
[FIXED] [Mage][Fire] Cinderstorm animation
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Post Posted: 20-08-2017, 12:31:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Pinocchio Evreiesc wrote:
Yes, its the point where all projectiles unite, like it says in the post, somewhere betwee 29-33 yards chosen randomly once for each cast. At the point where projectiles converge they stop arcing and each projectile travels in a straight path from that point.

If you pause the retail video at 0:19 you can see exactly how it is, heres my theory:

-The leftmost projectile (the one closest to the *center* trajectory) is offset by 9.17 degrees, you can see it has a tiiiiny tiny slight curvature
-The next projectile is offset by 9.17 degrees from the first projectile.

This way you dont get that big curvature we see on freakz. I think at least, could be wrong, only kuickzand can answer. If this is how it is on freakz already, then perhaps the blue post from beta is inaccurate and the degree offsets were modified later, the cinderstorm on retail definitely seems *slimmer* than the one on freakz, arcs less.

I think the mechanic of the cinders work really good, they just need a tweak there is too much space between a cinder and another thats the major problem.

The first 3 cinders have a good trajectory the 3 cinders on the right have to be more stacked with the rest.

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Post Posted: 23-09-2017, 18:49:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


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Post Posted: 30-10-2017, 15:58:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Can we move this bug to the confirmed section please ? And not in the low priority/visual section again, because this bug affects makes Cinderstorm very hard to use effectively and mostly not worth playing with it.
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Post Posted: 30-10-2017, 17:01:20 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

No, it will stay in pending for further feedback when/if changes will be made.

Posting a new BUG REPORT has to follow the template you get when opening a new topic or it can be instantly rejected.

Freakz Lich King 25H

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Post Posted: 07-11-2017, 13:43:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Spent several hours again for this, rewrote the whole system to allow changing angles for each projectile by simply changing one variable, it is completely dynamic as of now. Also, made it more blizz-like. Please bring me feedback after the next restart -

Update @ 07-11-2017, 13:43:42

Pinocchio Evreiesc wrote:
Yes, its the point where all projectiles unite, like it says in the post, somewhere betwee 29-33 yards chosen randomly once for each cast. At the point where projectiles converge they stop arcing and each projectile travels in a straight path from that point.

If you pause the retail video at 0:19 you can see exactly how it is, heres my theory:

-The leftmost projectile (the one closest to the *center* trajectory) is offset by 9.17 degrees, you can see it has a tiiiiny tiny slight curvature
-The next projectile is offset by 9.17 degrees from the first projectile.

This way you dont get that big curvature we see on freakz. I think at least, could be wrong, only kuickzand can answer. If this is how it is on freakz already, then perhaps the blue post from beta is inaccurate and the degree offsets were modified later, the cinderstorm on retail definitely seems *slimmer* than the one on freakz, arcs less.

Not exactly true, the convergence point. Each projectile has a different length, some can be 29 yards, some might be 31.126 yards, etc, blizzard randomizes this. I spent quite a lot of time to see the actual mechanic behind it. Sometimes the first projectile goes straight forward, sometimes has a curve, and that 9.17 degree offset for each projectile is definitely not true. I kept spamming cinderstorm to see if at least the offset between the projectiles are constant, but they are not. Blizzard randomizes everything, but keeps all values in a specific interval, so it never seems way too off. I did the same thing now. Length can be any arbitrary value between 27 and 34 yards (not only integer values, we can have something like 32.1231 for example), the offset of the first projectile can vary the most, the rest are all relative to the first one (I allowed a tiny bit of randomness here, but only a very tiny one), so it all should look good.

I also read that bluepost regarding the actual mechanic, but that was from beta, I believe it has changed since, because when you actually try it on retail, you can see that it's not the actual implementation

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Pinocchio Evreiesc
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Post Posted: 07-11-2017, 14:42:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

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Post Posted: 07-11-2017, 15:41:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Yeah, please wait until next rr - I'll tag you here once it goes online
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Pinocchio Evreiesc
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Post Posted: 07-11-2017, 15:45:00 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

tested on ptr, its amazing. Fine work sir.
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Post Posted: 07-11-2017, 17:35:09 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@monemone @Lemonbunnie @Cyad @Pinocchio Evreiesc fix is up now, please check it sometime
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Post Posted: 08-11-2017, 01:57:30 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Meh, I'll just mark this as fixed, talked with some people, results seem to be really fine -
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