
Nighthold-Skorpyron Guide

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Post Posted: 10-12-2017, 13:42:14 [Valuable post] | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


General Information

Deep within the foundations of the Nighthold, beneath the sea, lie long forgotten vaults that give access to Nightwell itself. This monstrous armored scorpid has made its home in one of these vaults. Infused with the power of the Nightwell, and surrounded by teeming brood, Skorpyron presents a serious complication to an otherwise promising back entry to the Nighthold.

In this encounter, you will fight a big scorpion (the boss) and smaller scorpion adds that spawns from time to time.
This fight is about controlling the boss positon and the adds that spawns all the time.
Healers and dps stacks together and moves as one all the time.
Entire raid will be behind boss and only moves away when boss does Focused Blast or AoE called Shockwave.

Skorpyron's Abilities

Scorpid Spawning Ground Skorpyron resides in an active spawning ground, continually creating Scorpids which inhabit the space throughout the encounter.
Energy Surge Sends a shock of arcane magic at a target, inflicting 75,000 Arcane damage and an additional 10,700 Arcane damage every half-second for 3 sec. This effect stacks.
Scorpid Swarm (wowhead link) Causes nearby Scorpids to swarm, increasing haste by 100%.
The scorpids grow restless, periodically increasing damage done by 5%. This effect stacks.
Shrouded in arcane magic, the Scorpids are immune to area of effect spells until entering combat.

Skorpyron has 25 stacks of a Chitinous Exoskeleton buff that reduces damage taken by 25%. As Skorpyron takes more damage, he loses stacks of the buff.
When a piece of the exoskeleton breaks off, a Crystalline Fragments is launched at a location, dealing AoE damage when it lands. Move away from any impact locations.
After Skorpyron loses all stacks of his armor, he gains Exoskeletal Vulnerability where he is stunned and takes 100% increased damage for 15 seconds.
Skorpyron will then regrow an Infused Exoskeleton and gain a damage buff. This effect stacks.
Skorpyron will periodically use Shockwave, which deals damage and knocks players back. However, this attack can be avoided by moving behind a Broken Shard from the chipped exoskeleton. Shockwave destroys any Broken Shard on the field. Players will know they are safe from Shockwave when they see a "Broken Shard" debuff aura.
Focused Blast will randomly target a player and send out a shockwave that deals damage and stuns. Being hit by subsequent Focused Blast increases the stun duration. Simply move out of the affected area.
Skorpyron's Arcanoslash hits all players 18 yards in front of him for massive damage. Non-tanks should avoid this 18 yard zone at all times.
Arcane Tether will reattach to their targets after breaking if their targets re-enter range. Tanks should simply flip the boss after each Arcanoslash.

Mythic abilities

The Scordpid Spawning Grounds contain a new Scorpid.
Acidmaw Scorpid spew out random puddles of poison, and leave one behind when they die. Avoid standing in these.
Skorpyron will now be affected by Chromatic Exoskeleton. This changes the effects of the Crystalline Fragments depending on the color.
Move at least 9-yards away from Volatile Fragments after Shockwave to avoid the damage from Volatile Resonance.
Acidic Fragments cause aditional damage to the group while they're up. This effect stacks the more fragments there are.
Volatile Fragments cause damage to anyone standing with in 3-yards of them, and a fatal burst of damage shortly after Shockwave.
Crystalline Fragments continue to function as they did on Normal and Heroic, dealing damage to the group when they land.

Tank strategy :

    Tank Skorpyron in the center of the room.
    Assign a strong AoE threat tank to be the adds tank, and the other tank to be the boss tank.
    The adds tank should bring the Crystalline Scorpids to the boss for splash AoE/cleave damage.

    After each set of Arcanoslash attacks, run 10 yards away to break Arcane Tether.
    The adds tank should never be in front of Skorpyron for Arcanoslash.
    Quickly reposition Skorpyron after each from Shockwave so the next Arcanoslash doesn't affect the raid.

Dps strategy :

    Save DPS cooldowns for Skorpyron's Exoskeletal Vulnerability (wowhead link) phases.
    Use AoE/cleave abilities on the Crystalline Scorpids to quickly kill them.
    Stand behind Skorpyron to avoid Arcanoslash damage.

    When Skorpyron casts Focused Blast, check the direction he is facing and move away.
    Stand behind a Crystalline Shard whenever Skorpyron uses Shockwave.
    Stay away from the edges of the encounter area so you do not pull extra Crystalline Scorpid adds.

Heal strategy :


Normal (870), Heroic (885) Mythic (900)

Last edited by Itsrocsloljk on 10-12-2017, 16:34:13; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 10-12-2017, 14:36:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nice guide. Can you also put a +++ version for the other classes too?

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 10-12-2017, 14:37:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I have a better ideea. Moderators/players feel free to post and discuss the +++ for your class,because no one can know whats better for a class but the moderator/player of that class

Last edited by Itsrocsloljk on 10-12-2017, 16:11:05; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 10-12-2017, 14:46:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

ti-am dat like ca poate poate.
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Paul !?


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Post Posted: 10-12-2017, 14:46:59 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

++++ for hunter gear pls ?
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Post Posted: 10-12-2017, 15:13:24 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

The position for tanks and healers is wrong, it should be the other way round. You will definitely not make 18 players travel around the room from the entrance just to get behind the boss. The tanks will be the only ones moving to turn the boss around.

Stacking behind the boss and moving like sheep is unnecessary damage intake on the raid and a waste of time for dps. You stand closer to the boss, but not stacked, and avoid whatever needs to be avoided (shards/blast), and move behind shards accordingly when shockwave is used. Even if you are restricted from moving around the room too much, you're still going to make use of it for the most part.

Congrats on the guide, though, you covered pretty much everything.

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Post Posted: 10-12-2017, 16:02:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Lemme be clear, that picture it's just a sketch I made and I couldn't turn around the boss so I can take a picture, the tank doesnt necessary need to be in frost of the entrance.

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