
[REJECTED] The dev team's attitude is ridiculous

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Post Posted: 13-09-2017, 10:09:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WE are doing YOU the favor by telling you what's wrong, then you tell us "okay, it took you like 2 hours doing this research, recording the proof, searching all those links to make this valid report, but we need even more than that, so fck u, we'll just delete this, who cares if this way the bugs will be ignored?"

This was a topic with imo the most important hunter bugs, proof for the complicated ones, descriptions of the easy to fix obvious bugs. Then you close it leaving no trail of them, so now these bugs will be ignored until someone spends 5 hours reporting them one by one with even more proof? You are ridiculous really, it almost looks like you don't care about your server at all.

You are trying to force people to spend 2 hours researching every stupid bug that occurs? This way you simply make people ignore them, leaving the server in a far worse state. This wasn't the first time this happened, imo you should really think about your attitude to this, because this is plain stupid. A "badly" reported bug is still much better than an ignored one.

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(since 08-01-2025 14:51)
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Post Posted: 13-09-2017, 10:49:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

This is not a bug report to start with.

As you claim, 10 bugs in one topic is perfectly logical right? Rather than 1 bug per topic and make their job easier and to keep track of their work as until now. We are not saying that we don't appreciate the interest of having tons of content and stuff working for you guys to enjoy, but this is abberant.

Think about a bug report topic with 100 bugged things, how easy is that to follow for us? It's a wall of text with a lot of broken things and you wouldn't like that either if you have had to fix them.

So please, try to report things as everyone else and stop raging over nothing.


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