
[REJECTED] [Druid][Guardian] Brambles + Rage of the Sleeper

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Post Posted: 16-08-2018, 23:29:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz spell link:

This is a bit of a weird post seeing as how there's already a thread on this in the confirmed section. I was going to respond to that but it's locked, so here we go. (Would be nice if confirmed posts were left open)

Rage of the sleeper (rots) + brambles isn't bugged. It's working as intended, Legion world PVP is anything but balanced. If you smack the shit out of a bear while he has these 2 spells up you're going to get murdered and that's just how it works. It's not hard to simply stop hitting the bear, it's not like this spell is something that's hard to notice. The bear almost doubles in size and turns red. The more you hit the bear the faster you die.

I'm not exactly sure how the Paladin in the original video managed to damage the Druid so fast. Granted I know just about nothing about Paladins.

This is probably the best video I could find showing off how OP rots is when something is hitting you very quickly.

While this video is from BETA and rots had a completely different spell description it's still a very good example. If you do the math the current version of rots would do more DPS than this against anything melee. Reflecting a constant 80k per tic is more dps than reflecting 33% of a melee hit that's already been reduced by 80% because of armor. You would have to be hitting 425K - 500K physical damage every single hit for the BETA version of rots to do more DPS than the current version that we have.

Here's a few tests that aren't completely rigged. (Yes, I do feel like the original video was done only to show the max damage possible. In other words, make the "issue" seem worse than it is.)

2 Clips VS each person. I asked each person to attack me slowly in the first clip and then try and burst me as hard as they could in the second clip. The only people getting "one shot" by this are people who unload everything into the bear during those 10 seconds.

It's really not that hard to avoid. If you just blindly throw everything at the bear with no thought process whatsoever as to what's going to happen, you're going to get obliterated. No, it's not balanced, neither is world PVP. That doesn't mean it's "bugged" though.

If this is actually bugged somehow I'd like to know how it's bugged exactly. I really don't see how it's bugged.


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Post Posted: 16-08-2018, 23:49:14 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I will avoid the pointless arguments you brought to the case and tell you that I've investigated this a while ago and there shouldn't be an interaction between reflected damage like that.

Check old fixed topics regarding this.

Posting a new BUG REPORT has to follow the template you get when opening a new topic or it can be instantly rejected.

Freakz Lich King 25H

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