
can we get a fix to kick offline raid people when we are down to just us .

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(since 03-08-2018 00:50)
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Post Posted: 28-07-2018, 22:56:48 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

ok so i did an lfr today betrayers rise and we wiped 3 times and other people left leaving me alone with an offl;ine leader that i couldnt kick becuase not enough members can we get a fix for this so we can reque and can we please debuff that rage quitters for 30 minutes of instance activity with deseter for rage quitting? people dont like rage quitters and i belive that if we started suspending those quitters from any instanced action for 30 minutes would stop them from rage quitting. and i mean ANy instanced action pvp. bg/ skrims/ dungeons. they would only be able to stay in the open world and do stuff. and if they logged out. the debuff timer would stop running. 30 minutes of activity.
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