
[REJECTED] Halls of Valor - general bug

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Post Posted: 13-05-2018, 23:04:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz link:

Bug description: I can see people in dungeon. Whole HoV I was just folowing attacked mobs, without knowing where actual players went. I think print screens say it all.

Proof: While chacking Screen Shots, check the minimap - wasnt always acurate as well but it tells you where exactly players are. In front of me fighting the boss, tanking it, healing us. And nobody was phisicly visible for me.

Update @ 14-05-2018, 00:04:45

Also, another bug - minor compared to whole team invisible error - no shiny light bridge before last 2 bosses in HoV. Were running in the air.

Staff message (LethalFactorLK):
You were phased, relogging fixes it

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