
[REJECTED] [Monk][Brewmaster]Gift of the Ox(Passive)

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Post Posted: 22-04-2018, 17:02:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz spell link: (wowhead link)
Bug description: feels like the proc chance is way lower than it should be
Proof: Grouped 10 mobs and i let them atack me for about 10 min and i only spawned like 7 -12 orbs. On wowhead in the comments section people are saying that when they pull a couple of trash mobs they are "swimming" in healing orbs. I also thought i might aswell see a if in blizzard really procs that often and pulled out one of the mythic runs on one brewmaster:

. You can see even in the begging he is being attacked by 1-2 mobs and it procs all the time. And i get no procs from 10 ....

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Post Posted: 23-04-2018, 13:31:59 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

It's not a proc. You get orbs based on how much damage you receive... If you receive less damage, you get fewer orbs
I asked several bm monks who knew the exact formula to test it for me and they told me that the drop rate is correct (I tested it myself as well, and can confirm). More on how it works, from a bluepost:

Q: Is the Brewmaster Gift of the Ox proc chance based on the amount of damage the player takes? It appears so given the "inconsistency" of the proc.

A: It's no longer a random chance, under the hood. When you are hit, it increments a counter by (DamageTakenBeforeAbsorbsOrStagger / MaxHealth). It now drops an orb whenever that reaches 1.0, and decrements it by 1.0. The tooltip still says ‘chance’, to keep it understandable.

Gift of the Mists multiplies that counter increment by (2 - (HealthBeforeDamage - DamageTakenBeforeAbsorbsOrStagger) / MaxHealth); ie, a simple linear 0-100% increase based on missing health, counting the hit as a full hit.

Q: - Is the damage calculated pre-mitigation/absorb, or is it basically "amount of health lost"? (e.g., if you had a -50% damage taken effect, and a 50k absorb shield, then took a 200k hit, what would be the final value of Damage?)

A: Damage is the full damage of the hit, before absorbs, before Stagger. HealthPercentAfterDamage is with stagger taken into account, but not other absorbs. Mitigation does reduce Damage. In your example, Damage would be 100k.

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