
7.2.5 Enhancement Shaman PvE guide

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Post Posted: 28-05-2019, 18:27:05 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

7.2.5 Enhancement Shaman PVE Guide


6.Gear choices


Enhancement shaman is a melee dps class that excels in single target and cleave 3+ target damage.
Maintaining maelstrom is the key to mastering the spec. One of the best specs for target swapping
and a all around fun spec to play.


Strong single target burst potential due to artifact spell Doom Winds and Feral Spirits which generates maelstrom for you, which makes it easier to focus on your burst.

Your Crash lightning ability makes it so that your Stormstrike and Lava Lash cleave targets in front of you for some solid damage.

High mobility due to Ghost Wolf form and Spirit Walk.

Fair amount of CC abilities with Hex, Earthbind totem, and various talent options.

Provides support to the group with Stormlash


Lacks strong instant aoe.
Quite squishy outside Astral Shift.
Needs a lot of haste in order to keep your maelstrom up.



-Damage talents

Landslide is usually the way to go, both in m+ dungeons and raids, it gives a 8% agility buff when you use Rockbiter, which makes it amazing for sustain damage since you will constantly be using it.
Hot Hand has its place if you have the legendary Akainu’s Absolute Justice, which slightly changes up your rotation and talent choices to focus around big lava lash hits.
Windsong isn’t as useful as the other 2, it could have a place in PvP for bursting with Ascendance


-Utility talents

Rainfall is a solid option in most cases, mostly in raids where you can provide decent healing to the group.
Feral Lunge is a mobility talent, similar to Warriors charge, its recommended in fights that require a lot of movement.
Wind Rush Totem is basically a miniature Stampeding Roar, it gives players that pass 10 yards near it a 60% movement speed buff, overall a amazing utility spell.


-CC Talents

Lightning Surge Totem is good aoe stun that takes 2 seconds to charge up, overall a great choice for M+
Earthgrab Totem is a aoe root, useful for Necrotic and kiting mobs.
Voodoo totem is only a good choice in certain dungeons, since hex can only affect Humanoids and Beasts. I recommend using it if you have a lot of aoe stuns in the group.


-Passive damage increase talents

Lightning shield is useless in almost any situation, the damage is too low to compete with other 2 talent choices.
Ancestral swiftness is a flat 6% haste increase which means you will be using it in most cases since haste is your most beneficial stat.
Hailstorm has its place with Hot hands and the legendary wrist, it adds on bonus damage and makes you use Frostbrand in your rotation to keep up the buff and utilize the legendary wrist effect to its fullest.


-Passive damage increase talents

Tempest is the way to go in most cases because you will be casting Stormstrike on priority over all other spells.
Overcharge is a talent that slightly changes your rotation, It’s probably better that Tempest with lower gear but as you gain haste it will make your rotation a bit clunky since you will always want to use it with 40 maelstrom.
Empowered Stormlash isn’t really a viable choice for personal damage, it is however good to take it with the legendary ring Soul of the Farseer to slightly increase the damage of your group.


-AoE talents

Crashing Storm is useful in stationary aoe fights, you will want to use Crash Lightning on cooldown with this talent.
Fury of air is good for single target fights and aoe fights with lots of movement, it does good damage but also slowly drains your maelstrom, I don’t recommend using it if you’re low on haste so you don’t have trouble managing maelstrom.
Sundering is a active 40 second cooldown spell that knocks enemies it hits to the side, useful for interrupts if the group lacks cc, but mostly only used in pvp because the other 2 spells outrank it in damage.


-Damage boosts

Ascendance is used in fights where you require fast bursts of damage since it reduces the cooldown of your stormstrike by 80% and makes it ignore armor.
Boulderfist makes your rockbiter do 20% more damage and reduces its cooldown by 15% , good for aoe situations and lower haste for more maelstrom gains
Earthen spike is a strong single target pick, it makes your target take 30% more damage from you for 10 seconds, its on a short 20 second cooldown and you’ll want to line it up with your bursts for the most damage.



Two of your most benefitial stats are haste and mastery, mastery increases the fire nature and frost damage you deal, plus it increases the proc chance of windfury and stormbringer. Haste increases your attack speed and reduces the cooldown of Flametongue, Rockbiter, Crash Lightning and Stormstrike. Your passive Maelstrom Weapons makes your attacks grant you 5 maelstrom per hit, on top of that a new trait Winds of Change gives your windfury attacks 2 more maelstrom on top of that. So basically having more haste makes you generate maelstrom more efficiently so you’re able to cast more spells. You want to have your mastery above 70% and haste above 20% at all times, the more mastery you have the better. For enchants you will usually want Mark of the Claw for the haste proc, if you lack mastery Mark of the Trained Soldier will do. For gem sockets you will want to get Quick Dawnlight for +150 haste. For your cloak you will want to get Enchant Cloak-Binding of agility. For the rings you’ll want Enchant Ring-Binding of haste. You should also aim to get around 10% Vers if you can.


