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Author Message12767

[Mentally Stable]

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(since 07-08-2019 13:41)
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Post Posted: 29-07-2017, 06:19:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Superdemonx - Rejected.

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 05-08-2017 20:31)
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Post Posted: 05-08-2017, 02:01:22 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Personal Information:

Briefly describe yourself (including age): 26

Character Information:

Tell us your main name: Izdpstiem

What's your item level in PvE gear? - 861-863

Do you have any alts?If you do,name them. - I have 1, but not at lvl 110 yet

Game Experience:

In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked? : None currently, was in one guild before in MoP of Freakz for a short time then left and went Retail for Legion

What was your role/rank in those guild(s)? : Healer (Pala/Priest)

How you play your class:

Explain us your main spec rotation in all situation (During pull, aoe situation and execute phase):

In AOE- Heroic Throw or Heroic Leap / Thunder Clap / Shield Block / Shield Slam / Revenge / (Ravager if Taken) / Neltherions Fury (Artifact Weapon) / repeat .... if High Dmg incoming then Demo Shout

In Single Target - Start with a Charge or Heroic Throw / Thunder Clap (for starting mana to open shield block) / Shield Block / Shield Slam / Revenge / Devastate

Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using: Str-> Haste -> Mastery -> Versitality -> Crit (However, 10-15+ iLvl > any priority )

Which addons are you using? : DBM, recount , Prat , MIK


Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy or boss. Open recount/skada so we can see all spells you have used. Stop at 10 million damage. (Type - if you are not applying as a Dps role).

None atm... as tank :/


Discord is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule?
Well Yes Surely

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 05-09-2020 12:42)
Joined: 27 Mar 2016
Posts: 14, Topics: 8
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Reputation: 25.9
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Post Posted: 05-08-2017, 11:39:28 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Personal Information:

Briefly describe yourself (including age): 19

Character Information:

Tell us your main name: cidoy

What's your item level in PvE gear? - 862

Do you have any alts?If you do,name them. cidoyjr ( any alt of mine will have cidoy+ the class name for exemple cidoydruid )

Game Experience:

In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked? : Unleashed and i left due to a moron ddosing ( a moron from guild ) the second gm did nothing so i decided to leave

What was your role/rank in those guild(s)? : recruit

How you play your class:

Explain us your main spec rotation in all situation (During pull, aoe situation and execute phase): Single target rotation is kinda hard without a bit of luck on survival hunter. you open up something like this harpoon-> raptor strike->explosive trap->raptor strike->murder of crows->raptor strike->caltrops->lacerate->raptor strike-> mongoose bite-> aspect of the eagle+berserking->spam as many mongoose bite as possible if i ran out i use flanking strike use raptor strike again to keep up the way of mok'nathal when the mongoose fury is about to end i use furry of the eagle. After the rotation is basically keep up way of mok'nathal use mongoose bite only if i have 2 charges, flanking strike on cd to generate more mongoose bite charges.
In aoe: the most simple rotation as surv hunter in aoe is to use aspect of the eagle and spam butchery (all 3 charges) after you ran out spam mongoose bite and follow up with artifact ability ( furry of the eagle .
The more complexe aoe rotation involve using caltrop+explosive trap+ way of mok'nathal which result into a delay off your dps becouse you wait like 5-6 seconds before you can deal dmg. After you have all the condition from above met use mongoose bite press aspect of the eagle ( after all those raptor strike spam you won't have any focus left) spam mongoose bite till you have 80 focus use 2 butchery use raptor strike again spam more mongoose if possible then use last butchery and go for artifact ability. In dungeons if it's not 10+ or more the simple rotation is better.

Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using: Agility>haste>crit>mastery(12%)

Which addons are you using? : dbm, recount


Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy or boss. Open recount/skada so we can see all spells you have used. Stop at 10 million damage. (Type - if you are not applying as a Dps role).

Discord is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule?

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 05-08-2017, 12:01:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Izdpstiem & Cidoy - Accepted! whisper an officer ingame.

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 19-12-2017 19:00)
Joined: 23 Feb 2017
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Post Posted: 05-08-2017, 22:18:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Personal Information:

Briefly describe yourself (including age): Philip. 26 yold from Bulgaria

Character Information:

Tell us your main name: Necrus

What's your item level in PvE gear? - 797 (just reached 110)

Do you have any alts?If you do,name them. - Tomp (low level yet)

Game Experience:

In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked? : Reckless

What was your role/rank in those guild(s)? : DPS , Heal(with alt)

How you play your class:

Explain us your main spec rotation in all situation (During pull, aoe situation and execute phase):
Single target: Agony > Siphon Life > Corruption > Unstable Affliction x2 > Reap Souls + Blood Fury > Drain Soul (till UA expires) > Repeat...
Multitarget: Phantom Singularity > Seed of Corruption > Dots on more targets

Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using:
I go for Mastery over Haste > Crit
Which addons are you using? : DBM, Bartender4, OmniCC, ForteXorcist, Buttontimers, Rogue Power Bars


Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy or boss. Open recount/skada so we can see all spells you have used. Stop at 10 million damage. (Type - if you are not applying as a Dps role).


Discord is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule? - I have Discord

Best Regards, Necrus !

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 20-05-2023 21:12)
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Post Posted: 05-08-2017, 22:47:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Personal Information:

Briefly describe yourself (including age): I'm 19 y/o , from Romania *good at english so no worries*
Character Information: 867 Holy Pala ,

Tell us your main name: Caloneholy

What's your item level in PvE gear? - 867

Do you have any alts?If you do,name them. - Calone - DH Havoc

Game Experience: 6-7 Years of WoW knowledge

In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked? : ExiLium . Left because i've had enough of it.

