
[REJECTED] Lock Stock and Two smoking Goblins Achievement

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Post Posted: 11-04-2018, 12:02:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz link:
Bug description: In spite of the above mention in the topic citing the fix I am unable to obtain the quest from the npc.The achievement is obtained after completing the chain of quests from the taurens and goblins at Talonrest,Stormheim.The achievement info mentions that 167 people completed it.However either it was fixed earlier and is bugged again or there is a workaround.I asked on global and nobody was able to assist me so far.There were a few mentions that people might have donated for the title and got the achieve in that manner.However if that is the case then the actual chain is still bugged and requires a fix.I am attaching the screenshots for the aforementioned chain.This chain includes several achievements "what a ripoff" and "lock stock and two smoking goblins".

The female tauren is supposed to give us the quest "eating into our business" which begins a chain of quests.
Link to wowhead:

The last quest of the series "A time to collect"is given by the goblin "Gazrix Gearlock" in dalaran.But as the prerequisite isn't obtainable he too doesn't give any quest.

If there has been a fix or a workaround to obtain the title "Gullible" I would love to hear about it.But currently it seems unobtainable.

Thanks in advance.

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