This will be a rundown of your basic rotation, some legendaries may change it up a bit (Akainu’s Absolute Justice, Emalon’s Charged Core, Storm Tempest,Soul of the Farseer).
You will start at the pull countdown, you use
Potion of Prolonged Power at 2 seconds, wait for the tank to pull then use your Feral Spirits and Bloodlust so that they and the other pets your group may have gain the haste buff, after that you want to get your Flametongue,Landslide and Fury of Air up, then you use Earthen Spike and cast Doom Winds and start using as much Stormstrikes as you can in the Earthen Spike Window. While your Feral Spirits are up you need to watch out not to be at 100% maelstrom so you don’t waste any, so you cast Crash Lightning to spend it. The rest of the rotation while not in burst consists of keeping your buffs up, and prioritizing Stormstrike procs. Lava lash is used when you don’t have Stormstrike up or when you have a big amount of Lashing Flames stacks.
In a AoE scenario you should always cast
Crash Lightning with Feral Spirits so that they do AoE damage, use Crash Lightning on cooldown and watch out not to run out of maelstrom so that your Fury of Air doesn’t get turned off. Your Stormstrike has a chance to proc Unleash Doom for 5 seconds, which makes your spells do bonus damage, during the proc you want to use as much spells as you can so you fully utilize the damage boost.

Example build


One of the better Shaman legendaries to have in all 3 specs, since you gain the 30% haste from Bloodlust for 70 seconds. Since haste is your best stat this is a really useful legendary to have.

A defensive and a stat legendary, in my opinion one of the most useful legendaries out there, especially since enhancement doesn’t have defensive abilities apart from Astral Shift.

BiS AoE legendary, used only when there is 3+ targets for the 10% damage increase.

A great single target legendary, best used with Eye of the Twisting Nether, it requires you to use Hailstorm and Hot hands. One of the best single target legendaries if utilized properly.

BiS single target legendary, although its rng due to the proc chance it really is worth it expecially in mythic runs where the fights are longer. Ascendance makes you ignore armor so you could have 10 seconds of really good damage multiple times during a fight, plus the stats on in are mastery and haste making it even more good.

A mediocre legendary at best, you have to constantly target swap in order to get really benign amounts of damage.

A defensive legendary, heals you while standing still, good for solo content, gives you a lot of haste on its own, overall a pretty decent legendary.

A situational legendary, best used as a part of a equipment set you put on in between pulls in order to get your Feral Spirits back faster. Also useful for fights where you’re not attacking the boss for some parts of the fight for example Goroth.

Pretty good for m+ dungeons and certain bosses where it can be utilized.

BiS legendary in all situations, gives you a flat out dmg increase, a lot of haste and mastery.

A mediocre legendary, you could use it with overcharge but personally the rotation feels too clunky that way so you’d be better off with empowered stormlash.

It has its uses in m+ for aoe purposes, but mostly its good because it gives you a lot of agility.

6.Gear Choices

T20- Tomb of Sargeras

You should aim for the 4p if possible, stat wise the best possible combination would be either: Helm, Hands, Shoulders, Chest or Helm, Cloak, Shoulders,Chest if you’re using the legendary hands. For Aoe if you’re using the legendary chest you should go with Hands,Helm,Cloak,Shoulders. For the rest of ToS you should aim to get Feet from Harjatan, Cloak from Goroth, Legs from Demonic Inquisiton Finger from Harjatan, Waist from Sisters, Engine of Eradication from Maiden, and relics from Inquisition and Harjatan

T-19 Nighthold ﴿

Although a older tier Nighthold still has a really good 2p for Enhancement giving them a 10% damage increase on Stormstrike. Stat wise best pieces you could get for that are Helm, Shoulders, Cloak and Legs. You should also get Convergence of Fates from Elisande since it reduces the cooldown of your Feral Spirits so you can use it in AoE situations.


One of the best trinkets for Enhancement shamans, gives you a lot of haste and has a really good uptime, its obtained from Ursoc in Emerald Nightmare.

Generally considered to be one of the best trinkets purely because of the raw stats it gives you, obtained either trough Withered J’im or by getting it trough luck at the broken shore vendor for 5000 Nethershards.

A good choice if you have enough haste, gives you a lot of agility and mastery, obtained from Maiden of Vigilance in Tomb of Sargeras.


For your relics you should look at the priority
1.Wind Strikes
2.Wind Surge
3.Weapons of the Elements
4.Forged in Lava

I hope you found this guide useful, for any further info message me ingame


Last edited by Shammybro on 30-06-2019, 18:50:02; edited 1 time in total
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It looks really nice.

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