What was your role/rank in those guild(s)? : Lowest because who cared there seriously?

How you play your class: I know every ins and outs of my class and spec (Prot excluded) , aggressive healing.

Explain us your main spec rotation in all situation (During pull, aoe situation and execute phase): Beacon the tank(raid)/Beacon of Virtue for aoe(dungeon) , Heal as much as possible , dodge stuff and watch my surroundings (ex: Volcanic / sanguine)

Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using: Crit>Mastery>Haste / got 47% Mastery atm and 22% Crit , it's still a good 47% flat heal increase , My goal is to increase my Crit as much as possible.

Which addons are you using? : DBM most importantly , the rest are utilities and graphic modification.


Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy or boss. Open recount/skada so we can see all spells you have used. Stop at 10 million damage. (Type - if you are not applying as a Dps role).


Discord is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule?

Of course

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 07-08-2019 13:41)
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Post Posted: 06-08-2017, 01:03:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Necrus & Caloneholy - Accepted!

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 15-08-2017, 22:20:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

We no longer require forum application to join in, just be 850+ and whisper Krampus/Supmonk ingame to join.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 27-08-2017, 19:16:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

No longer recruitting atm for non-defined amount of time. Will be re-opened but not set when yet.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 08-09-2017, 21:58:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Recruitment open ingame for specific roles: dps (preferably range) 865+. Talk about details with Ilovepotatoe/Cause/Cartof or Krampus/Supmark.

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 09-10-2017 10:49)
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Post Posted: 09-09-2017, 21:25:52 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Personal Information:

Briefly describe yourself (including age): My real name is Sailesh and im 22.. im crazy bike lover.. I used to play WoW CaTa at Molten 2 years ago.. I was in Edge of Ethernity guild which was one of the progressing guild with them i cleared Cata PVE content..After that many people stopped playing and I went MoP for some PvP..Then Im new here at Legion but i know the taste of the game -

Character Information:

Tell us your main name: Tarta

What's your item level in PvE gear? - 840ilvl

Do you have any alts?If you do,name them. - No, but soon after i gear up mage.

Game Experience:

In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked? : Right now im in DEAD guild.. 0 people online..

What was your role/rank in those guild(s)? : Im new here as well as my guild is dead they dont do any raids premade bgs or mythic dungeons. But my role is Range Dps.

How you play your class:

Explain us your main spec rotation in all situation (During pull, aoe situation and execute phase): First, Rune of Power, then Combustion and ensure you have at least 2 charges of Icon Phoenix's Flames available. Again, Rune of Power its 2nd charge, fire blast 2 charge, Pyroblast when you are on a Hot Streak..Fire Blast when you are Heating Up...Fireball to generate Heating streak... And continue this rotation..
In Aoe situation.. I use all the AOE spells that i have.. And if i have Heating up streak i use flamestrike.. also for main aoe dps Meteor does good dps..

Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using: Intellect > Crit > Mastery > Haste > Versatility

Which addons are you using? : DBM, Recount, Bartender, OmniCC


Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy or boss. Open recount/skada so we can see all spells you have used. Stop at 10 million damage. (Type - if you are not applying as a Dps role).


Discord is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule? Sure, its more fun raiding with communication.

Last edited by Tarta on 09-09-2017, 22:31:01; edited 1 time in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-09-2017, 22:23:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Tarta - Rejected.

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 28-04-2018 10:37)
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Reputation: 14.1

Post Posted: 13-10-2017, 18:30:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Last edited by loliklolkin on 15-10-2017, 18:03:07; edited 2 times in total
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[Pathogen officer]

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(since 06-08-2019 06:32)
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Post Posted: 13-10-2017, 18:31:26 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Personal Information

Briefly describe yourself (including age): Im from Czech Republic, im 15 years old and im studying on middle school.

Character Information: Female troll, fire mage

Tell us your main name: Rage.

What's your item level in PvE gear? - 842.

Do you have any alts?If you do,name them. - I don't have any alts.

Game Experience: On Mist of Pandaria i downed with guild Thok the Bloodthirsty on heroic difficult.

In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked?: Mist of Pandaria : Pathogen, The Forgotten Heroes .

What was your role/rank in those guild(s)?: Pathogen (officer), The Forgotten Heroes (elite raider)

How you play your class

Explain us your main spec rotation in all situation (During pull, aoe situation and execute phase): Single target : Combustion, Berserking, Time Warp(leader decision), Meteor, Fireball, Fire blast, Pyroblast, Living bomb, Fire blast, Pyroblast, Phoenix's flames, Pyroblast, Fireball, Phoenix's flames, Fireball, Pyroblast.................

AoE - Combustion, Berserking, Fireball, Fire blast, Flame strike, Fire blast, Fireball, Flame strike, Phoenix's flames, Fireball, Flame strike.

Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using: Mastery, Haste, Intellect, Critical Strike.

Which addons are you using?: Elvui, DBM, Bagnon and Skada.


Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy or boss. Open recount/skada so we can see all spells you have used. Stop at 10 million damage. (Type - if you are not applying as a Dps role). , This dummy is wierd my dots does not work, usually i have around 150-170k dps.


Discord is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule? Yes i will, im using discord daily.

Mists of Pandaria 5.4.8 Pathogen Forum

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