
[REJECTED] the-arcway-naltira

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(since 05-04-2019 04:49)
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Post Posted: 12-09-2018, 10:06:22 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz link:
Bug description: 2x big bug in mele team make it tank solo killing this boss -
you all know killing Nal'tiras adds when they casted Devour not remove root and they must jump down (just need to hit 30% HP to make free player)
Tangled Web. not remove on mele player
my team had 2x war they jump away it make 50 yard and then they die any way
Tangled Web has visual bug too you don't see it is linked (wowhead link)
it say this spell hit 127K dps it make 200% in key 15 =400K so must player has 4 sec to run and don't die

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