
Duels in Legion

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 18-03-2019, 11:47:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

We should have an area in the world where we can duel with pvp templates on.

I was watching an all-craft episode on youtube and i remembered all the great times i had infront of orgrimmar dueling people, it was some of my best times playing world of warcraft. I used to spend hours dueling in wrath and classic servers, it was one of the best features.

But in legion wpvp is busted, rogues one shot you, blood dk's and tanks in general never die. ferals can kill only by using artifact ability etc.
Wouldn't it be awesome to relive the awesome duels from classic, tbc and wrath in a outdoor dueling area with stat templates on. Without all the bullshit abilites and effects that make legion duels so bad. I beleave this would be a great improvment to legion and something blizzard them selves didnt do on retail.

Freakz can make pvp in Legion relevant with just this one thing, an area where ppl can practice and improve, learn their class and maybe gather enough courage to try out Arenas or battlegrounds! (and find some friends)

thanks for reading, leave a comment and a like! Hope we get this soon! -

link to all craft episode where sodapoppin talks about this issue:

P.S. fix dying after duels -

Last edited by Feelsbadman on 18-03-2019, 14:12:12; edited 1 time in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 19-03-2019, 02:20:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

That sounds like a lot of work (I can only assume) but damn I gotta admit, your idea is amazing.

I remember playing on a private server (wotlk) many years ago, and they had teleports to dire maul arena. Pvp was enabled at all times, so people formed groups and farmed corpses for days, but it was still fun. Dueling (with stat squish ofc) in dire maul would be hella fun.

Last edited by klender44 on 19-03-2019, 02:24:04; edited 1 time in total
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