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Author Message1082

[Mentally Stable]

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(since 30-10-2018 06:08)
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Post Posted: 20-04-2018, 14:07:48 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

We're looking for active English speaking players of any level for PvE & PvP. We have raid times set, premades, fun events, active Discord server, guild site, and most of all a fun, social atmosphere!

Ways to join:

1. Contact any Officer online for a short interview.
2. Make a listing in game to be contacted by an available Officer.
3. Make a post here. It would be helpful if can have your game account linked to your forum account.

Pve: Our primary aim is raiding at a relaxed and fun atmosphere. We're boosting Mkeys throught the day and we're working into building a solid PvE community and pick up our progression. Discord is mandatory for our guild runs. You'll be invited according to the iLvL and role requirements for each raid. Come prepared, with flask, food and enchants/gems.
PvP: Premades are held by our PvP Officers.
Social: We're holding several fun events in game and at Discord.

You can choose your own path and progress within the guild, pve monster, tough pvper, casual or just social butterfly (even all of them). Remember to have fun and show respect to your fellow guildies. Toxic behavior, drama queens and rage quiting won't be tolerated.

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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 15-01-2021 19:19)
Joined: 19 Sep 2016
Posts: 14, Topics: 8
Location: Poland

Reputation: 23.5

Post Posted: 20-04-2018, 20:59:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I was in this guild some time ago, and i have a couple of questions.

1. Any lvl? Ilvl as well? As my last stay here, i was blamed as hell for making too low DPS on... Heroic dungeon, when honetly, everyone was doing things casualy, for it was quite fast anyway. There were some really bad words in offense to me, and it seems like noone cared about it. Is it still like that?
2. Fun, and social atmosphere? As well as i remember, there was ilvl and dps masterrace, where new players, and/or just a little bit weaker players were completely excluded. Guild was kinda set to groups, better ones, and weaker ones.
3. Raiding in fun atmosphere... I would love to see it here, probly those toxic players are no longer in guild?

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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 30-10-2018 06:08)
Joined: 21 Jun 2016
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Post Posted: 21-04-2018, 15:14:00 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Any ilvl/lvl are welcome as long as you have a good head on your head and respect you fellow guildies .No there is no masterrace , nothing like that at all.If people dramatize or try to start trouble in keys and so on they get warned and if they continue , leave a key for no reason and so on get kicked.Hope that cleared it a bit for you , if you want to ask more feel free to do so - .
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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 07-08-2022 13:04)
Joined: 23 Nov 2017
Posts: 9, Topics: 2
Location: Narnia

Reputation: 19.3

Post Posted: 21-04-2018, 20:35:58 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

My experience since I joined is much different than Kesher123. I found support and friendly people to help my fresh ally character. Ofc like every community, there were little issues here and there at guild chat but nothing that a higher rank didn't look into. There are currently fresh Bloodguards putting together key boosting groups and premades, organising fun events, and i'm also helping myself when i can at guild chat answering questions and helping fresh people with their keys. From what I understand the guild is going under re-organisation since some old members left and new players joined.

For raiding, I can't confirm, since i'm not part of the raiding population, i'm mostly doing keys, there are people to support with that, I managed to get 900ish ilvl at my ally at no time, and I just plan to join some raids casualy when i have time for it, but from what I know the raiding schedule is being re-worked too.

As the GM wrote, there are no ilvl/dps requirements for joining the guild (I wasn't asked for my ilvl or my dps when i was interviewed to get invited, the questions was rather to determine character, and i was around 855 with WQs gear), since you can choose what you'd like to do and it's not a strictly raiding one. Ofc for each run there are minimum requirements according to raid difficulty but at guild runs I dont expect them to be too strict since usually guilds have boosters, except if its a progression core. And ofc I never felt excluded, on the contrary there are opportuniteis for advancing in ranks.

That's from my experience so far, I hope it helped -

* If the apocalypse comes...poke me *
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