
Inscription Issue

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 19-02-2019 15:13)
Joined: 27 Jan 2019
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Post Posted: 16-02-2019, 02:38:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Gave up on Herbalism for the time being, until its fixed, and now another issue.
Some of the skills to make items I need to advance my Inscription are for no reason moved to "unlearned". Is there a reason for this?
Take Ink of Dreams for example, I need to make it to advance yet the recipe for it is no longer available?

Not sure what to do at this point, other than pick endless legion herbs for the RARE as hell drop I need to do ALL of the skill advancements required for the profession.

Some help would be appreciated.



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