
[REJECTED] [Hunter] [Marksmanship][Beast Mastery] Ranged Artifacts Repost

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Post Posted: 01-11-2017, 23:41:59 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

!! I'm reposting this just to reply that hunter abilities are not only ap based. Hunter work like a melee: ap is a constant value and is summed to the weapon damage value that changes between min and max. Here I post useful formulas such as weapon damage (base of all spells) auto shot and aimed shot (as a proof).

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Thas'dorah, Legacy of the Windrunners, Titanstrike

Bug description:

The two artifacts ingame show not a minimum or a maximum damage as they should (wowhead link) but instead they have the average damage. This is not just a graphic bug and makes all ranged damage a constant value for every single shot.


Please consider my report

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Post Posted: 02-11-2017, 01:23:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Meh, okay, you are right, the weapon based damage for ranged is also constant, but I don't really understand how is that an issue Thinking I mean it doesn't really affect dps whatsoever, but still, I'm going to fix it

Update @ 02-11-2017, 01:23:37

Nvm, you are actually not right - In 7.1.5, ranged weapons did not have that high difference on min-max damage. Same for all weapons to be honest. I checked the database on 7.3 and 7.1.5, they use completely different formulas, but look at this:

Go to 6:53, you'll see that his bow has 11243 - 11245 damage, which is almost the same.

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