
[Warrior] Shield Slam/Thunder Clap Threat Generation

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Post Posted: 16-11-2018, 21:23:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Bug description: Premise: I tested only Protection Warrior since actually i have only this one as Tank spec and i notice issues with some spell's threat generation. I used Skada to make these tests. I couldn't install Omen on my client.

First of all i tried autoattack and it seem to work Perfectly:
Threat = Damage dealt * 10;
39402 Melee * 10 = 394020(394,0k); (Melee = autoattack)

Thunder Clap: Actually this spell generate Threat only around 1.85 times the damage dealt. Considering this example we can see 149061 Thunder Clap damages generating 275.8k(around 275800) Threat. It should be at least 1490610(Threat).
One more example using 2 Thunder Clap.

Shield Slam: Considering this example we can see 188352 + 38800 = 227152 damages(Shield Slam + Autoattack) generating 576.8k Threat (around 576800). Overall it should be at least 2271520(Threat).
Since we know Autoattack threat calculation work fine we can know Shield Slam threat only that in this case is: 576800 - (38800*10) = 188800 Shield Slam Threat and it should be at least 1883520.

I did this calculation because is pretty impossible to use Shield Slam without using Autoattack.

How it should work: In according with wowhead:
As a baseline, Tanks currently generate 10 times more Threat than DPS.

However, with an artifact equipped, Tanks can generate between 14 and 20 times more Threat than DPS. Auto attacks deal around 14 times more Threat while the Thrash Bleed deals 20 times more Threat than DPS.

As a simple example, if a DPS deals 16k damage, they will receive 16k Threat while:
• In Legion, a Tank receives around 220k-320k Threat on the meter.

Thanks for your patience!

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Post Posted: 21-12-2018, 01:12:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


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