
Going to visit Romania
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[Funz'n'gunz PEW PEW]

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Post Posted: 17-12-2017, 08:33:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I know this is a huge offtopic, but I trust you guys the most out of all the Romanians i've met before. -

So me, my wife and both of our families are going to visit Romania in spring. We came to this idea to visit Drakula castle. - That's just one point of the visit.

I like to plan ahead and I was wondering for a bit of a heads-up - what else to visit, where else to go, what to do, any good place to eat etc etc etc -

I already know that I'll be ordering some good cevapi - mici as you call them - since I'm into grill stuff.

I'd appreciate any heads-up. What to do, what not to do in the public places.

Also, what are some common swear words so that I know when someone swears at me - You may send those at PM -

Thanks guys, you're the best -
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 17-12-2017, 11:50:48 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

hey man cheers. Are you going to visit Bucharest? I live here, in the capital.

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Post Posted: 17-12-2017, 15:21:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

lol good travels bro

when u get to morocco contact me lol -

The demeanour will be thrilled in finding out a mistake of his great rival -
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[ LiKe.FreaKz.Ro ]

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Post Posted: 18-12-2017, 03:08:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nice neeee. If you like mountains, this is your country to visit. I will try to tell you what to visit from my experience with some pictures.
You can visit this:
Castelul Bran (Dracula Castle) is nice to visit but is not that really awesome for eyes -), is famous for his legends and history about Vlad Tepes.

Cetatea Rasnov (Rasnov Citadel) - you can visit Rasnov and Bran in one day, they are close to each other.

Sighisoara - old town who is very good preserve with many traditional gallery, art and history.

Alba Iulia - again another wonderful old town, thousands of years of history, with fortress and many buildings for visiting.

Sibiu - old town with important historical monuments.

Castelul Peles (Peles Castle) - near Sinaia town, very nice castle.

Castelul Corvinilor (The Corvin Castle) - another very beautiful castle near town Hunedoara.

Salina Turda - is a old salt mine, very beautiful.

Manastirea Voronet - old medieval monastery, more than 500 years old.

Cimitirul vesel (Merry Cemetery) - a very colourful cemetery with funny phrases. Need to have someone to translate it.

Caraiman mountains
Bucegi mountains
Lake Vidraru
Dunarea River

In Bucharest you don't have what to see besides Palatul Parlamentului and Biserica Stavropoleos who is almost 300 years old.

I found a video with almost everything I wrote above

Edit - i forget about foods. Best food in the world is in Romania, if you don't know - Most of them from Moldova, so if you plan to visit Iasi town or some villages from Moldova, try this:

Ciorba de fasole cu ciolan (Bean soup with hocks)
Iahnie de fasole cu afumatura (Bean paste with smoked meat)
Varza calita cu afumatura (Smoked cabbage with smoked meat)
Sarmale (Cabbage rolls)
Parjoale moldovenesti (Rissoles from Moldova)
Zacusca de vinete (Eggplant paste)
Slanina afumata (Smoked bacon)
Cozonac de casa (Sweetbread)
Salata boeuf (Beef salad)
Mamaliga cu branza si smantana (Corn meal with salty cheese and sour cream)
Clatite cu gem (Crepes with jam)
Carnati afumati (Smoked sausages)
Drob de miel (Lamb haggis)
Placinte cu branza dulce (Fried dough with sweet cheese)
Jumari cu ceapa (Greaves with onions)
Pomana porcului (pork feast)
and of course Mici (Grilled sausages) -

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[Funz'n'gunz PEW PEW]

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Post Posted: 18-12-2017, 06:03:16 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Thank you Syem for recommendations and for taking the time to write all of this.

Syem wrote:

Edit - i forget about foods. Best food in the world is in Romania, if you don't know - Most of them from Moldova, so if you plan to visit Iasi town or some villages from Moldova, try this:

Ciorba de fasole cu ciolan (Bean soup with hocks)
Iahnie de fasole cu afumatura (Bean paste with smoked meat)
Varza calita cu afumatura (Smoked cabbage with smoked meat)
Sarmale (Cabbage rolls)
Parjoale moldovenesti (Rissoles from Moldova)
Zacusca de vinete (Eggplant paste)
Slanina afumata (Smoked bacon)
Cozonac de casa (Sweetbread)
Salata boeuf (Beef salad)
Mamaliga cu branza si smantana (Corn meal with salty cheese and sour cream)
Clatite cu gem (Crepes with jam)
Carnati afumati (Smoked sausages)
Drob de miel (Lamb haggis)
Placinte cu branza dulce (Fried dough with sweet cheese)
Jumari cu ceapa (Greaves with onions)
Pomana porcului (pork feast)
and of course Mici (Grilled sausages) -

This made me euphoric! Don't mind my enthusiasm -

So, basically, I can expect to see a lot of what I grew up eating the most. For the posterity and sharing some cultural insight I'll tell you how we call it in Serbia -

P.S. I adore to cook.

