
[DUPLICATE] [Hunter][Beast Mastery] PET vs AOE at Spelblade Aluriel

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 02-03-2018, 17:44:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz spell link:
Bug description: Avoidance is not working on any of Spelblade Aluriel's aoe attacks:
- fire circles left by the fire ads in fire phase
- green fire big circles left by the fel soul add
- the spin from fel soul add

The pet dies in 1-2 seconds in any of those abilities. In a mythic fight i have to revive my pet 6-9 times resulting in ~300 k dps loss.

Proof: can't record video to prove it but is easy to test ingame.

It is reported also on PVE ->Spelblade Aluriel section with the response that is not related to boss fight, this being a class issue:
"Ph3n0 a scris:
Pets take full damage from all aoe's including fel souls' abilities

Both issues are not script-related issues, those are core issues. The pushback issue is handled on Unit::DealDamage iirc."

At the moment being a BM hunter in NH is a pain in the ***:
-shockwave @Scorpyron pushes pets in the ground - have to dismiss / re-summon (posted and confirmed on 21 December 2017 -
-@Aluriel pets die a lot
-@Krosus pets get summoned under the bridge and are useless. (posted and confirmed on 23 January 2018 -

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 06-08-2018 22:12)
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Post Posted: 10-03-2018, 04:35:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Confirm. It's really annoying. Being in top 3 DPS the whole instance and then u get to a fight like Auriel where your pet takes 1-2 shots. or Krosus when he is useless and almost drop bellow tanks.
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