
We have the right to kick each other's butts

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 03-03-2019, 22:43:18 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hey guys,
At first, i want to say that im not trying to hate on WoWFreakz, it's an amazing server and devs do a god damn good job scripting Legion content for all of us! <3


I've always been PVE based player, well since WotLK, but now i fell in love with PVP. The feeling when u outplay someone with actual brain (questionable in some cases) and not AI is just priceless. However WoWFreakz has been and still is more PVE based server rather than PVP. Which is really sad. Ye, we have rated arenas and stuff, but that's not the problem im trying to point out. The problem is that WoWFreakz seems to have some ,,superior classes" in PVP which are dominating in PVP more than others. We have to consider individual skill of a player too, but let's be honest right here and right now guys. Have you ever met for example a Rogue which would kick the soul out of Blood / Unholy DK? Nah, me neither.

Example of superior classes:

DK (Blood, Unholy)
Warr (Fury)
Lock (Afli)
Priest (Shadow)

I would say those are the most OP classes and their specs atm. I personaly play on two chars, one being Demon Hunter (Havoc) and second being Mage (Frost) and i've noticed that when i try to PVP as Mage, i kick everyone's butt (cuz im Mage obviously) untill some DK comes in and grips me. Im running the talent which makes you have two blinks but sometimes, when there are more than 2 enemies, it's just not enough to get away. Or when im on my Demon Hunter and i self-heal like there's no tommorow (im running Demonic build). Afli Lock puts his DoTs on me as it's expected -same example like Shadow Priest- and it's really easy to outheal those in my Demon form, but there's that ,,Death timer" also known as ,,Duration of my Metamorph.". When my Meta runs out i feel like i have a fatal disease and im just waiting for my time. Im running a bit of Leech too, but BGs throw my Leech stats straight 6 feet under.

The point of this topic is to let devs know, that there are many of us, who love to play PVP and that they shall balance it and care about it more than since now. <3
I know all of you are superhyped about continuing your ToS runs and you want to fight that red bloody bastard at the end as soon as possible, but let this message fly across Freakz forums:

,,Bring your conflicts to battlegrounds and arenas instead of world chat!"

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 04-03-2019, 12:59:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Balance what?

Look at the class bugs and count them.
Don't cry on forum that you love PVP but you are a PVE hero after all. You don't know what PVP is.

When all the class bugs are fixed, the situation will be different.

Furthermore, unholy dk is actually fixed and working as it should. If you think it is OP, blame blizzard.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 14-03-2019, 12:02:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Personally I feel bgs are very one-sided on freakz, and most of the time it's because of how many healers are on each team. If I join a bg where I'll have a hard time solo contributing as a rogue (basically anything other than kotmogu where I can 1 shot orb carriers), and I see the enemy team has 1 or 2 more healers than on my team, I just leave and save myself 10min of getting ganked and graveyard farmed. That's the biggy problem; you often have 1 or 2 or 3 healers on one team, and 0 healers on the other. The outcome of the bg is decided before the gates open.
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 28-03-2019, 18:56:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ye more attention for the pvp section please =)
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