
[RESPINS] Reclamație FasT^Andreea
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Author Message3700

[Snaipãr Suprem]

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(since 12-09-2024 02:56)
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Post Posted: 28-09-2018, 17:45:05 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

In primul rand, si eu am donat pentru server, Alex iti poate confirma, in al doilea rand, mănânci ***** ca pe server, si imi pare rau ca aici nu iti pot da gag, mizerie de om ce esti.

Update @ 28-09-2018, 18:45:05

De ce trebuie sa ne enervam de la un nimeni?
Sincer, nu mai suport acest specimen numit "Cipry", cocalarul pizdii care se crede superior tuturor, de azi dimineata tot încearcă sa defaimeze pe cineva si acum a inceput cu mizerii, daca stiam ca exista asa ceva aici, nici nu ma mai băgam.
Stau sa imi *** nervii cu un animal care nici macar nu stie sa scrie corect in vreo limbă?

Sotir was here.
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Aleex Armanu

[Detinator Server]

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(since 16-05-2022 10:06)
Joined: 25 Feb 2015
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Post Posted: 28-09-2018, 19:24:28 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Cipri, esti nou pe server, dar vad ca din prima zi ai inceput sa te iei de toti adminii de pe server, fara un motiv intemeiat. Iar reclamatie nu are dovezi suficiente ca andreea ar fi abuzat de admin menu si nici ca a adus injuraturi la adresa ta.

Acum sa nu comparam varza cu capra, cum s-ar zice. Tu ai primit advertisment, pentru ca ai luat decizii de unul singur fara sa-ti intrebi colegii de pe server. Andreea i-am dat acces la admin menu, pentru a oferi mai des modurile. Nu-mi place deloc atitudinea ta fata de toti din echipa. Repet, suntem o echipa, daca nu-ti plac oamenii, nu te obliga nimeni sa ramai.

Ca sa-ti arat ca n-a gresit sau ca nu abuzeaza, chiar daca nu sunt pe server sa fac pe politistul, logo-urile nu mint:

L 09/27/2018 - 20:36:01: ADMIN FasT^Andreea <STEAM_0:0:1073240698><> - LolZ turned into a Nemesis (Players: 19/3
L 09/27/2018 - 20:41:09: ADMIN FasT^Andreea <STEAM_0:0:1073240698><> - FasT^Andreea respawned (Players: 17/32)
L 09/27/2018 - 20:49:19: ADMIN FasT^Andreea <STEAM_0:0:1073240698><> - FasT^Andreea turned into a Nemesis (Playe
L 09/27/2018 - 20:59:58: ADMIN FasT^Andreea <STEAM_0:0:1073240698><> - FasT^Andreea respawned (Players: 20/32)
L 09/27/2018 - 21:02:18: ADMIN FasT^Andreea <STEAM_0:0:1073240698><> - FasT^Andreea respawned (Players: 20/32)
L 09/27/2018 - 21:06:23: ADMIN FasT^Andreea <STEAM_0:0:1073240698><> - SleepwalkerS turned into a Sniper (Player
L 09/27/2018 - 21:06:25: ADMIN FasT^Andreea <STEAM_0:0:1073240698><> - Controllable. turned back to Human (Playe
L 09/27/2018 - 21:06:27: ADMIN FasT^Andreea <STEAM_0:0:1073240698><> - LolZ turned back to Human (Players: 20/32
L 09/27/2018 - 21:06:36: ADMIN FasT^Andreea <STEAM_0:0:1073240698><> - Controllable. respawned (Players: 20/32)
L 09/27/2018 - 21:06:49: ADMIN FasT^Andreea <STEAM_0:0:1073240698><> - Controllable. turned back to Human (Playe
L 09/27/2018 - 21:09:58: ADMIN FasT^Andreea <STEAM_0:0:1073240698><> - LolZ turned into a Zombie (Players: 23/32
L 09/27/2018 - 21:15:57: ADMIN FasT^Andreea <STEAM_0:0:1073240698><> - Controllable. turned back to Human (Playe
L 09/27/2018 - 21:16:03: ADMIN FasT^Andreea <STEAM_0:0:1073240698><> - Controllable. turned back to Human (Playe
L 09/27/2018 - 21:18:29: ADMIN FasT^Andreea <STEAM_0:0:1073240698><> - Controllable. turned into an Assassin (Pl
L 09/27/2018 - 21:22:22: ADMIN FasT^Andreea <STEAM_0:0:1073240698><> - Schizophren turned into an Assassin (Play
L 09/28/2018 - 16:01:29: ADMIN FasT^Andreea <STEAM_0:0:1073240698><> - MimiKhalifa turned into an Assassin (Playe
L 09/28/2018 - 16:18:41: ADMIN FasT^Andreea <STEAM_0:0:1073240698><> - DauSphagaShiFug^ turned into a Sniper (Pla
L 09/28/2018 - 16:24:16: ADMIN FasT^Andreea <STEAM_0:0:1073240698><> - start Plague Mode (Players: 12/32)
L 09/28/2018 - 16:34:54: ADMIN FasT^Andreea <STEAM_0:0:1073240698><> - KentTopBossTareCool respawned (Players: 15
L 09/28/2018 - 16:47:11: ADMIN FasT^Andreea <STEAM_0:0:1073240698><> - FasT^Andreea respawned (Players: 12/32)
L 09/28/2018 - 16:56:35: ADMIN FasT^Andreea <STEAM_0:0:1073240698><> - maecbun turned into a Nemesis (Players: 15
L 09/28/2018 - 16:59:27: ADMIN FasT^Andreea <STEAM_0:0:1073240698><> - FasT^Andreea turned into a Nemesis (Player
L 09/28/2018 - 18:07:52: ADMIN FasT^Andreea <STEAM_0:0:1073240698><> - FasT^Andreea respawned (Players: 14/32)
L 09/28/2018 - 18:10:51: ADMIN FasT^Andreea <STEAM_0:0:1073240698><> - Schizophren turned into a Nemesis (Players

Ah, ca mai fac ei o gluma intre ei, ca-l face zombie sau human odata la... se mai accepta.
veNoM data viitoare cand te bagi in aceasta sectiunea, primesti warn.

Cu asta am raspuns tot.



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Locked by Aleex Armanu, 28 September 2018 17:29

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