- Pasulj sa kolenicom
- Pasulj sa dimljenim mesom
(both of these are basically smoked to begin with, so yeah, it fits good either way)
- Podvarak (one difference though, it is not SMOKED cabbage here in Serbia, it's sour cabbage also known as sauerkraut in Eastern Germany (pickled cabbage, introduced by the Slavs) - if what you say is true, then I never tried smoked cabbage).
- Sarma (I have some currently, this is THE food ) - And it's also my favorite food. - I make it with a lot of smoked meat and bacon, cook for 2-3 hours, then put in the wood-fueled oven overnight for around 12-14 hours on low temperature. Many just cook it. I'm not many - It's tender as a soul.
- Fa¹irane ¹nicle (minced mixed pork/beef meat, fresh ground pepper, a bit of garlic, sweet onion, refined salt, bread crumbs or flour, one egg, parsley etc deep fried, can add anything really)
- I like how it's called "ZAKUSKA" for Ajvar - We also say Za-(kus)-ka for some meal that we eat before the main dish like "try this before this", sort of like a small meal, a delight of sorts. I think the word is slavic of origin. Ajvar is specifically prominent in Makedonija (Macedonia), although it were the Turks who brought it to the Balkan. Ajvar is basically "Caviar for the poor", ergo the name (Ay-war)Ajvar/Caviar.
- Slanina is life - (and we also call it Slanina - Slaa-nee-naa). I thought Romanians have a different name for it. Surprise So I can just go into a restaurant and say "Slanina" and I'm all good -
- Interesting name for the Russian salad (as we call it here), although it's actually Olivier salad (as we never call it here). I make a lot of it for Serbian slava - I don't use actual beef, just ham chopped in little cubes.
- This looks like Palenta with pavlaka/kajmak. Kids grow up on these for breakfast etc... I actually hate it from the bottom of my soul -
- Palacinke sa dzemom (Grandma's specialty for any kid, whatsoever). nowadays you can buy them anywhere, but I still prefer the homemade version. Dzem usually was made out of Sipurak. Not sure for the English name for the plant.
- Carna-ti afumati, basically yeah, we have Cajna, Sremska kobasica, Kranjska kobasica etc. Serbia's big on eating meat, too! A lot of meat. I like that I can find the same in Romania!!!
- DROB DE MIEL <----- This is the only food new to me. What is this and how do I make one - - I need information -
- Looks like Lenja Pita (it's a bit bad for the teeth tho - )
- Èvarci (super unhealthy - we have Duvan cvarci, too. It's basically tobacco infused pork greasy meat/chops whatsoever + bacon. Kind of expensive, too)
- Pomana Porculi - Usually given during the winter days, when the pigs are slaughtered...
- Surprise You said sausages for cevapi (mici) Surprise Blasphemy Syem -
Sausages have to be filled inside a container, whilst Cevapi (Mici) are hand-made and made with love - ( - ). To be fair, they are sausage-shaped-like, but are nothing sausage-like.
If you ever come to Serbia or Bosnia, this would be a "no-no" thing to say (in Bosnia more so than Serbia, though)

So that settles it - going to visit for the traditional cuisine of Romania!

Update @ 18-12-2017, 06:02:19

johnn wrote:
hey man cheers. Are you going to visit Bucharest? I live here, in the capital.

This depends upon our travel agency, but I hope that it also includes București. I'm not sure about the geographical difference between the places nor about the longevity of our stay.

I think it'd be 3-4 days tops. :(

Update @ 18-12-2017, 06:03:16

.:SaBer:. wrote:
lol good travels bro

when u get to morocco contact me lol -

Thank you kindly - I can't wait! -

Also, thank you for the invite. -
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[ LiKe.FreaKz.Ro ]

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Post Posted: 18-12-2017, 07:26:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Yea, my mistake about "mici" -)) is a mixt with beef meat and pork meat, garlic, concentrated beef soup, pepper and thyme. So yea, if you go to Romania for traditional food, try Moldova-Bucovina region, the north-east side. Botosani, Iasi, Suceava, Piatra Neamt, Vatra Dornei.

