
[FIXED] [Item] [Bigger fish to fry] achivement

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 30-01-2019, 13:09:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz item link:
Bug description: se spune ca are sansa de 1.96 de drop dar nu mi la dat
Proof: am farmat toata harta din suramar, mam uitat pe youtube unde l-au gasit alti playeri, pe wowhead, am fost in locatiile respective si tot nimic
De 3 zile de cand am vazut anunt referitor la "underlight angler" ca a fost reparat tot dau fish pentru:
Se spune ca dropeaza din [sleeping murloc] itemul [seerspine puffer]

precum spuneam am farmat 1000 de [Runescale Koi] 491 de [Black Barracuda] 451 [Silver Mackerel] ...etc
puteti verifica acest lucru la Loot pe caracterul Knockturnall[/list][/url]

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Pinocchio Evreiesc
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Post Posted: 30-01-2019, 17:55:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

There are several problems with the achievement its not just the sleeping murloc. I have fished thousands of fish in the past three days with guildies, i asked on server also, nobody has been able to fish Nar'thalas hermit from azsuna in this patch (not 7.1.5) even though the bait drops. Same in suramar, the sleeping murloc never droppped, actually the entire zone seems to have wrong drops, i get frost worms (for highmountain) in suramar and even caught carp rare fish in Falanaar which should be highmountain only.

So far, these fishes seem impossible:

-Nar'thalas Hermit (i have tried everything, fishing in normal water with the lure, fishing in cursed queenfish schools with lure, nothing)
-Magic Eater Frog (the drop rate for the enchanted lure is extremely stupidly low, i have failed all 10 enchanted lures so far, no rare, correct me if it works and i was just unlucky)
-Thundering Stormray (same problem, the bait has stupidly low drop rate, have never fished this)
-Seerspine Puffer (same problem, stupidly low chance to get the bait even with moosehorn hook, correct me if it works)
-Tainted Runescale Koi (i have never seen the bait for this, like legit never)

Suramar is broken, has bad fish loots. I did this achievement on retail for the fishing rod. it took me a total of 4 hours to catch all 18 rares using arcane lure (which we cant get on freakz because fishing on Margoss' island or dalaran doesnt work). Right now its been 3 days on freakz almost and still missing 7 fish. We need clarification for these problem zones like suramar/stormheim

Just to put into perspective how much i fished in suramar, i fished up Elemental Pebbles in suramar waters which has 0.01% chance to drop.


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Post Posted: 30-01-2019, 19:26:31 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Should be fixed now. But keep in mind that you need its specific bait in order to catch them.

Tag me for feedback please, fix is already live.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 30-01-2019, 20:41:52 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Seerspine puffer drops only from sleeping murloc but it doesnt count to achievement when you loot it : the seerspine puffer : the achievement
and stormheim and suramar loot chances are 100% broken since i fished there 8 hours+ and no luck with either bait or fish
probably the ancient black barracuda and axefish too , haven't really went and farmed those ones but no way i can really test it since it has low drop chance so its probably unlucky

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Pinocchio Evreiesc
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Post Posted: 30-01-2019, 21:10:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ok, hermit is fixed, magic frog fixed. Seerspine puffer doesnt count toward achievement but sleeping murloc drops now. I think its because the puffer gets added to our bags when we walk over the fishes left by the murloc on the ground instead of looting it from fishing bobber.

The bait for thundering stormray is the worst because you need the Moosehorn Hook to drop first (2% chance) to get that buff to be able to fish silverscale minnow (1% chance) to then be able to fish the stormray which is 8%

Graybelly Lobster same situation as stormray. Soggy drakescale is only 1% chance.

I have fished for Demonic Detritus to catch tainted runescale koi in suramar ever since your post from above, i got the sleeping murloc the enchanted lure but never the demonic detritus.


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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 31-01-2019, 04:17:52 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@K0s can you fix fishing on Margoss' island? its frustrating that we aren't able to use arcane lure to catch the bait for rare fish... it should be way more easier to get.. please fix this
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Post Posted: 31-01-2019, 12:13:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Increased the drop chance for baits that are fished using the Moosehorn Hook.

clericbattle wrote:
@K0s can you fix fishing on Margoss' island? its frustrating that we aren't able to use arcane lure to catch the bait for rare fish... it should be way more easier to get.. please fix this

Open new bug report, but it's not prio because I already increased the drop chances for ~all baits.

I'll take a look at the "not counting towards the achiev" issue.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 31-01-2019, 15:02:31 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

the chances for other baits/fishes have been increased like you said so except 2 of them : graybelly lobster : moosehorn hook (wich is used to help drop the bait in stormheim)

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Pinocchio Evreiesc
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Post Posted: 31-01-2019, 15:07:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Decayed whale blubber needs a bump in drop chance aswell since it has an average of ~0.35% chance to drop, and the fish of this bait the ancient black barracuda is just 0.16%.

Message in a beer bottle same problem, ~0.28% drop chance and the fish of this bait, the axefish, has roughly 0.14% to drop. Needs help

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Post Posted: 31-01-2019, 15:48:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Solidair wrote:
the chances for other baits/fishes have been increased like you said so except 2 of them : graybelly lobster : moosehorn hook (wich is used to help drop the bait in stormheim)

Moosehorn hook drop is ok. Everything else is fixed.

Pinocchio Evreiesc wrote:
Decayed whale blubber needs a bump in drop chance aswell since it has an average of ~0.35% chance to drop, and the fish of this bait the ancient black barracuda is just 0.16%.

Message in a beer bottle same problem, ~0.28% drop chance and the fish of this bait, the axefish, has roughly 0.14% to drop. Needs help


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Pinocchio Evreiesc
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Post Posted: 31-01-2019, 19:06:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Please change the drop % for ancient black barracuda and Axefish, its still 0.16% and 0.12%. It would take hundreds of fish while having bait buffs to actually catch those and you usually are only able to catch 4-5 fish in a 2 minute buff window....its insane.

Check this guy in the video (this is the same video guide i followed on retail to get my artifact rod in 8.0.1) at 10:45, "the hard part is getting the bait, once you have that you'll usually catch the rare fish within the 2 minute time window" and this is accurate you can even see it throughout the vid he usually gets the rare fish 1-3 casts after he puts bait on.

Ill leave it up to you to decide how much you will increase the chance but it cant stay how it is right now, the guy in the vid at the end of his achievement had fished 1089 fish total, i cant even write safely in this thread how many fish i fished since i started the achievement or i might get banned for ppl thinking im a fish bot.


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Post Posted: 31-01-2019, 19:16:21 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Pinocchio Evreiesc wrote:
Please change the drop % for ancient black barracuda and Axefish, its still 0.16% and 0.12%. It would take hundreds of fish while having bait buffs to actually catch those and you usually are only able to catch 4-5 fish in a 2 minute buff window....its insane.

Check this guy in the video (this is the same video guide i followed on retail to get my artifact rod in 8.0.1) at 10:45, "the hard part is getting the bait, once you have that you'll usually catch the rare fish within the 2 minute time window" and this is accurate you can even see it throughout the vid he usually gets the rare fish 1-3 casts after he puts bait on.

Ill leave it up to you to decide how much you will increase the chance but it cant stay how it is right now, the guy in the vid at the end of his achievement had fished 1089 fish total, i cant even write safely in this thread how many fish i fished since i started the achievement or i might get banned for ppl thinking im a fish bot.



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Post Posted: 31-01-2019, 21:49:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Fixed Ghostly Queenfish, Oodelfjisk, Seerspine Puffer not counting towards the achievement. Live after restart
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