
[REJECTED] Random Disconnect in M+ causing phasing to m0

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Post Posted: 06-02-2019, 09:02:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Bug description: While doing my M+ (m18 NL),I got a random disconnect just before Dargul the Underking.When i logged back I was phased into an M0 whereas my teammates were still in the m18.However the key couldnt be completed with one member phased out.This has happened to me before too.Getting disconnected because of a sudden lag spike or bad connection and logging back in to find my character as a ghost in a different instance thereby ruining the key.In the previous patch we could continue the key inspite of losing a player cause of bad connection.However this phasing prevents us from even attempting to complete the key( no matter whether if its on time or not).Even on retail we would lose some time cause of random disconnects,but we could still complete the key nonetheless.

I made a ticket about this and was informed that this has been done in the current patch to prevent players from "Exploiting".While its understandable that exploiting keys and raids is a serious offense and must be dealt strictly,I dont understand why a player who gets randomly disconnected through no fault of theirs (bad connection/lag spike,router resets)even for less than a minute shouldn't be allowed to complete their own keys.
Most of us get errors on a daily basis because of poor connection and if this continues we will not be able to complete a high m+ because there is always a risk of a player getting phased out because he got some connection error.

I was also told that "if you disconnect,there is nothing you can do about it".
So what I surmise from this is because of a few people exploiting and pushing impossible keys,the entire playerbase is punished for this?I personally do not have an excellent connection with the server 100% of the time and I do get random disconnects more often than not.So the only way for me to do a key is hope to high heaven that i don't get disconnected halfway through while running it.Why can't we atleast complete the dungeon even if some time is lost like how it was in the previous patch here on freakz itself.This current phasing out to m0 is a real hassle and is currently being detrimental for us players to do challenging content for the sole reason that after spending 40mins in a run there is a chance you ll get a lag spike/disconnect and everything was for naught.

It is understandable when everyone goes offline due to a server crash and keys are restored to what they were.But in this case a simple disconnect of a few seconds of one player causes the entire party running the key to suffer.I earnestly hope you provide a solution to this.Some of us just run M+ keys to help people get weekly bests and even that has become difficult with the current phasing issue.

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Post Posted: 06-02-2019, 10:57:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Kill your char > revive

Unstuck from site and delete wow cache

Cannot replicate

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