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[LEGION] MW Monk Guide
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[Mentally Stable]
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Posted: 09-03-2017, 03:55:15
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What Has Changed in Legion?
The Mistweaver specialisation has changed significantly from
Mists of Pandaria
Chi has been removed as a resource (only Mana is used).
Stances have been removed.
The Jade Serpent Statue is now a talent.
Mana Tea has been removed.
Fistweaving has been significantly redesigned. It only provides benefits if certain talents are chosen, it does not provide direct healing, and instead it only grants Mana regeneration and resets the cooldown of Thunder Focus Tea.
Soothing Mist is now a mostly-passive ability.
1. The Basics
Mistweaver Monks are versatile healers that can cover both the single target and AoE healing roles (although for reasons of Mana cost, they struggle to fill both of these roles at the same time). Mistweavers are peculiar in that they can heal can also heal by dealing damage (fistweaving), this page only focuses on the traditional healing style, as fistweaving is more advanced (and we do not feel that the added complexity warrants the effort for new players).
2. Talent Choice
Level 15: Chi Burst
Level 30: Tiger's Lust
Level 45: Mist Wrap
Level 60: Leg Sweep
Level 75: Healing Elixir
Level 90: Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane
Level 100: Mana Tea
3. Stat Choice
Currently, you will want to prioritise secondary stats as follows:
Critical Strike;
4. Basic Playstyle
4.1. Single Target Healing
The list below goes over the tasks you should perform when healing a single target (such as a tank). This not a priority, and you will have to adapt your spell usage to the situation.
Always be channeling Soothing Mist Icon Soothing Mist, if the damage you are faced with is low enough, so avoid unnecessary movement that may cancel the effect.
Use Renewing Mist Icon Renewing Mist on cooldown, and maintain maximum Enveloping Mist Icon Enveloping Mist uptime on the target you are healing (most likely the tank).
Use Effuse Icon Effuse as needed to supplement your healing.
In case of high damage, use Vivify Icon Vivify instead of Effuse (this also heals 2 nearby targets, and costs more Mana).
Icon Sheilun's Gift (the artifact ability) is a good way to spot-heal targets, and you should use it when you have 5+ clouds (indicated on the UI).
5. Raid Healing
If you are healing raid damage, you will tailor your use of spells depending mostly on how many targets are taking damage (and not so much depending on how much damage there is).
To begin with, you should use Renewing Mist Icon Renewing Mist on cooldown.
If there are 3-4+ raid members taking damage, you should use Vivify Icon Vivify (make use of all the Uplifting Trance Icon Uplifting Trance procs you get).
When 6+ raid members are taking damage, you should use Essence Font Icon Essence Font (as often as the amount of damage requires, but keep in mind its high Mana cost). Make sure you are not positioned too far away from the rest of raid when using this ability.
Use Chi Burst Icon Chi Burst on cooldown provided that you can hit 6+ damaged allies with it.
6. Cooldown Usage
As a Mistweaver Monk, you have a number of cooldowns in your arsenal, which you must use in tandem with your regular rotation.
Thunder Focus Tea should be used as many times as possible during the encounter. You should normally use this spell either with Vivify to save Mana or with Renewing Mist for burst healing/HPS increase.
Life Cocoon should be used on the tank or another target who is about to sustain a large amount of damage. You should time this in such a way that its effect coincides with dangerous encounter abilities.
Revival is a raid-wide heal, and it could be considered a raid cooldown, in which case your raid leader may ask you to use it at a specific time. Otherwise, just use it when the raid is dangerously low, or when you want to dispel the entire raid.
7. BiS Items
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In my experiences MW Monks are the lowest on the totem pole as far as raid healing goes in Legion. Their PVP Healing, coupled with their significant mobilitiy makes them nearly unkillable in Arenas, RBGs, and BGs. Because of their speed and mobility MW monks also preform well in High-tier Mythic+ dungeons.
Any Italicized font are additions/edits that I have made to this guide.
All credit goes to "Sublift" @ Icy-Veins.
I-V Link:
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on 10-03-2017, 03:19:04; edited 3 times in total
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[Prince of Thorns]
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Posted: 09-03-2017, 16:34:12
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Thanks for posting, I was completely unaware of those changes
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[Licensed to kill]
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Posted: 09-03-2017, 20:36:41
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It's still a work in progress, give patrity the chance to amaze us!
Ashcool -
TEMPORARY UNAVAILABLE - Please contact Denim.
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[Mentally Stable]
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Posted: 10-03-2017, 00:00:58
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All classes have been majorly revamped since WoD, some are not so different from WoD but everyone is definitely different from MoP. Eventually I will post similar guides for every spec, but I am prioritizing Monk, Priest, and Pally as those are my favorites.
