
Need less respawn time for Wq mob/boss and objects.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 22-07-2017, 11:04:52 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Yesterday i tried,to make a wq in azsuna to free some whelps,they respawn pretty slow like 1 whelp for 5 minute.Mobs around the maps,respawn for like 15-25 seconds.Wq bosses,wq mobs respawn way too slow.Wq bossses for wq in which u need,to kill 1 to get the quest done,have too low hp.Does it have any eta for fixing this issues,please?By the way,i dont know why but voting become bugged.There is some,websites i struggle to vote from yesterday i am doing the survey and they repeat many times.This will discourage,many players to vote.Is it any chance,to see this problem?Bugged surveys,it is from their system.It is imposible to vote.
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Post Posted: 24-07-2017, 15:11:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

There is no "issue" to "fix". There are hundreds of topics on this topic already. Lots of players complain about too low respawn times, lots of players complain about too frequent respawn times. We can't satisfy everyone. Yes yes I know, you have your arguments. They have their arguments too

Example, the exact opposite

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Post Posted: 24-07-2017, 19:23:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Blizzard has a respawn time for elites / quest npcs that is affected by the number of players from that area. Indeed we should decrease the respawn time for some elites or very crowded areas at least.
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 25-07-2017, 18:09:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

this is what i meant.I mean respawn time,for mobs in leveling zones and legion zones is very fast really.But for Wq objects,mobs,bosses is low.I was doing one quest,to kill one elite,in suramar i took like 6 minutes to respawn,and he have low hp,there was like 15 people waiting there i was waiting for 12+ minutes to kill him,it is not funny.there the quest,with Whelps in azsuna many players are not doing cause of whelps respawn time(wq objects)is too slow like 6+minutes.I fully understand.Many many players,complain about crowded wq bosses and slow respawn time and objects too.
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 02-08-2017, 22:28:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Here's my view on this. I ran into both problems, while leveling I noticed that mobs often respawned too quickly, now that I'm 110 I find that some mobs respawn super slow.
What I propose for this is:
- Any non-unique mob should have a minimum of 2.5 min respawn time. Since there's so many of them, people will often not waste too much time completing a quest which involves killing 10 mobs (especially since kills are shared now) and it shouldn't be too punishing for low level players as most offensive and defensive cooldowns will be back up by the time the mobs respawn. Also it is true what kos said, non-unique mobs on blizz have variable respawn time (something like between 30sec and 2 min) according to the number of players in that area.
- Unique mobs, elites etc. (such as Darkshade, PvP Quest Mobs, Seersei and many others, basically any mob with a unique name that's required for a quest) should have a much lower respawn time. Maximum 2 minutes. There are two simple reasons for this:
1. On blizzard, there's a feature called Group Finder which cannot be used to its highest potential on Freakz - due to lack of extra realms and crossrealm. People on retail would never wait 5 minutes for a unique mob to respawn. Instead they searched for questing groups created on other realms until they finally found one where the mob was spawned, killed him and moved on to the next quest.
2. Often I see 15-20 players in one area waiting for a mob to respawn. Lots of them go AFK in the meantime, and when the mob spawns they don't get the kill because it gets almost oneshotted. Now they have to wait 10 minutes again. It ruins the experience for some people. I know this is partly their fault for going AFK but waiting 10 minutes for one mob tends to get boring quickly.
- We should also consider hard to defeat mobs. Mostly those that have more than 12m HP, like Hill Ettin or any mob from DANGER quests should have 5-6 minutes respawn time - which is just enough for 4-5 players to gather around making the quest much easier to complete. I noticed that Hill Ettins already have 5 min respawn time but I'm not sure if it applies to every difficult mob.

I know that questing is a big part of legion, but I also think players shouldn't be occasionally overwhelmed by common mobs, or waste time waiting for one unique mob while constantly checking respawn on the NPC finder page.

TL:DR increase common mob respawn time to 2.5min, decrease unique (elite) mob respawn to 2 min, tough mobs (12m+ HP) should have 5min+ respawn time.

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Post Posted: 02-08-2017, 22:41:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

prime95 wrote:
TL:DR increase common mob respawn time to 2.5min, decrease unique (elite) mob respawn to 2 min, tough mobs (12m+ HP) should have 5min+ respawn time.
It's not that simple. You want to increase respawn time on mobs that give crappy loot and decrease respawn time on mobs that give possibly epic loot...

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 02-08-2017, 23:10:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Most world quest rare / elite mobs hardly have any really valuable epic loot. Besides you could farm them on blizzard by constantly switching realms anyway.
Or if you mean items like Andvari's Gift... that's a different problem. I had that ring drop multiple times and they should only drop once for each player. Just like Broken Isles treasure chests can only be looted once per player (haven't really checked those out), or like the old Timeless Isle hidden chests.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 06-08-2017, 13:06:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

UP! This is what people have to deal with on a daily basis:


25+ people waiting for 1 mob's respawn, and more of them kept coming throughout the video. Alliance always sitting in the back due to fear of not getting ganked. And the mob dies instantly after spawning... half of the people there didn't get quest credit, and all alliance players who used AoE got flagged and killed. Now they have to wait ~6 more minutes again (despite NPC finder showing 10 mins?) and in the meantime the area gets overcrowded again (old players who didnt get credit + new players arriving).

Increasing the mob's HP won't solve all the problems, alliance is still going to get ganked due to horde superiority in numbers. Reducing respawn time means less players waiting. Every 2 minutes, 6-7 players show up. It is a lot more reasonable than 20-25 players every 6 minutes.

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Post Posted: 08-08-2017, 16:12:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

A system of "faster respawn based on nearby players" is on the TO DO list, however I don't know when

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 15-08-2017, 16:55:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

And what about WQ from herbalism ? One flower wit 2 min respawn for 20 players.... 1 flower... Only one ��!!!!!!

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