
[FIXED] [mage][fire] Mirror Image

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Post Posted: 25-06-2018, 16:24:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz spell link:
Bug description: Fire ball damage from images are wrong based on the equation from askmrrobot .you u can see that
my lowest fireball damage should something around : (154/(1.09*2))*1.6 = 113 but as u can see on screen shot its 89.6
it might be cause of the 20 stack trait which gives 14.5% ( empowered spellblade )
fire ball damage :
mirror image fireball damage : ( fireball damage shown on skada is from images , i didn`t cast any fireball)
my simulation shows that images should do 14M to 15M damage done with bl ( with my current gear)
but in game i can barely reach 13M ( if lucky on crits)
i can add simulation result aswell if needed

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Post Posted: 25-06-2018, 19:20:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

The easiest way to test this is take out the weapon and gear from the equation: (without gear your average belf mage 110 should have 7330 SpellPower, keep that in mind cause I can't test with your exact gear):

Fireball DMG = 2.0 * SP * 1.15 (15% increase from fire mage passive
putting that forumla to work gives us:
2*7330*1.15= 16859 (my fireball does 16860, so fireball dmg seems right)

Mirror Image Fireball DMG = 1.6 * SP (there's no 1.15 increase as far as I can see, cause the buff doesn't reference the mirror images).
putting that formula to work gives us:
1.6*7330= 11728 (my mirror images' fireballs deal about 10-11k and sometimes 12k with some varriance, not sure atm if they should have variance, askmrrobot doesn't have stuff like that mentioned).

come to think of it, pretty sure that varriance is why u do 13m and sims show 14m.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 25-06-2018, 23:02:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

testing while naked your absolutely right. there is a variance on normal hits from images varies from 10.5k to 12.5k which average at 11.5 to 11.7 so its right but as I said sim is 2M to 3M different from what I said with my current gear. I don't know yet if there should be a variance or not plus for full gear the empowered spellblade 14.5% can be the reason for the difference. there is nothing about empowered spellblades damage bonus or images on askmrrobot so I need to search for it to be sure what the difference is.
or maybe I`m totally wrong cause of variance and it's about haste ...i`ll check it
so by using askmrrobot equation for damage even with gear i got the same number as average hit i get from the recount. long story short damage is corret but haste is not. images copy the amount of haste based on the percentage(from all resources even trinket procs) but they don't copy it on freaks they copy basic haste amount I checked it with this trinket:
and based on haste value:
proof: ( 2 out of 68 fireballs are my own cast since I forgot to proc trinket with pyroblast instead, i used images with 890 ilvl trinket which gives 54% haste and then used bloodlost)
2.5s /(1+0.45+0.15+0.3)=1.316s
37s/22=1.68s (based on recount, 37s instead of the 40s is because images don't instantly start to hit and they stop they cast at 39s)
the cast time duration is only because of trinket 45% haste different which images don't get benefit from which they SHOULD.
i even checked it with the trinket that I linked before using images and the result was the same amount on fireball hits comparing to no trinket proc meaning that images are not copying haste value from procs instead they just get amount ( the base haste from gear) for the casting time of images.
this is the only logical reason I can tell about different between image damages on freaks and sims.

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Post Posted: 27-06-2018, 03:14:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

The damage is completely perfect, the haste scaling was the issue.

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