As Ash stated, I will add to these first two that I have posted to get a suitable format/template. I plan on adding several screen shots and a couple more sections. Thank you for the feedback!
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Posted: 12-06-2017, 15:17:34
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Your guide is, mostly, good, but i wanted to correct a few things.
1. There is no "cookie cutter" build anymore.
Many of the talents are strictly situational, while some are good baseline.
For example :
Tier 2 - All talents can be viable. While Tiger's Lust may be the superior choice, in some matters, all of them help and can be very good. Even though i totally love it, some people have show that the other two are highly viable nonetheless.
Tier 3 - Mist Wrap is the most used talent, and good for constant damage fights, while Lifecycles is good for fights with a lot of damage dealt to your group, or spike damage phases. Spirit of the Crane is also mandatory, if you want to Fistweave.
Tier 4 - You'll mostly use Leg Sweep, but don't neglect the others, they are powerful aswell.
Tier 5 - Healing Elixirs is, mostly, baseline, but Dampening Harm is very usefull in fights where you know a burst of physical damage will come, and the same for Diffuse Magic, but on magic damage.
Tier 6 - Chi-Ji is, probably, considered the best out of all those. However, on fights, where single target damage is high, especially on tank, Jade Serpent Statue is insanely good. Refreshing Jade Wind is, mostly, useless, but it's useful only in Fistweaving builds, if you got people stacked or have a lot of melees (very rarely used).
Tier 7 - While Mana Tea is the superior choice for burst healing phases, Rising Thunder is mandatory, if you plan to Fistweave. Focused Thunder is, kinda, hit and miss. Good for dungeons and PVP, but not really great in progression raiding.
As your stat choices go, i have to partially disagree.
Stat priority also depends on what you do.
While your stat priority may be the main one, considering that you mostly heal and all, there are different stat proportions, depending how you play it.
For example:
For Mistweaving (normal healing) in dungeons, that would be good.
For Fistweaving, the preffered stat priority goes like this : Haste> Versatility > Crit > Mastery - Haste lowers the GCD and also the CD of Rising Sun Kick, while Versatility increases your
and healing and reduces damage taken. Considering that you'll need to be in melee to fistweave, this stat is a priority.
For high end raiding, i strongly recommend either Haste > Mastery > Versa > Crit (the main build everyone recommends) or, my preffered build, Mastery > Crit = Versa > Haste. While some people may disagree with me on this choice of stats, i have found myself to have an insane healing output with low mana cost, with this priority. Mastery increase provides more free healing, which at high mastery stacking, it's huge. While Crit and Versa, for me, seemed both very useful, i kinda got them in "similar quantities". Versa provided some "raw" increase in output, while Crit provided that "random spike healing" - Your Mastery can also crit !! (As a bonus, if you go with this build, you can use the same gear for Windwalker)
As far as healing priority goes, it's fairly simple.
Renewing Mist on CD
Enveloping should be, mostly, on tank, or on the target that takes, or is going to take, high damage.
Vivify is your "main aoe" spell, which is usefull when 2-3 targets are low.
Effuse is your main "low mana heal". Use that when targets are fairly high in HP and there's no "DMG Storm" incoming. You'll mostly spam this if the fight is pretty straight forward.
Essence Font should be used when you have 5-6 targets, on low
( 70% and below). This is your "mini panic button", as it does a lot of heal, but also costs a lot of mana. DON'T SPAM IT! You'll never know where your mana went.
Chi Burst should be used off cooldown and if you hit at least 2+ targets. If the cooldown has ended , and you can't hit more than 2 targets, or people aren't low enough to need that "burst" heal (pretty much if your renewing can take care of the job), don't waste that CD. It's invaluable.
Thunder Focus Tea is mostly use for that double Renewing Mist. However, if your tank, or someone else, takes insane amounts of damage (but enough to heal them and not waste the Cocoon), it should be used on Enveloping Mist instead. The burst heal of that instant enveloping + 3-5 seconds of Soothing Mist channeling, will top that target in a blink. Also, if you need to heal many targets, but you also need to move, you should consider using it with Essence Font (it makes it channel-able while moving).
Chi-Ji (if you took it) is your panic button.
Mana Tea has a low cooldown, so that should be your main spell for phases where you need to spam heals. Keep Chi-Ji for later.
I agree with what you said about Revival, though. Just wanted to add that, if you played a Resto Druid, think of it as an instant Tranquility, and you'll know when to use it.
As you said, aswell, if you don't plan of fistweaving, and the raid doesn't take much damage, just use Renewing Mist on CD and keep channeling Soothing Mist (free heal).
Hope that i helped!
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Posted: 25-08-2017, 17:33:33
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"Mana Tea has been removed. "
It's a talent..
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