
[REJECTED] Caverns of Consumption Missing Object/Spell/Pet

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Post Posted: 28-12-2018, 19:37:44 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz link: Object is not in Database BUT, here is the object that is missing.
Bug description: There are several bugs that is related to the Caverns of Consumption. As soon as we enter the Caverns of Consumption, this spell (wowhead link) should be applied automatically but it is not. Moreover, there should be several barriers that is blocking our path inside the cave such as a wall of fire and a wall of fel, but there are no such barriers. The entire cave is open. At the end of the cave, there should be the Oddly Colored Egg but there is nothing. Furthermore, there should be a plague on the cave wall at the end, but there is nothing on the wall.
No Plague on Wall:
No Barriers inside the Cave:
Oddly Colored Egg Missing:

Additional Info:
- Exact Location of Entrance to the Caverns of Consumption: Map: 1 (Kalimdor) Zone: 618 (Winterspring) Area: 9037 (Caverns of Consumption) Phases X: 8888.034180 Y: -3990.875732 Z: 168.777161 (At the very top of Winterspring, the cave entrance is near the coast, at the very edge)
- Location on Map:
- Oddly Colored Egg should contain this pet:
- This is what the barriers should look like:
- This is what the plague should look like:

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