
[REJECTED] [Inscription] Starlight Rose and Felwort milling tables not correct

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Came across this?
Yea.. but didn't know it was supposed to different for different herbs
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Post Posted: 29-04-2018, 06:02:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz link: (wowhead link)

Bug description:
First check here..

Now according to this spreadsheet which is totally accurate, 1 Starlight Rose while milling should have a factor of 1.2 Roseate pigment per herb.
Thus averaging to about 6 Roseage pigment per milling (6*5) whilst 2 for other herbs..
Since it seems that Starlight Rose has this problem I tested it on Felwort..
Same problem there..
Milling 5 Felwort is supposed to give us ~10 Sallow pigment, but that's bugged..

I only had 20 Starlight roses when i noticed this and there's no Felwort WQ's right now so I'll leave proof within an hour or so..
Pls understand

Update @ 29-04-2018, 06:19:55

Some A-hole DH just started gathering all my supplies..
Might take a few more mins for proofs..

Update @ 29-04-2018, 06:41:40

Pls if anyone reading also knows about this...
Just leave a little "yea that I happened to come across this and thus changed my profession" or something :D

Update @ 29-04-2018, 07:02:46

got some images now finally..
(4 images there)
see how the tables for starlight rose is same for dreamleaf..
probable same tables for all the different herbs which isn't supposed to be that way...
Starlight rose is uncommon and a hassle to get thus providing more Roseate pigment.
Felwort is ridiculously rare and even if it spawns it gets stolen thus providing 10 Sallow pigments per 5 milled.

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Post Posted: 10-05-2018, 13:56:14 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Please post this report here:

We have a separate topic for Professions, it's easier for us to track things. Thanks!

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