Sarmale with smantana (sour cream) and mamaliga is also my favorite -
Ciorba de fasole cu ciolan
Iahnie de fasole cu afumatura
Varza calita cu afumatura

This 4 you need to eat, is mandatory -)) all 4 with mamaliga, not bread. The last 3 with mamaliga and muraturi (pickles).
This is muraturi:

Good luck -)

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 18-12-2017, 11:04:30 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Syem you forgot about SHORICI ( PORK RINDS) - -

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[Funz'n'gunz PEW PEW]

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Post Posted: 18-12-2017, 14:52:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Oh, Tursija -


Yeah, we have same food. Big news, huh? - - -

Yeah, about Mici. If you say in Bosnia it's a sausage - they might throw something at you. In Serbia you're still kinda safe -

Guys, thanks a bunch! Any tip for the public transport in Bucuresti?
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 18-12-2017, 17:16:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Public transport it s not expensive at all comparing to other countries here is much cheaper. can take the subway to travel fast, depending on where you stay and where you wanna go. Montly pass( unlimited travel) - 16-17 euros. Week pass( unlimited travel) - it's 5 euros.

Buses sometimes get busy and traffic very intense. But the ticket card you can buy it for one month with only 50 lei- 10 euros. not much.

For Taxies .... Prefferable UBER or TAXIFY than the actual TAXI. UBER &TAXIFY are sometimes cheaper and the level on confort is HIGHER.

If you have other questions bring them on -

Dacã motivația ta pentru a obține bani sau succes provine dintr-un sentiment nepotrivit, precum teama, furia sau nevoia de a ieși în evidențã, atunci banii câștigați nu-ți vor aduce fericirea.
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[Funz'n'gunz PEW PEW]

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Post Posted: 18-12-2017, 22:50:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Cool. Thanks.

What do I need for the weekly pass? Passport/I.D. or is it prepaid?

Any good hostels with good wifi in Bucuresti in the city center?

Do I have to visit the police center/station to report my stay after the arrival?
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 19-12-2017, 00:31:09 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1- you don t need anything, no id no passport just buy it as it is.

2- don t go to hostels. Search on AIRBNB better. MUUUUUUCH BETTER than staying in a hostel with other dudes.

P.S : romania is the land of wifi -

3- you don t have to go to report anything to the police station. you just enter the country through the customs and that s it.

other questions i ll be glad to answer you. BTW i have your cousing Vojin on facebook -

Dacã motivația ta pentru a obține bani sau succes provine dintr-un sentiment nepotrivit, precum teama, furia sau nevoia de a ieși în evidențã, atunci banii câștigați nu-ți vor aduce fericirea.
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[ LiKe.FreaKz.Ro ]

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Post Posted: 19-12-2017, 10:08:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Avoid to take TAXI, if they notice that you are a stranger, you will pay much more than usual (applies anywhere in Romania). Use subway. I doubt you want to get to the edge of the city, so subway will get you anywhere and fast. Don't worry about internet, any hotels or restaurants from the center will have wifi.
Don't need to speak with police or tell anyone anything, just enjoy. In Bucharest almost anyone understand english so if you have some problems, someone can help you or show you the way. Usual we like strangers and we are kind with them, trying to help them as much as we can. With TAXI drivers is difficult because most of them are gipsy - so if they have a chance to trick/steal you, they will do it without hesitating.

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Post Posted: 19-12-2017, 20:54:00 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Romanya misafirperver ülke, ancak Romalılar'a da sakın ... Drakula'nın gününde, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu neden 40 sonsuz erkeği tepede gördüğünden korkuyordu ...! Türkler buraya geldiğinde ... "Bu dünyadaki cehennem" Onlar ilkel değil, aynı zamanda göksel insanlar da olduğu gibi Macar milleti gibi acı çekmeyin Osmanlılar ve Türkler onlar da acı çekmeyin Ülkemize gelin güzellikleri görmek için Romanya'ya gelin Görmediğiniz Romanya'nın harikalarını göreceksiniz Ama bir anlaşma bizi uluslar olarak birleşti Türkiye ve Romanya Kırım'dan değil Türk'tenim Rus değilim Rusların ve Çingenelerin ölüm Ama özellikle Ungars'ın Romanya harika ülke dünyanın!

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[Funz'n'gunz PEW PEW]

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Post Posted: 20-12-2017, 10:36:12 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Romania and Serbia are very much alike in terms of the culture and history.

I like history a lot, but I try to avoid anything political along the way.

Politics is an extremely dangerous topic in Serbia, though. Same with the football.

Reason :

Red Star vs Partizan

So, yeah, if you come here to Serbia absolutely avoid topics of Football and Politics.

My point is - Any topics i should avoid in Romania? -
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 20-12-2017, 23:01:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

No one mentioned Decebal' s face ! It s the largest sculputre in mountain rock in all Europe . It can be found here
Also there s the Veterani cave wich holds symphonic concerts , the Danube canyon , and the Danube Delta.

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