocker wrote:
Too much according to what? According to "i want more free items" ?

Actually, if you want more votes then you should do this.
Currently it's not worth spending vote points for trans items because you can get them easily in-game and I suppose you already know this yourself.

There should be a balance for prices.
Too expensive items means no buyers.

Update @ 02-08-2017, 20:29:03

Capatana94 wrote:
I disagree , if the VP would be reduced for items , players won't vote anymore

First I think you've never voted yourself.
Secondly VPs are not just for items and I assume you already know that.

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Post Posted: 05-08-2017, 17:50:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Too much according to what? According to "i want more free items" ?


according to "im providing support for server so that i can enjoy the benefits of staying in this server"

would you waste 6minutes 2 times a day for 10 days to get a transmog item? no son. you wont. so many people arent.

plus the fact that voting system is buggy as *** and im not only one who cant vote at all. yet i sometimes vote. -_-

Update @ 05-08-2017, 18:38:26

What do you mean ? You still get 5 vote points for voting on 4 sites.

You serious dude?
If you're saying this, then it means you have no love for transmogs.
Because every transmog lover is going to change his/her trans every 2/3 days at the very least.
Now what can you do with 5 vote points each day? If it was for a whole set...yeah it would be nice -
but currently... you can't even buy a goddamn wrist with it.
I'm not saying to reduce the prices so we can buy whole sets with just one day but really 2 or 3 days for a wrist or a waist is a little bit too much.
It should be one day for each main set.
so a whole set = one week. (Legs/Shoulders/Head/Hand/Chest/Waist)

And don't worry, you won't run out of transmogs because there at least 100 transmog items in each slot
So it will take 100 weeks for us to get all of'em ( excluding backs which are waaay more than that)

Update @ 02-08-2017, 20:25:52

Too much according to what? According to "i want more free items" ?

Actually, if you want more votes then you should do this.
Currently it's not worth spending vote points for trans items because you can get them easily in-game and I suppose you already know this yourself.

There should be a balance for prices.
Too expensive items means no buyers.

Update @ 02-08-2017, 20:29:03

I disagree , if the VP would be reduced for items , players won't vote anymore

First I think you've never voted yourself.
Secondly VPs are not just for items and I assume you already know that.

many dungeons and transmog items are UnAccessible. such as Many Legcay weapons and legacy PvP armor that SHOULD be bought via vendors with [mark of honor]. yet almost all of them arent properly working...

plus the fact that there was, is and will be a few items only purchasable via freakz.


50 vote points for a visual is ridiculous.

Update @ 05-08-2017, 18:45:53

90 is only for WoD endgame HC/mythic items which is fair considering the ways to obtain those items are currently unavailable and/or not soloable. Now consider this - those items usually come with unique spell effects (fire, water, green stuff, moving parts etc.) and most of those effects aren't present on any other item out there troughout all the expansions which is usually the reason why they're so sought after. It just wouldn't be fair to put those items and their unique effects in the same price bracket as, say the generic spiky Wotlk shoulders that literally drop off every other northrend mob or instance and at the same time it won't make sense dropping those generic northrend shoulders to a lower bracket with, say vanilla items.

think about it this way : making those 90 VP items cheap would mean making all the cheaper (50/35/25 etc.) items even cheaper and eventually everyone who doesn't want the endgame WoD mythic items would just not bother voting for cheap items that'd take faster to run to the instance and get and that'll reduce the overall number of votes

Prices are perfectly fair imo

how about allowing the items to be farmed? huh.

and it's the exact opposite.

many people at my guild dont even consider voting an option. they rather farm farm 24/7 instead of voting.

please dont splurt ideas out of weird holes.

i's completely obvious that things are overpriced.
" 100.000 gold 53.7$" ?
73.2$ for a legendary item? AH HUH! rip
@shocker --> a complete legion retail account plus level 100 boost and some gold is officially being sold for 50$+15$ per month. which makes a sum of 65$"

now you're confident enough to put a legendary item for 73$? did anyone ever buy it? if there is, im curious to see who did it. a guy with down syndrome or crippling depression.

are you sure players would NOT rather go retail than just waste their money on freakz PRIVATE server?

GOOD luck bro.

i have 100k gold without spending shit. and that's how it's supposed to be if you got the guts.

if you spend 90VPs on a transmog piece, you are either insane or mentally Retarded.

Update @ 05-08-2017, 18:50:33

I disagree , if the VP would be reduced for items , players won't vote anymore

yea you totally, should disagree...

voting 10 days for a character ReCustomization?

please stop this retardation.

no one does that.
no one wasted that much time.
you dont even need to vote.
freakz has the least bug between other servers (which i played in all and im not going to name them due to rules)

no one will spend that much time for this shit.
at least, not the 240+ people i know.

im not even sure that you calculated the difference at all.

reducing the prices for a shoty time in order to test wont damage freakz's economy. but it will clear things up. such as proving that piece of shit reply you did there wrong.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 05-08-2017, 23:06:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

nyevid wrote:
Shocker wrote:
Too much according to what? According to "i want more free items" ?


according to "im providing support for server so that i can enjoy the benefits of staying in this server"

would you waste 6minutes 2 times a day for 10 days to get a transmog item? no son. you wont. so many people arent.

plus the fact that voting system is buggy as *** and im not only one who cant vote at all. yet i sometimes vote. -_-

Update @ 05-08-2017, 18:38:26

rexavalia wrote:
PowerPhlo wrote:
What do you mean ? You still get 5 vote points for voting on 4 sites.

