-*- [ZP] Class: Human: NightVision Human -*-
This plugin is part of Zombie Plague Mod and is distributed under the
terms of the GNU General Public License. Check ZP_ReadMe.txt for details.
#include <amxmodx>
#include <cstrike>
#include <zp50_class_human>
#include <zp50_class_survivor>
#include <zp50_items>
#include <zp50_core>
#include <zombieplague>
#include <zp50_colorchat>
#include <zmvip>
//nightvision Human Attributes
new const humanclass1_name[] = "Eagle Eyes Human"
new const humanclass1_info[] = "[Free Nightvision,Press N]"
new const humanclass1_models[][] = { "leet" }
const humanclass1_health = 200
const Float:humanclass1_speed = 1.0
const Float:humanclass1_gravity = 0.91
new g_night_human
new g_ItemNighvisionID
public plugin_precache()
register_plugin("[ZP] Class: Human: Nightvision Human", ZP_VERSION_STRING, "ZP Dev Team")
g_night_human = zp_class_human_register(humanclass1_name, humanclass1_info, humanclass1_health, humanclass1_speed, humanclass1_gravity)
new index
for (index = 0; index < sizeof humanclass1_models; index++)
zp_class_human_register_model(g_night_human, humanclass1_models[index])
public plugin_cfg()
g_ItemNighvisionID = zp_items_get_id("Nightvision")
public zp_fw_core_spawn_post(id)
if(zp_class_human_get_next(id) == g_night_human)
zp_items_force_buy(id, g_ItemNighvisionID, true)
zp_colored_print(id, " You are using ^x04Eagle Eyes Human class^x01,You have Free Nightvision,just Press ^x04N^x01 to use!")
public zp_fw_core_cure_post(id)
if(zp_class_human_get_next(id) == g_night_human)
zp_items_force_buy(id, g_ItemNighvisionID, true)
zp_colored_print(id, " You are using ^x04Eagle Eyes Human class^x01,You have Free Nightvision,just Press ^x04N^x01 to use!")