
PvE Progress

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 01-02-2018 04:36)
Joined: 23 Aug 2017
Posts: 21, Topics: 9
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Reputation: 19.7

Post Posted: 20-12-2017, 18:32:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

PvE Progress - Emerald Nightmare

Nythendra: Mythic Difficulty - [Done]

Elerethe Renferal: Mythic Difficulty - [Done]

Ursoc: Mythic Difficulty - [Done]

Il'gynoth: Mythic Difficulty - [Pending]

Dragons of Nightmare: Mythic Difficulty - [Pending]

Cenarius: Mythic Difficulty - [Pending]

Xavius: Mythic Difficulty - [Pending]

PvE Progress - Trial of Valor

Odyn: Heroic Difficulty - [Done]

Guarm: Heroic Difficulty - [Done]

Helya: Heroic Difficulty - [Pending]

PvE Progress - The Nighthold

Skorpyron: Normal Difficulty - [Done] -

Chronomatic Anomaly: Normal Difficulty - [Done]

Trilliax: Normal Difficulty - [Done]

Spellblade Aluriel: Normal Difficulty - [Done]

High Botanist Tel'arn: Normal Difficulty - [Done]

Krosus: Normal Difficulty - [Pending]

Star Augur Etraeus: Normal Difficulty - Not Implemented Yet

Tichondrius: Normal Difficulty - Not Implemented Yet

Elisande: Normal Difficulty - Not Implemented Yet

Gul'dan: Normal Difficulty - Not Implemented Yet

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