You serious dude?
If you're saying this, then it means you have no love for transmogs.
Because every transmog lover is going to change his/her trans every 2/3 days at the very least.
Now what can you do with 5 vote points each day? If it was for a whole set...yeah it would be nice -
but currently... you can't even buy a goddamn wrist with it.
I'm not saying to reduce the prices so we can buy whole sets with just one day but really 2 or 3 days for a wrist or a waist is a little bit too much.
It should be one day for each main set.
so a whole set = one week. (Legs/Shoulders/Head/Hand/Chest/Waist)

And don't worry, you won't run out of transmogs because there at least 100 transmog items in each slot
So it will take 100 weeks for us to get all of'em ( excluding backs which are waaay more than that)

Update @ 02-08-2017, 20:25:52

Shocker wrote:
Too much according to what? According to "i want more free items" ?

Actually, if you want more votes then you should do this.
Currently it's not worth spending vote points for trans items because you can get them easily in-game and I suppose you already know this yourself.

There should be a balance for prices.
Too expensive items means no buyers.

Update @ 02-08-2017, 20:29:03

Capatana94 wrote:
I disagree , if the VP would be reduced for items , players won't vote anymore

First I think you've never voted yourself.
Secondly VPs are not just for items and I assume you already know that.

many dungeons and transmog items are UnAccessible. such as Many Legcay weapons and legacy PvP armor that SHOULD be bought via vendors with [mark of honor]. yet almost all of them arent properly working...

plus the fact that there was, is and will be a few items only purchasable via freakz.


50 vote points for a visual is ridiculous.

Update @ 05-08-2017, 18:45:53

vengeancez wrote:
90 is only for WoD endgame HC/mythic items which is fair considering the ways to obtain those items are currently unavailable and/or not soloable. Now consider this - those items usually come with unique spell effects (fire, water, green stuff, moving parts etc.) and most of those effects aren't present on any other item out there troughout all the expansions which is usually the reason why they're so sought after. It just wouldn't be fair to put those items and their unique effects in the same price bracket as, say the generic spiky Wotlk shoulders that literally drop off every other northrend mob or instance and at the same time it won't make sense dropping those generic northrend shoulders to a lower bracket with, say vanilla items.

think about it this way : making those 90 VP items cheap would mean making all the cheaper (50/35/25 etc.) items even cheaper and eventually everyone who doesn't want the endgame WoD mythic items would just not bother voting for cheap items that'd take faster to run to the instance and get and that'll reduce the overall number of votes

Prices are perfectly fair imo

how about allowing the items to be farmed? huh.

and it's the exact opposite.

many people at my guild dont even consider voting an option. they rather farm farm 24/7 instead of voting.

please dont splurt ideas out of weird holes.

i's compltetly obvious that things are overpriced.
" 100.000 gold 53.7$" ?
73.2$ for a legendary item? AH HUH! rip
@shocker. let us all repeat this long sentence: "a complete legion retail account plus level 100 boost and some gold is officially being sold for 49$"

you sure players would NOT rather go retail than just waste their money on freakz PRIVATE server?

GOOD luck bro.

i have 100k gold without spending shit. and that's how it's supposed to be if you got the guts.

if you spend 90VPs on a transmog piece, you are either insane or mentally Retarded.

Update @ 05-08-2017, 18:50:33

Capatana94 wrote:
I disagree , if the VP would be reduced for items , players won't vote anymore

yea you totally, should disagree...

voting 10 days for a character ReCustomization?

please stop this retardation.

no one does that.
no one wasted that much time.
you dont even need to vote.
freakz has the least bug between other servers (which i played in all and im not going to name them due to rules)

no one will spend that much time for this shit.
at least, not the 240+ people i know.

im not even sure that you calculated the difference at all.

reducing the prices for a shoty time in order to test wont damage freakz's economy. but it will clear things up. such as proving that piece of shit reply you did there wrong.

Well said.They could at least fix the reputation/garrison ones or add them to VP asap.There are lots of people who care a lot about xmogs more than anything else.

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Post Posted: 06-08-2017, 13:00:24 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

nyevid wrote:
Too much according to what? According to "i want more free items" ?


according to "im providing support for server so that i can enjoy the benefits of staying in this server"
That's NOT an argument, people will ALWAYS want MORE stuff for less price (or even free). Did you ever see "please increase price for X"? No.

Your whole wall of text is based on the "i want more free/cheaper stuff because......... i want more free/cheaper stuff".

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 06-08-2017, 13:43:48 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Shocker wrote:
nyevid wrote:
Too much according to what? According to "i want more free items" ?


according to "im providing support for server so that i can enjoy the benefits of staying in this server"
That's NOT an argument, people will ALWAYS want MORE stuff for less price (or even free). Did you ever see "please increase price for X"? No.

Your whole wall of text is based on the "i want more free/cheaper stuff because......... i want more free/cheaper stuff".

Ok i quit,wont argue anymore.But those items seriously need some fixes,200ilvl items should not require 25+ vps.Why not add the missing cosmetics and thats it ?.Why it takes so much ? I know its not a priority,if you keep focusing mainly on ''priorities'' we will wait for months while i spend days on voting for you.

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Post Posted: 06-08-2017, 13:53:58 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

just properly add the Legacy Vendors to the game and we wont even bother typing here...

no one's crazy enough to vote 50 times for a single visual item.
and if you guys do, that's not related to me.

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