
[REJECTED] [Mage][Fire] Low PvE Damage, possibly caused by Ignite

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Post Posted: 22-10-2017, 22:58:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz spell link:
Bug description: It's hard for me to pinpoint the exact cause of this problem, but any fire mage that tries to play PvE seriously should confirm that fire's damage is WAY underpowered at the moment. Even with legendary bracers, it's single target damage is at tank levels. Possibly its related to ignite and how it deals damage, I'm not able to tell exactly.....I just hope that devs try to take a look onto this and mby some1 with more knowledge how Ignite should work will be able to post some proof. The class is unplayable in any raid scenario so I think it's kinda important to check. Just speaking from my retail experience, Ignite's damage was almost always on par/slightly below or way above pyroblast damage......and here it's kinda,well.....

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Post Posted: 23-10-2017, 00:11:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ignite works perfectly, here are some screens from our server (+11 teeming arcway):

Also, this is not a bug report, this is just whining. If you want to ask for other people's opinion about mages, go to the appropriate sub-forum (class-related discussions) and create a topic there. Once you have something concrete and not just some hypothetical assumptions, please feel free to create a thread about it with detailed proofs.

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