
Profession[Jewelcrafting]Prospecting Ores(both felslate and leystone)

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 29-08-2018, 11:21:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz item link:;;

Bug Description:The drop rates for the aforementioned gems are non existent.The site database lists them as 5% chance from prospecting felslate ores.I have prospected a total of 6000 felslate ores and 8000 leystone ores and not received a single gem of the ones listed.The only gem that is obtainable at a low rate is the "Dawnlight" one.
Furystone,Pandemonite,Maelstrom sapphire and especially Shadowruby drop rates are abysmal or non existent to say the least.I understand the RNG aspect involved in this profession but getting zero gems out of 6000 ores seems a tad too much even for a rate of 5%.

Proof: Can be confirmed by mass prospecting both the ores in game.

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Post Posted: 29-08-2018, 16:06:22 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I can confirm that mass prospecting is not working.
Checking the homepage you see that the loottable is not full and also gem chips should be 4 and not 0-2.

Regarding "normal" prospecting we checked the drop chances via retail sources and it's kinda hard to get the actual % because prospecting is a 2 step process.

I kinda believe that the % we use now are too low because of this 2 steps every prospecting does, but idk how prospecting mechanic currently works.
Looking at it you get a new gem chip color each time you prospect no matter if it was success or only chip (which is not correct)

Maybe to illustrate how it should work:

First prospect:
Gives you gem chip with color X

2nd - N prospects:
Give you gem chip with same color X and rolls on getting a rare or common version of that color ( ~10% rare ~30% common if fail another gem chip of color X)
For mass prospecting it should be ~25% to get a rar and ~50% to get a common gem after prospecting a gem chip for that color.
Along with the common/rare gem of color X comes a new gem chip with color Y > repeat process with the new color

So without doing the math now you have 0% chance to get any other gem than specified by your gem chip.
To get proper working overall % the process needs to use higher chances during the "gem search" (about 2x the overall % is a good number).

Overall this results in 3.5% chance for any rare with normal prospecting or 15% for rare with mass prospect due to the fact that is simply carries out 4x a normal prospect.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 01-09-2018, 22:23:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

i can confirm it as well.not a single gem out of more than 300 felslates and leystones

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 04-09-2018, 13:53:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I can confirm this too. I did prospect to more then 5k felslates and leystones and got maybe 10 gems.

Check this : (wowhead link)

Hope it will help you fixing drop rates...

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